The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Oquawka Village Board Met May 5th

The Oquawka Village board held their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, May 5th. Present were Trustees Don Rice, Tammy Bundy, Brian Collier, Scott Ray, Brenda Tee and Village President Nancy Bundy.

Mayor and Staff Report:

Nancy explained she had been in contact with the Oquawka Fire Protection District to ask them what their policy is going to be in helping with the village's burn ordinance and also being available for fireworks and other village activities that would require fire protection.

Nancy didn't feel the district was going to charge the village but she wanted to know for sure. She went on to say that OFPD President Donna Dunn said it would be discussed at their next meeting.


There was a lengthy discussion concerning a pending permit for a resident who wants to place an asphalt driveway at his residence. Zoning officer John Newton explained the entire driveway would be on village property because of the way the lot is laid out and where the house sits on the lot. Although there was some disagreement from Trustee Collier, consensus seemed to be that because it was a new driveway and because it was being constructed completely on village property, the resident would be required to obtain a permit.

Tammy Bundy made a motion to NOT issue a permit for an asphalt driveway to be completed entirely on village property. Seconded by Rice.

Tee, Rice, Bundy, and Ray: YES; Collier: NO.

Motion Carried. Permit will not be issued.


The museum's foundation was damaged in last year's flood. There has been discussion of the possibility of having a company move the museum out of the flood plain, possibly to Oquakiek Park. Tee will get bids to repair the foundation and also get a bid from Zaiser's for moving the building in order to compare the two options.


Tammy, with help from Village Clerk Jacqui Smith and Police Chief Clifford Adam, has been working on a grant for a new police car. The grant would pay 75% of the cost (up to $55,000) with the village paying 25%. There are several options of cars to choose from, both new and used. Pick-up trucks and SUV's were discussed and SUV seemed to be the choice for everyone. The new vehicle would need fitted with a new computer and a new radio. Those items would be covered under the grant. A budget of $15,000 was considered for the village's 25% share of the grant. It was noted that Lomax just obtained a new police car with this grant.


Ray has obtained a bid from Flatt's Pump for $13,700 to install an electric pump into the storm sewer basin in front of TS18 in order to remove water from the downtown area during high water or heavy rain situations. The pump works on a float switch so it turns itself on/off as needed. The pump is rated at 800 gallon/minute; 48,000 gallons/hour; 1,152,000 gallons/day. Since the pump is in the flood plain, Ameren requires that the power meter be placed a certain distance off the ground and a platform with stairs be installed so that the meter can be read and serviced as needed. The original idea was to place the platform as close to the basin as possible but after some discussion it was decided the platform's placement so close to the restaurant would be too much off an eyesore. Placing the platform across Schuyler Street at the corner of the parking lot was another idea that was posed. Ray will talk with Flatt's and Ameren about placing the platform on the southwest corner of Schuyler and 2nd streets.


Employee health insurance premium is going up by 3%.


Liquor license fees are due in July. The board bounced ideas around on how to best help bars that have been forced to close. Pro-rating the liquor license fee monthly and reimbursing partial fees were discussed. The board will revisit the topic if the bars are still closed at the time of renewal.


There was discussion about revising the current water rates. Trustee Tee and Village Treasurer Chris Petersen both submitted plans that would break down the usage rates into 250-gallon increments above 1000 gallons. Motion by Tee to accept Petersen's rate plan. Second by Ray. All members vote yes. Motion carried.


The board must decide if they want to allow a cannabis dispensary and what rules and taxes they want to establish. After much discussion on allowable locations, taxes, license fees, etc., it was decided to allow a sales only, (no growing, no processing), dispensary. There will be a $1500/year permit fee, 3% sales tax, and the dispensary must be in a commercial zoned lot on Schuyler Street. Nancy will submit these rules to Village Attorney Andy Youngquist to have him properly write the ordinance so that it can be voted on at the June meeting.


I local business owner has approached Brenda about possibly buying the two empty lots at the northwest corner of Schuyler and 5th streets. It was decided to accept sealed/closed bids for the two lots. The village will implement a "right to refuse" for bids that are under market value.

The board will also be accepting bids for the demolition and removal of the building that sits across the alley from Village Hall.


The DNR has approved the buyout of two properties along the river. One is the Palace II and the other is a building near Summer Daze boat club. Tee explained that the board needs to decide if they want to move forward with the buyout program.

Motion by Tammy to move forward with the DNR grant. Second by Collier.

Tee, Bundy, Collier, RAY-YES. Rice-NO. Motion Carried and meeting adjourned.

Jeff Tee

River Rat News