The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by Michael Rodeffer - The Quill
July 13 Committee Meeting
The La Harpe City Council came together at 6:00 p.m. for a special committee meeting prior to their regular meeting July 13th to discuss water issues. Joining them at the meeting were two IMEG engineering associates. They committee discussed the chlorine and sulfur smells that many residents were noticing since the new water plant has began operation.
According to Jack Kusek, the water practice leader, La Harpe residents were accustom to reservoir water and water from a shallow well. Now La Harpe has switched to two deep wells which is much different but safer water and meets all of EPA guidelines. Kusek explained there were several options to look at to improve the water.
Kusek said the shallow well has been refurbished and soon the water plant will be blending the shallow well water with the deep well water. Kusek felt that could help with the smell. If that doesn't help enough, Kusek felt a good option would e to add a mixer to the water tower. He explained water is used from the bottom and is also filled from the bottom so the water on top might not be mixing in well. A mixer would circulate the water and probably help the situation. The cost for a mixer would be approximately $15,000.
IMEG engineer Megan Crook told that they had visited 7 homes with either chlorine or sulfur smells and were willing to go to several more homes and check the water out. Crook felt the residents of these homes that they had checked felt like their water was improving.
Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed answered that her chorine smell in the bathroom was getting worse.
The consensus of the council was that they wanted better water from the new plant for the residents and are interested in hearing any and all complaints about the water. Residents need to contact their ward representatives so they can pass along to the engineers their concerns.
Kusek stated that he felt the water would continue to improve. The committee meeting which began at 6 p.m. was adjourned at 6:58 p.m.
July 13 Council Meeting
At 7 PM the La Harpe City Council began their regular meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
During public comment, Ken Brown asked the council if they would approve blocking streets around the City Park on Saturday, August 1st. -See LH Council, page 8
Since the La Harpe Classic Car Show and Reunion has been cancelled, a group of car enthusiasts wanted to cruise through town to show their appreciation for the car show organizers, he explained. Brown also asked if a police escort would be possible on that morning.
The Council approved blocking off the streets around the City Park and also approved a police escort thru town.
Jeanette Ford spoke during public comment and said the welcome signs coming into La Harpe were not looking so nice. Ford said Weeds needed cleared out and shrubs were needing trimmed back. Ford also informed the council that her water also had a sulfur smell at all of their faucets.
She also said she noticed bricks falling from a building at the corner of North Center and Main Street that was formerly a flower shop.
Ford asked if there was any way to now when the water is not safe. The Mayor and Dave Clover both said that a call system was being looked into to inform residents.
Ford also inquired if grass and sticks needed to be separated at the burn pile. The Council informed Ford that it was not mandatory to separate them, but that there was a separate grass pile for compost.
Eric Little, with IMLA, spoke in detail to the council about the insurance with the city.
In other business the council:
Several items were tabled to be discussed/approved including:
The meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m.
Present were: all Council members: Dave Clover, Brian Covert, Jerry Burford, Greg Wisslead, Randy Shumaker, Kelly Harkey; Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed, Treasurer Monalisa Graves, Clerk Lucretia McPeak; Employees: Larry Finch Police Chief, Marlie Burt Deeter, Trevor Finch, Dan Carpenter, David Little, Tim Graves; City Attorney Chris Scholtz; IMG Engineers- Jack Kusek, Megan Crook; IMLA Eric Little; Ken Brown, Jim and Jeanette Ford, Dan Gillett, and Michael Rodeffer-The Quill.