The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

LaHarpe City Council May 11, 2020

The regularly scheduled monthly meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm May 11.

Answering roll call were: Dave Clover, Jerry Burford, Kelly Harkey, Randy Shumaker, Greg Wisslead, Brian Covert, Treasurer-Monalisa Graves, City Clerk-Lucretia McPeak, and Mayor Katherine Hasten-Reed. Also there: Tim Graves, Megan Crook, Maggie Link, Brianna Schneider, Dan Gillett and Christopher Scholz virtually on the conference line.

After recited the Pledge of Allegiance to America's flag, the following took place:

Finance Committee: there will be a Joint Committee meeting May 18, at 6:00 pm, at City Hall to discuss the Budget Appropriations.

Public Works: an Auto -dialer would cost $375.00. A pressure relief valve is needed not initially in the design totaling $900 and would come out of the contingency fund.

It was discussed to leave the aerator at the reservoir.

Other Reports: Tim Graves said the new water system flushing has to pass 2 consecutive samples; B is passing, A is not yet. Trotter's responsible for the billing.

City Clerk McPeak reminded- there will not be a meeting May 25, 2020, due to the Memorial Day holiday.

Treasurer Graves informed the council of a credit card payment of $711.67, which was due before the June meeting.

City Engineer's Megan Crook gave a project update: "We are waiting on a blend valve, which is due to arrive tomorrow. We are still waiting for passing samples."

Tower progress: waiting to put a crew together. COVID-19 has slowed workers returning to work.

Laverdiere is finishing up reseeding.

No Public commen.

Old Business:

New Business:

Maggie Link and Brianna Schneider spoke to the council, on behalf of Ramsey Financial Services, Inc., about City Insurance through their company. It was taken off the agenda pending more information from the company.

Council discussed the Budget to be continued at a Joint Committee meeting May 18.

The council discussed the 2019-2020 Audit and that the Auditors require an updated Financial System.

The last 2 items will be on the next agenda in June.

A Special Council meeting will be May 18, at 6 pm, at City Hall to discuss and take action to hire an Accountant to Organize the City Financial System.

There was discussion concerning a Resolution to request modifications to Governor Pritzker's Restore Illinois Plan.

Wisslead made the motion to approve joining Adams County and Quincy Mayor Moore and approve a Resolution requesting modifications to Governor Pritzker's Restore Illinois Plan. Clover seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

There was discussion on allowing property owners to plant trees on City right -of-ways.

Shumaker made the motion to not allow property owners to plant any trees on the City right of way. Harkey seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting was adjourned after a vote at 8:07 pm. until the June 8th Monday meeting. Respectfully submitted,

Lucretia McPeak, City Clerk