The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By: Shirley Linder, Quill Editor
At the January 6th Village of Stronghurst board meeting the trustees received an update from Doug Erickson on the progress of the plans for the School Safety Project at West Central Middle School.
Erickson said that the application was for a $173,000 grant and so far the figures are at $112,000. Of this $173,000, $151,000 is for the sidewalks and $22,000 for the construction.
In February the board will sign papers to begin the bidding which will begin in the middle of June for the engineering firm that will do the construction.
Projected staring date for the project is April 24th with August 14th as the scheduled completion date.
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance by Mayor Brendan Schaley and the minutes, payment of the bills, and the financial report in the amount of $765 in the hole for December were approved.
Virginia Ross, on behalf of the senior citizens, requested the board print the recycle schedule in "The Quill". The board approved the request.
Marsha Livingston (MTC representative) was present to give a further update and answer questions regarding the fiber option line now available.
This will include TV but hook up cannot be done until a franchise agreement with the village is signed.
The MTC franchise agreement ordinance and the Mediacom franchise agreement ordinance was tabled as the attorney said complete agreement on the terms has not been reached yet.
Ronnie Gittings had researched a leaf vacuum that hooked behind a truck and blew the leaves into the truck to be hauled away.
The machine cost $6,500. This was in regard to a request made by Mayor Schaley last month for all to bring back ideas on leaf burning in the village.
Mike Swisher said his concern was that right now they had 3 employees and picking up leaves at residences could be done but in a few years if they were down to 1 employee it would not be possible.
He felt it would be better to let things stand but set certain days (example Halloween, Fall Festival, etc.) that burning could not be done.
If violated they could send the police down or send the fire department to put it out.
After more discussion the board tabled the issue.
In other business the board:
Mayor Schaley had sent an email to each trustee asking them to send him 5 goals for next year. He then would like to schedule a work day that they could go over them and set some goals for the further.
Present: Mayor Brendan Schaley; Trustees, Shane Reed, Mike Bohnenkamp, Jerry Nortrup, Randy Jarvis, David Vancil, Mike Swisher; Employees, Hollie Allen, Ronnie Gittings, Arbry Vancil, Attorney Mariah Wallace; Guests, Rob Root, David Knutstrom, Virginia Ross, Marsha Livingston (MTC), Doug Erickson, Shirley Linder
The next meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Feburary 3rd.