The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Raritan July Board Meeting

The Village of Raritan board of trustees voted to donate $500 to the Jim and Doris Cook family for all the family has done for their community in the past years.

The action was approved at the regular board meeting July 6th.

After the Pledge of Allegiance, and opening prayer, under old business, the board tabled a discussion until August regarding the junk and debris in the village as the board decided that President Michael Knapp will make a list of autos and junk. Clerk Jim Blender is to call the Vancils regarding their yard.

Under new business, April bills were approved: Phil Anders $84.00; Dallas Rural Water $503.35; Waste Management $1,169.60; PDC $35.00; Ameren IP $1,157.09; Thompson Insurance $4,264.00; Blender Mowing $730.00; Dennis Rankin $4,253.32; Carlyn Anders $55.00; Mike Knapp $80.00.

An ordinance for burning in town not approved at the September 2019 meeting, was discussed.

The meeting adjourned with the following in attendance: President Michael Knapp, Clerk Jim Blender, Trustees Phil Anders, Kim Nisius, Rhonda Blender, Dwayne Magee and Wade Harman.