The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic: Feb. 12, 1925
FINIS WRITTEN IN HIGH SCHOOL CASE: The final chapter in the Stronghurst Community High School litigation, which has been carried on for nearly two years, was written last Friday when the Illinois Supreme Court denied the motion by attorneys for the plaintiffs last December when the court handed down a decision establishing the validity of the organization of the high school district and of the election of its Board of Education.
OBITUARY ALMA VICTORIA OTTOSON: After a sustained struggle against the ravages of that insidious disease, pneumonia, Miss Victoria Ottoson passed away at the home of her brother-in-law, Fred O. Johnson, southwest of Stronghurst on Feb. 9th. Alma Victoria Ottoson was born in??ngsbodia, Biekinge, Sweden on Nov. 29, 1883 making her age at the time of her death, 41 years, 2 months and 9 days. She came to this county in 1910 and with the exception of a short period spent in Minneapolis, Minn., has made her home in this vicinity since that time. She is survived by her parents, one sister and one brother all living in Sweden and by one brother, Wm. Ottoson and her brother-in-law, Fred Johnson and children of this vicinity:Services were conduced at the Swedish Lutheran Church with interment in the local cemetery.
HIGH HONORS FOR RAYMOND JOHNSON: Recently, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson received the very fine news that their son Raymond was one of the honor students at Hedding College. Raymond has been doing exceptionally fine work and besides his high grades has been the active editor of the Hedding College Graphic. Fifteen hours of straight A along with many other activities which are finding Raymond attention certainly is a mighty fine record.
CORN CULLING SCHOOL: Farm Advisor Walker held corn culling schools in Lomax, Terre Haute and Raritan Townships assisted by John Dowell at Lomax, W. P. Moore at Terre Haute and John Keane at Raritan. Seed corn selection was thoroughly discussed and judging from the attendance, the farmers are very much interested in this project. Although the roads are almost impossible, Walker plants to continue these meetings during the next weeks. Let's see which township shows the most interest:
NOTED TRAVELER TO SPEAK: Next Monday evening, Feb. 16th A. L. Flude, noted traveler and lecturer will appear at the Stronghurst U.P. Church in the final number of the season's Lyceum course. Mr. Flude's experiences include 15 years of journalistic work with various weekly and daily papers and metropolitan magazines, welfare work in the army during the late war, many thousands of miles of travel in foreign countries and out of the way places of the world and an intimate acquaintanceship with many of the greatest men and women of America gained through his connection as manager with two great Chautauqua Bureaus (Culture comes to the "Magic City" which Stronghurst was called at this time.)
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mr. William Finch of the Carman neighborhood is reported to have passed away at this home Wednesday night. Dickie Berg, young son of Mr. .and Mrs. Al Berg, was taken to a Burlington hospital and underwent an operation for the removal of his tonsils and adenoids. The weather hereabouts for the past week has been of kaleidoscopic order with alternating days of warm sunshine, cold freezing weather, thunderstorms and snow storms. As a result, the unpaved roads are becoming well nigh impassable. J. F. Mains, postmaster, left on vacation stopping at his brother's in Palos Park, Ill. and taking in some sights in Chicago. His son Philip and daughter Ruth will have charge of the office until he returns.
(This ad appeared on the front page of the paper.) WANTED: the sick, the sinful or discouraged to write to me and tell me your troubles. If my methods of treating disease and trouble does not benefit you, there will be no charges for my time. If you are benefitted, you will desire to do something for me. If you do so, you may send a stamp for reply. For your encouragement I will say that cases of tuberculosis, heart trouble stomach trouble and grief have been healed under my method of treatment and will send names of parties upon request. Address: Mrs. Rose L. Work, 311 North First Street, Monmouth, Illinois. (How extraordinary! A healer nearby.)
ROAD THROUGH AVON: The main street of the village of Avon in Fulton County is to be a part of state bond issue Route No. 41 between Prairie City and Abingdon; the contract for work has been let recently to Cameron-Joyce Co. of Keokuk, Iowa. This will give the village about a half mile of paved street. The paving is to be done by the village and the width of the pavement will vary from 30-54 ft. the full width of the street. The state will bear its share of the expense in the amount of what the cost of the regular concrete strip would be.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Garrett, southeast of town is under quarantine on account of their son, Coleman, being ill of scarlet fever. Every precaution has been used to prevent the spread of the disease and it is thought that no new cases outside of this home will develop. It was reported that Mrs. Garrett has the fever, but the paper cannot vouch for this report. The Freshman class of the high school had a party at the Academy Thursday evening with each member allowed to invite one guest. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sullivan have moved to a farm near Stronghurst and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hendrickson will move to the Sullivan property instead of that of Mrs. Schroeder as reported a few weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. George Admire. have moved to Dallas City as he has been transferred there as section foreman. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. George Admire, Jr. and Percy Wilcox, who will work with Mr. Admire. Their daughter, Mrs. Olive Worrell of Monmouth came over and accompanied them to help them get settled in their new home. This family will be greatly missed in this community as they always stood for the right in all things and their youngsters were quite popular among the younger set. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norville has been quite ill of pneumonia for several days. Mr. and Mrs. F.I. Baskett and son Roy have rented the Robert Thompson farm southeast of town with possession March 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Barnard White have purchased the George admire property and expect to take possession at once. Mr. and Mrs. George Wax who have been living in the U.P. Parsonage will occupy the property they vacated.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Ilene Olson, the 8-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Olson, who reside on the Brush farm northwest of Stronghurst, passed away at the Burlington Hospital today. Relatives have received word that George Beckett passed away this Wednesday morning at Colorado Springs, Colo. It is not known at this time whether the body will be brought back here or to his home at Carrollton, Mo. for burial Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Allison and family who concluded a visit with Ed's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Allison, who returned to their home at Butler, Mo. Their visit here was prolonged by the illness of their son who was a victim of chicken pox They were accompanied on their journey home by Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Allison who will spend the remainder of the winter at Sulphur Springs, Ark.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Miss Madeline White has been chosen as leader for the affirmative debating team of Knox College at Galesburg. The team which she will represent will debate with Iowa University in Galesburg in the near future. Resolved: "That Capital Punishment Should be Abolished." Friends of Mr. Frank Johnson of near South Henderson Church will be sorry to hear that he is having trouble with a growth on his lip and he, in company with Clayton James of Gladstone, left for Chicago where he expects to have it removed. Mrs. Ed Wiegand entertained recently a company of friends who were club members when in Stronghurst and in which she still belongs. A two-course lunch was served. The afternoon was spent in playing Bridge. Miss Hazel Weir received first prize and Mrs. E. G. Burkett the booby prize. Fourteen people enjoyed the afternoon. The young people of the United Presbyterian Church are rehearsing a play, "The Path Across the Hill," which they expect to give sometime in March. W. T. Weir returned home from a several weeks stay at Los Angles and Santa Ana, Calif. Four children of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jamison have been suffering with scarlet fever.
Graham Stewart and Harold White had quite an experience last Thursday evening while on their way to Monmouth to attend a basketball game. They were in the Ford sedan of Stewart's when they collided with a loose horse near Monmouth on the hard road south of Town. The car was a total wreck, but the young men got off with only a bad shaking up. Harry Rankin returned to his home in Monmouth after a several days stay at the H. G. Garrity home where he has been in assistance in caring for Mr. Garrity who has been bedfast since Xmas and who the past few days is quite low having suffered a number of hemorrhages. Mrs. A. L. Brouse left for Weaver, Iowa, where she went to assist in the care of her son Clyde who has just recently returned from an operation at the hospital and at the present time is quite ill with mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boyd expect to move to a farm northeast of Monmouth as soon as the roads are better. Mrs. Harry Foster of South Henderson and Mrs. Frank Whiteman of Biggsville were in Monmouth attending a meeting of the executive board of Monmouth Presbytery. Plans were made for issuing of invitations for the Women's General Missionary Conference to be held there in 1926.
(Scarlet fever is a bacterial illness that develops in some people who have strep throat. It is also known as scarlatina; it features a bright red rash that covers most of the body. Almost always it is accompanied by high fever and a sore throat.)-Wikipedia
LOMAX LINGERINGS: Born to Elie Ray and wife of Raritan Jan. 30th twin girls. Harry Crane returned home from the Burlington Hospital. Chas. Hazen and wife had a Super Hetrodyne radio set installed in their home. (I bet the neighbors found a reason to visit.) Geo. Roth purchased the store building and contents of H. N. Livermore; the Roth's will conduct a candy shop, wholesale and retail. The Mystic Amusement held forth at the Freeland Hall, having regular moving pictures with vaudeville. Rev. J. B. King return home from the Burlington Hospital, his condition very gratifying as his sight was early restored to the one eye that was operated upon. Harold Allison, east of Stronghurst, has been dangerously ill with pneumonia at the Allison farm; his condition is reported as slightly improved. Bob Shafer accompanied his grandfather, Germanicus Bowen to East Moline where Mr. Bowen has employment in a greenhouse.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Alex Marshall had the misfortune to get the third finger of his left hand broken while helping with some butchering at the farm west of Stronghurst. Hugh Byers, a Colusa, Ill. merchant, escaped death by what seemed a miracle last Thursday when the automobile in which he was driving to LaHarpe was struck by a Quincy branch passenger train on a crossing south of Colusa and reduced to junk. Byers was picked up unconscious from the wreckage and rushed to a Burlington hospital where he was found to be suffering from many cuts and bruises and serious internal injuries. It is believed that he will recover.
Mr. R. N. Marshall returned from a visit of several days in Chicago and Battle Creek, Mich. He accompanied a shipment of cattle to Chicago and then went to St. Joseph Hospital to consult specialists in regard to the condition of his eyes. On their advice, he submitted to a slight operation for the removal of a film in the nature of a cataract from his left eye. He reports that the latest operation has caused a very satisfactorily improvement in his eye sight. While waiting the convenience of the operation surgeon in his case, Mr. Marshall made a brief visit to Battle Creek, Mich.visiting at the J. P. Reasoner home.
OBITUARY***MRS. SARAH JANE DOWNS*** Mrs. Downs, whose maiden name was McCelland, was born in Washington, Iowa on March 3, 1851. With her parents she moved to Olena, Ill. and in 1857 her mother passed away. Then for several years she made her home with an elderly couple by the name of Putney. Mr. Putney was conducting a general store in Olena. She was united in marriage to Isaac L. Downs on March 24, 1869, who at that time was conducting a drug store in Olena. A few years later they moved to Pottawattamie County, Iowa, but later in 1883 they moved to Nance County, Nebraska, where they purchased a farm and resided until Mr. Downs suffered a general breakdown in health. They sold the farm and purchased property in Fullerton, Nebraska. To this union were born James S. Downs, Duluth, Minn.; E. E. Downs, Wichita, Kansas; Mrs. Frank Carrier, Davenport, Iowa; Mrs. E. R. Copple, Okanogan, Washington; Ernest Downs, Cedar Rapid, Nebraska (that is what the paper said); Mrs. F. S. Ander, Chicago, Ill.; and Mrs. J.W. Keller, Fullerton Nebraska. The deceased was preceded in death by one child, Mary Ida, aged 6 years. Her husband, Isaac L. Downs, died Jan. 6, 1920 and the deceased passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Keller in Fullerton, Jan. 12, 1925. She is survived by seven children, 21 grandchildren, two brothers, S. L. McClelland of Washington, Iowa and W.H. Bishop of Wichita, Kansas. Of her immediate family, all were present but one daughter, Mrs. E. R. Copple of Okanogan, Washington. Mrs. Downs was a member of the Presbyterian Church from early childhood. Funeral services were held in the First Presbyterian Church of Fullerton. Her remains were laid to rest beside her husband in Riverside Cemetery. Mrs. Isaac Downs was a sister-in-law of Mrs. John Lant of Olena. (Note the history of Olena: a general store run by Putney and a drugstore by Mr. Downs. Today, as one drives through the village, it is hard to imagine that it once was the largest town in the south part of the county.)
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Quite a number are suffering much inconveniences from bad colds and some quite sick with LaGrippe. Among the later are John Lant and wife, Virgil Davis and family, Mrs. Jessie Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lyons and probably many others. Roads are said to be almost impossible in some places and noticed old "Dobbin" (a horse) had to be brought into use this Monday morning in getting teachers and pupils to their respective schools. Those having to attend County Court also had to abandon the automobile and take a circuitous route by was of Burlington, Iowa. The funeral service for Mrs. Opal Carlson held in the Olena church was largely attended. Harold Simonson and family are expecting to locate on his parent's farm south and east of Stronghurst. Mr. and Mrs. Paley Payton will move to the home they vacated and work for Mr. Lyman Ross.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Frederick Crane returned to attend Carthage College. The I.O.O. F. booster meeting was well attended considering the roads they had to contend with. The degree was put on by Stronghurst degree staff. (Lodges were very popular at this time period as a social activity.) Wm. Babcook is reported having the flu. Paul Babcook has the flu and could not attend high school at Dallas City. The Ladies Aid Society just finished a quilt for Mrs. Fred Clover and will soon put in one for Mrs. A.C. Babcook. The Carman Farmers Telephone Co. held their annual meeting and elected the following officers, A.C. Babcook, president; Harry Coffman, Secretary; James Good, Treasurer and Archie Vaughn, Director. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Pendry passed away at their home Monday. The little one only lived nine days. Burial was in the Carman Cemetery. Mrs. A. E. Cowdry is on the sick list and Mr. August Rehling is down with LaGrippe. W. H. Cross brought his wife home from Monmouth Hospital; she is gaining strength rapidly. Johnny Johnson who had been employed by Joe Peasley on the Ed Stine farm has rented the Loren Morey property recently purchased by Wm. Ogden in the east part of town; Mr. Johnson and his family will again become residents here. On. Jan. 2nd of last year 843 acres of land in Mercer County, formerly owned by the Rayburn brothers of Roseville, were sold at Master in Chancery sale for $67.600. The sale was set aside by the court and a resale ordered. The second sale occurred on Thursday of last week and the property was sold at $77,600 or $10,000 more than the best bid of the previous sale.