The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Hello Folks,
I just had to sit down for a minute and jot a note to wish you a Merry Christmas.
In spite of the coronavirus, some of my family decided since they hadn't been anywhere it was safe to come for a Christmas visit. I'll get to cleaning and baking after this note.
My family's been washing their hands so much I've decided to get them hand cream for Christmas along with their usual can of fudge and divinity.
I was wanting to embroidery hand towels for gifts but I haven't had time. Like Dessa's Christmas book says, the handmade items are nice because embroidery makes a plain towel extra special.
My great grandma use to rock in her chair, listen to the radio "AS THE WORLD TURNS," embroidering. She put the days of the week on each hand towel and gave them for Christmas. I used those towels every day for years.
Monday-Washing, Tuesday-Ironing, Wednesday-Sewing, Thursday-Shopping, Friday-Cleaning, Saturday-Baking and Sunday-Resting after attending church, of course.
Hope to see you there Christmas Eve as we celebrate the Little Lord Jesus' arrival. Bring your family.
Have a Merry Christmas!
-Love, Aunt Polly