The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Illini West Board Discusses How School May Look in the Fall

Joy Swearingen

Quill Correspondent

While they are not sure what school will look like next fall, superintendents of the four districts related to Illini West High School are working on plans.

Kim Schilson, superintendent at Illini West, told her board June 17 that she and the superintendents of the three elementary districts that feed into Illini West have been talking about three possible scenarios for school in the fall.

Schools could reopen with all students attending every day and some modifications in place for safety. It could be e-learning, remote learning like they ended the year. Or it could be a blended plan with different students attending on alternate days.

"The one thing we have to be conscious of, if we go with a blended plan, is the kids we have in high school, a lot of them have siblings in our elementary districts," Schilson said.

"We want to make sure that on the days that our Dallas high school kids, Monday and Wednesdays, that their younger siblings would be scheduled to go those days also. And then on Tuesdays and Thursdays we would be running all our buses to La Harpe. We don't want to leave families without that older sibling at home."

Carthage students would be divided among both groups.

They have discussed busing issues, having assigned bus seats, doing medical checks as kids get on the bus. Bus students would be admitted at one entrance. Students bringing themselves to school would enter at another door and be screened before entering.

"All these things would take additional staff," Schilson said. She stressed this is all tentative and can easily change when the state decides how schools can operate.

If more remote learning is required, teachers would have professional development during the summer to prepare. The first days of school would be used to prepare students on the new remote learning plan.

The district has received a $77,000 CARES Act grant to pay for things such as masks, sanitizers, cameras, hot spots for wireless in student homes, and other expenses from the change in schooling.

"Everyone wants the kids back in school," Schilson said, but a lot of questions remain.

How do you enforce students wearing masks? How do they manage lunch? What about at-risk teachers and students? Does the Phase 4 limit of 50 people mean in the building or in a classroom? There are union issues related to changing the working conditions. Who takes the nursing duties for med checks?

The superintendents continue to meet regularly, and await more firm information from the State Board of Education.

Keith Hartweg addressed the board about the Illini West Scholastic Trap Shooting Club. He said the Bird Busters began in 2007 with 12 students and continued with over 20 members for several years. Since 2015 they have had more than 30 members each year.

They have six volunteer coaches, all NRA certified instructors. No school money is used for the club. It is funded by Hartweg, donations and team fundraisers. In 2015 the team began earning NRA shooting qualification awards.

"It is a sport, an activity for any student, but particularly those who do not take part in other sports," Hartweg said.

"The students are learning safe, responsible gun use, self-esteem and a sport they can enjoy for a lifetime. To earn the NRA award they have to hit 22 out of 25 targets, and do that 10 times.

"It is particularly fun to see kids, who may be struggling, walk off the range with a big grin because they have just busted a bunch of birds."

Before the meeting the board took a walk through the building and looked at 20 or more possible improvements needing attention. Two were approved for the 2020-2021 budget.

One is updating the wiring and dust ventilation system for the industrial arts shop. From a grant the shop has 6 new welders that cannot be used with current wiring. The second is repairing the outside 800 amp service boxes providing electrical service for the portable classrooms.

The board met in a committee as a whole to discuss Building for the Future housing issues. Board president John Huston asked each member to discuss his or her impression of the past three building referenda from 2012, 2013 and 2020. They also talked about what direction Illini West should take forward now.

The board accepted with regret the resignation of Linda Hartweg as music instructor.

Salary increases were approved for staff who do not fall under the collective bargaining agreements.

A hearing was held to amend the 2019-2020 budget. Amendments related to expenses of COVID-19 and several grants that came to the district in amounts different than expected. The expenditures were adjusted to match those grant amounts. The board approved the amended budget.

Student attendance day changes, made at the end of the school year, were applied to an amended 2019-20 school year calendar.

John Huston was approved as the Illini West delegate to the Illinois Association of School Boards convention normally held in November. It is unsure yet if the convention will be held.

Written reports were received from the dean of students and from the principal.

The first reading of several board policy updates were approved.