The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Help Is On The Way

In La Harpe Monday, I was walking out of the post office thinking about this scripture as my head was down, looking at my feet and the plight we were all in....

"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help." -Psalms: 121:1

So, I looked up, and this is what I saw - our beautiful American flag waving in front of the cross of Jesus which is on top of the La Harpe Christian Church.

Such a moving reminder of where our help comes from.

So lift your eyes unto the Lord from where your help comes from America!

When we look up, beyond our own circumstances, we see a beautiful caring people that are inspiring us with the way they are walking through this life and dealing with these unpresidented circumstances. In other words, when you are dealt lemons, you make lemon-ade. When we look up, we also see needs and ways we can be a help to others. I recall the message many years ago of Joni Tada Ericson who was paralized from a diving accident, going through a bout of bed sores when she saw a sparrow outside her window. It brought to mind that old familiar hymn: "His Eye Is On The Sparrow" :and I know He Cares For Me."

Dessa Rodeffer, Publisher