The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by Judy L. Gravgaard, Village Clerk
The Village of Biggsville meeting was called to order on October 7th by Mayor Brian Sterett at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Relations: It was approved to have the Fall wiener roast at Reid Park from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. and Trick or Treating will be from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. and they will be observing COVID-19 guidelines. Jody Bishop and Patty Daniels were thanked for all the work they have done on the wiener roast in the past, and said they are looking forward to their return to make it special.
Street/Water: James and Mike have located half of the valves in town and Mike will get estimates to replace 4 valves. The men would like to have lights in the container building where the water supplies are kept and the board approved this. Kevin Shauman did some fill in work around the lagoon where animals had dug it up.
New Business: The Village will needs to put a water bill drop box at the Community Building. Tammy made a motion to purchase a drop box, Becky 2nd motion carried. Everyone will need to mail their payment and stub to Box 154, Biggsville, until the drop box is installed. The bank will no longer take payments.
Kathie made a motion to adopt the Henderson County Hazard Mitigation Plan. Casey 2nd the motion and it carried. Anyone interested in running for Village Board may obtain applications from the Clerk. Leave a message at the Village 309-337-7122 or call Judy at 309-627-9697/309-337-7122.
In other business:
Members present were: Kathie Curtiss, Casey Goff, Kevin Mortimer, Becky Price, Tammy Slater and Nanci Sterett, Brian Sterett, Mayor, Marilyn Simmons, Treasurer Judy Gravgaard, Clerk James Rogers and Mike West.