The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Meet Your Illini West Senior Charger

By: Grace Lessen, The Quill


Neveda Gittings is the daughter of Shasta and Tony Heidbreder and Michael Gittings.

Throughout high school Neveda has been involved in Git R' Done/SADD Club, International Club, and Cheerleading.

Nevada's school highlight was her senior year homecoming week and dressing up for all of the themed days. Her most influential teacher is Greg Hoener. Neveda says, "I love how he is so passionate about everything that he does to help improve our community and help others."

Nevada's advice to the underclassmen is, " Participate in high school as much as you can, because it goes really fast and you'll regret not doing enough."

During her free time, Neveda loves spending time with her friends and shopping!

After graduation, Neveda plans to attend Carl Sandburg college in order to pursue a degree in Dental Hygiene.