The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1925 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic: Mar5, 1925

PUT ON A GOOD SHOW: The benefit entertainment put on by the Stronghurst High School Junior class at the Lyric Theatre last Thursday evening furnished the patrons an hour or two of real diversion. The affair was a medley of burlesque sketches, comic opera and musical novelties with a two-reel comedy film for an appetizer and a seven-reel drama film for dessert. Some very clever hits and take offs in which local school conditions and individual peculiarities were parodied after the manner employed by the famous gridiron Club of Washington, were features of the dialogue sketches. In the comic opera parts of the representations of scenes from the" Mikado" the costuming of the performers being particularly effective.

HEARD INAUGURAL MESSAGE: The inaugural ceremonies at Washington yesterday were listened to by a large proportion of the citizens of Stronghurst. Business was toa large degree suspended during the period from 11 am to 1 pm , the regular school programs were interrupted in order to give the pupils the opportunity of "listening in," and there were private radio parties held in a number of home. Reception conditions were unusually good, there being but little static or other interference:Most of the sets were tuned in with sending station WHO at Des Moines, Iowa:(full copy of the address included in this issue.)

CIRCUIT COURT NOTES: Circuit Court convened at Oquawka Monday morning with Judge Frank presiding. The Grand Jury was organized by the selection of R.J. Porter of Lomax as foreman and Sam Howell of Stronghurst as clerk. The grand jury retired to take up the investigation of criminal charges. They completed their work with four indictments, two for burglary and larceny, one for forgery and one for obtaining money under false pretenses. After making their report, the grand jury was discharged. Court adjourned on Tuesday afternoon until Thursday morning.

The time of court, thus far, has been principally taken up with the entering of orders and matters of routine. The firs jury case will be a suit brought by P.J. Johnson of this place against dr. H.L. Marshall to recover damages for injuries alleged to have resulted from medical treatment:Following the dispensation of this case, court will probably be adjourned until next week. The case in which an effort will be made to set aside the Harbinson will is docketed to begin when court reconvenes next week.

HE'S DEAD: Abrahm Liby, aged 81, a resident of Kirkwood, Ill. for many years, ended his life by hanging himself in the basement of his home last Tuesday morning, March 3rd, sometime between 5 and 7 o'clock. Mr. Liby had been a sufferer from Bright's disease for several years and worry over his condition is supposed to have caused him to commit the rash act. There was no one at home except his aged wife at the time and the body was discovered until sometime after death occurred.

The deceased is survived by his wife, formerly Angeline Lucas, and by the following children: Bert Liby of Biggsvillle who is now at Long Beach, Calif,; Will Liby of Washington; Mrs. Roy Pence of Biggsville; Glen Liby of Burlington, Iowa; Mrs. Jessie Evans of Missouri and Frank Liby of Seattle, Wash.. There are also 15 grandchildren and three great grandchildren besides numerous other relatives.

TREES MUST GO: The row of big soft Maple trees which for many years have stood as a line of sentinels along the sidewalk south of the M.E.Church in the village are falling victims to the woodman's ax this week. These trees had so encroached upon the brick sidewalk as to make their removal a matter of necessity. A new cement walk of the regulation width will take the place of the old brick walk after the trees have been removed. (End of an era for brick sidewalks and the trees.)

***OBITUARY***MRS. ANGELETTA WALKER: Mrs. Angeletta walker passed away at her home in the Francen property in the east part of Stronghurst on March 2nd at about 11:30 pm. following an attack of pneumonia. The deceased was the widow of the late Daniel Benton Walker and had made her home in Stronghurst for the past 12 years. She was born at Lima, Ohio Nov.8th, 1854, being at the time of her death 70 years, 3 months and 22 days old. She is survived by five children: Mrs. Ada Kessinger of Decorra, Ill.; Mrs. Daisy Huntley of Peoria, Ill; Henry, Clarence and Lillly Walker, all of Stronghurst. There is also one surviving sister living somewhere in the West. Funeral services were conducted at the Stronghurst Christian Church with interment in the local cemetery.

---OBITUARY---FRANKLIN PAGE RICHEY: Sandwich, Ill. Free Press-"Mr. F. P. Richey,; one of the best known and most loved men of our community died at his home in Sandwich Feb. 13, 1925 forenoon. A year ago, this winter he was in poor health and there was much anxiety on the part of his relatives and friends. With the coming of summer, there was a marked improvement in his condition. But the improvement was only temporary and since the beginning of winter, he had been gradually failing. After much suffering during the past month, he quietly passed away last Friday morning.

Franklin Page Richey, third son of Thomas G. and Lavina Richey was born at Olena, Henderson County, Illinois July 24, 1861 and was at the time of his death 63 years, six months and 11 days old. In early boyhood he met with an accident which, eventually deprived him of his eyesight. In spite of the handicap of blindness, Mr. Richey achieved a large measure of success, was interest in everything pertaining to the life of the community and lived a life of great usefulness. He was educated in the Illinois School for the Blind at Jacksonville and was a very intelligent, well informed man of rare judgment.

In early manhood Mr. Richey spent a few years in South Dakota in the vicinity of Roscoe when that part of the state was new. With the exception of those few years, his whole life was lived in Illinois. The earlier years were spent in Henderson County. About the year 1888 he came to DeKalb County where he lived the rest of his life. When he first came to this county, he lived in the United Presbyterian neighborhood northwest of Sandwich. He afterwards moved to Victor Township where he owned and operated the Sandwich creamery in connection with the one in Victor Township. In 1907 he removed to Sandwich where he resided until the time of his death.

August 20, 1903, Mr., Richey married Miss Emma Stillwell in Chicago, who has been his devoted wife and faithful helpmate for almost 23 years and who survives him. He leaves one brother, Clarence of Stronghurst, Illinois and one sister, Mrs. Dora McQuown of Sandwich.

In 1888 Mr. Richey united with the Somonauk United Presbyterian Church. In 1896 he was elected to the eldership, in which capacity he served the church until he moved to Sandwich. Shortly after coming to Sandwich on August 4, 1907, he transferred his membership to the First Presbyterian church. The following year he was elected an elder and continued a faithful and efficient member of the session until the time of his death. For several years, preceding his death, he served as chairman of the executive committee of the board of directors of the Federated Church. His counsel was sought and his judgment valued. (A description of his personal attributes follows.) The funeral service was held at the Federated Church with interment in the Oak Mound Cemetery," (A description of the funeral with out of town attendees is included in this article.)

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Clyde Mead moved from Carman to the County Farm near Oquawka where he takes the place of Sewell Shields as superintendent for the coming year. Material for the new Santa Fe bridge at Fort Madison is said to be accumulating at the proposed site and it is expected that construction work will begin with the advent of mild weather. Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Bigger of Gladstone neighborhood are the proud parents of a baby boy born March 2nd. at the lady's mother, Clara Leinbach's home. The little fellow will answer to the name of Bernard Gale. Walter Gould and family, former residents of Raritan, who for the past six years have lived in Callaway County, Mo., have decided to locate in Stronghurst. They have rented the Dowell property just north of the W.H.White place and will move in as soon as their household goods arrive from Missouri. Harold Butler and his friend, Glenn Marshall, were entertained for supper in the Ralph Butler home. Miss Edith Hartquist spent last week with her sister, Miss Ethel, who is a teacher in the public schools at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Miss Clydean Simpson has been at Washington, D.C. for the past three weeks visiting her sister, Mrs. Mabel VanTassel.

Dud Billips, who received an injury to his ankle last fall, has just recently been able to get about with crutches, being confined to the house all winter. W.E. Hurd has been having a tussle with the LA Grippe for the past ten days, but is somewhat improved; Mrs. Hurd is considerable better and able to be up and about the house again. Clarence Walker is improving and able to sit up part of the time and take some solid food. His sister, Lillie Walker, is gaining strength and able to sit up some every day under the care of Mrs. Ed Stine in the Stine home. Roy Mudd is going about on crutches as the result of a sprained ankle, the accident occurring last Thursday evening when he made a mis-step off the sidewalk while returning to his home in the east part of town from the Junior Class benefit entertainment. Rev. R.C. Myers is now well on the road to recovery from the attack of LA Grippe which has kept him confined to his home for the past two weeks or more; he expects to fill his regular preaching appointment at the M.E. Church next Sunday.

The country roads were reported almost impassable in places the past week and the rural mail carriers find their duties a very disagreeable one. Joe Huff, one of the carriers carried the mail sack on foot last Thursday. The mild weather which prevailed during the latter part of February caused the breaking up and floating off of much of the ice in the Iowa-Illinois section of the Mississippi River, but the recent cold snap again froze the river over and blocked the stream.

FLU MARCHING ONWARD: Funeral services were held at the M.E. church for Louise, the little three months old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Moffitt.  She passed away at the home from bronchial pneumonia.  Besides the parents left to mourn the loss of the little babe were two sisters, Esther and Helen and two brothers, Hershel and Russell.  Burial was in the Biggsville Cemetery.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: John Graham came from New Virginia, Iowa to take care of the stock and do chores and help around the house at Geo Millen s as the family are more or less sick. Paul Stevenson, manger of the Biggsville Shippers Association, was in Galesburg attending an all day school for managers and directors of the organization.  George Kelly, manger of the Kelly Hardware Store, attended a convention of the Warren-Henderson County oil dealers at the Colonial Hotel in Monmouth.  S. B. McGaw moved his family from the Rozetta neighborhood onto the Billy Sloan farm east of town.   Path Across the Hills, a three-act play will be given at the U.P. Church by the young people of the congregation. (Entire cast noted later in the same article.)   The ten year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Stevenson was operated on for appendicitis at the Burlington Hospital; latest reports were that she is getting along satisfactorily.

CARMAN CONCERNS: (Spring was the time that farms changed hands as the following notes identify new neighbors for neighbors.) Mr. and Mrs. Wiegand have moved on the Dewein place now owned b Dannenberg Bros.; John Siens and family are moving on the Al Runge farm vacated by L. Wiegand; Clarence Siens is moving on the place vacated by John Siens northeast of Carman; Mr. and Mrs. Bigger and family are moving on a farm by Crystal lake; Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Right are going to the place vacated by WM. Bigger; James Pendry and family are going on the place formerly known as the DeHague ground; Darrell Dowell will move on the farm vacated by J. Pendry; Geo. Wells is moving near Stronghurst and Paul Seins will move on the Maggie Rebelle place vacated by Geo. Wells.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Meade left for Oquawka where they will take charge of the county farm.  Kenneth will remain with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. U. L. Marsen so that he can finish his term of high school at Lomax.  The Carman Thursday Club was entertained at the John Dowell home in Lomax last Friday.  The members present were Minnie Rehling, Mary Bradley, Mae Emerson, Mayme Clover, Pearl Coffman, Goldie Babcook, Mattie Gillis, Ruth Wisbe, Mabel Vaughn, Carrrie Rehling.  The invited guests were Mrs. Faye Logan, Mrs. Joe Dixon, Mrs. Bowling, Mrs. LeRoy Pence, Mrs. Robert Scott.  The afternoon was spent in conversation and a fine two course luncheon was served by the hostess.  (This listing gives you a good glimpse of those who lived in the neighborhood.)

Several from here attended the sale at Lomax last Saturday which consisted of farming implements and livestock belonging to Ray Smiddy.  Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dixon spent Monday and Tuesday helping Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Anderson move their household goods to the M. L. Evans farm where they will farm the coming year.  Mr. Wm. Babcook, grain merchant, is very busy takin in corn and also shelling it so that he may send it out via the C.B. & Q. this week.  Mr. Frederick Rehling is the proud owner of a new cornet which he purchased last week.  Mr. Wm. Loncor was quarantined for scarlet fever but at present is much better.

NEWS OF THE DAY: Niagara Falls is to be permanently illuminated by a battery of 24 powerful electric searchlights which will throw a total of 1,320,000,000 candle power light upon this scenic wonder.  This work will cost about $60,000 ($889,800 in today s values) and the lights will go into action on May 24th which is Queen Mary;s birthday and a Canadian national holiday.