The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Memorial Day Services in Stronghurst and Raritan

Sunday, May 24, the Stronghurst American Legion Post #765 held their annual Memorial Day services despite of COVID-19, and gathered in the Stronghurst Cemetery to honor our deceased veterans.

Jim Blender, commander of the legion, welcomed those attending and read a short article before closing in prayer. Legion members gave the 21-gun salute followed with Jim Blender playing Taps.

Two West Central graduates John Steck of Carman and Peyton Jack of Stronghurst, were awarded $250 college scholarships from the Legion.

The Honor Guard then traveled on to the Raritan cemetery where Blender opened the memorial services and offered a prayer. Earl Waller read a story of a gold star veteran then read the list of deceased veterans from Raritan Township followed by a 21-gun salute and playing of Taps.

Peyton Jack and John Steck were awarded $250 scholarships from the American Legion Post #765.

At Raritan from left: Jim Blender playing Taps, Earl Waller, Ralph Torrance, Luanna Mynatt with flags, and Larry Moreland, Jerry Malcolm, Norm Menzenberg, Lloyd Huber, Dan Kane, and Jim Alexander.