The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1924 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic: Oct. 16, 1924:

THEY SURVIVED THE CRASH: An almost miraculous escape from serious injury was the lot of Mrs. Mae Morgan of Stronghurst and her nephew, Lyle Christian, last Saturday evening when the large Hudson touring car in which they were driving to Burlington crashed into a Ford car belonging to Mr. George Galbraith of Gladstone near the A. W. Martin place on the Galesburg-Burlington hard road.

Mr. Galbraith had just driven his car out of the Martin driveway and was taking a diagonal course across the main road in order to get on the right side of the same when the Hudson car driven by young Christian approached from the east at a rapid rate of speed. The lights of the Ford car had not been turned on and in the gathering dark, Christian failed to see the danger until too late to avert a disaster. The big Hudson struck the Galbraith car and knocked it to one side of the road. The sudden twist of the front wheels of the Hudson caused it to overturn and roll over a couple of times on the pavement smashing the top and wind shield and otherwise wrecking the car. Neither of the occupants we thrown out of the car, but Mrs. Morgan was found to have sustained what appeared to be a serious injury to one arm. Parties on their way to Burlington in another car took Mrs. Morgan and her nephew to Burlington where the former was taken to St. Francis Hospital for examination.

No bones had been broken and the patient's injuries were confined to some bad bruises and a severe shock to her nervous system. She was able to be brought home on Tuesday and is rapidly recovering from the effects of the accident.

T. B. TEST CARRIED ON RAPIDLY: With good weather and roads in September, the tuberculosis eradication campaign was pushed forward rapidly. Dr. LeGroy was busy every day and during the month tested 160 herds containing 1,465 cattle, finding 30 reacters.

How the work is progressing throughout the county is indicated by the number of herds tested in the various townships as follows: Raritan, 68; Terre Haute, 36; Media, 30: Bald Bluff, 26; Stronghurst, 22; Carman, 14; Biggsville, 11; and Gladstone, 3 (This gives you an idea where cattle were being raised. The number don't match).

BROUGHT HOME THE BACON: Peter Foote, the young trotting stallion owned by Ira Foote of Stronghurst after completing the circuit of fairs in Illinois and Missouri was bought home with a fine string of victories to his credit. He won first money in the 2:25 trotting races at Macomb and Carthage, first money in the 2:22 race at Quincy and second money in the 2:22 race at Brookfield, Mo. (The particulars of each race are in this edition.)

"WOMEN IN POLITICS"-TOPIC AT CLUB MEETING: The November meeting of the Stronghurst Women's Community Club will be held in the club rooms on Nov. 1st at 2:30 o'clock. "Women in Politics" will be the subject discussed with Mrs. J. A. Mahaffey and Mrs. John Lant as leaders. As this meeting will be just previous to the general election, the leaders are requesting that members of the club urge as many women as possible to attend the object being to instruct voters upon questions of vital importance.

BOOTLEGGERS CAUGHT: As the result of a series of raids made the latter part of last week on the illicit liquor industry in Henderson County by Sheriff E. L. Davenport and a force of deputies, thirteen men were placed under arrest and a large quantity of moonshine liquor still equipment, mash, etc., confiscated or destroyed. The following particulars concerning the result of the raids are taken from the Monmouth Review Atlas of Oct. 12th.

"Charles Schell of Burlington was placed under arrest by the officers near the Crystal Lake school. Schell was accompanied by Orville Grey of Gladstone. According to the sheriff, Schell had a five gallon jug of moonshine in his possession at the time of the arrest. Schell was brought here and was released on $3,000 bond ($43,080 in today's values; business must have been really good!) He is to appear in the November term of county court.

Lem Ditto of Gladstone, manager of the Talbot Grain elevator at Lone Tree was arrested on a charge of sale and transportation of liquor and was later released on a $3,000 bond. Elmer Pence, a barber at Gladstone was apprehended on a liquor charge and released on a $1,500 bond ($21,540 in today's values).

Charles Babcock, an Oquawka fisherman, was arrested on a sale and transportation charge. Babcock was seized late at night by the sheriff's force and taken from his bed to face the charges. He was later released on a $750 bond ($10,770 in today's values). Milton Snodgrass, an Oquawka grocery man, charged with sale and transportation of liquor, is at liberty on a bond of $1,000 ($14,360 in today's values). Ed Camp, a button cutter at Oquawka, faced a liquor charge and was released on a $1,000 ($14,360 in today's values). Alva Louck of Oquawka was placed under arrest on a charge of drunkenness and released on a $1,000 bond. Tom Hedges of Oquawka charged with bootlegging and drunkenness pleaded guilty to the charge and was given 90 days in the county jail. Hedges, it is claimed, entered a school house here while drunk and created a disturbance.

Wayne Kessenger of Gladstone, said to be a farmer, also faced charges of illicit liquor trafficing and was given his liberty on a $1,000 bond. Rush Leftwich of Media, charged with sale of liquor, was released on a $1,000 bond. Fred Wharton, who was arrested Thursday on Big Island, has been released on a bond of $2,500 ($35,900 in today's values. According to Sheriff Davenport, a large quantity of liquor and mash was found at Wharton's camp on the island." (Who was bonding these men out?)

Tuesday's Review Atlas also says: "After a search on Pin Island for bootleggers, Sheriff Davenport of Henderson County, found a still which caused the arrest of Tom and Abe Putney in Burlington. Abe was willing to return to Oquawka but his brother objected and it was necessary to secure the customary papers before the man could be taken across the river."

***OBITUARY***MARY JEANETTE McARTHUR: Miss Mary Jennette McArthur, a lady who was well known to many of the readers of these pages, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. H. A. Brush in Newton, Kansas on Oct. 5th. The following was taken from the Evening Kansas Republican of Oct.8th: "Miss Mary Jeanette McArthur, affectionately known as "Aunt Nettie McArthur," was born in McIndoes Falls, Vermont, Oct.9, 1847 and died in Newton, Kan. Oct. 5, 1924, lacking four days of being 77 years old. At an early age she claimed Christ as her Savior and has ever since been a consistent member of the United Presbyterian Church.

In 1858 she with her father and mother, The Rev. James McArthur and wife and three brothers came to the then prairies of Henderson County, Illinois where her father helped to organize the United Presbyterian Church of Ellison and where he was pastor for about 14 years. It was during this pastorate that her mother died, leaving to mourn her death the father and seven children of whom Nettie was the eldest.

Nettie, who was then 22 years old with characteristic loving and self sacrificing spirit, took the place of the mother to these children, the youngest of whom was only four years old. She gave up a college education and remained single so that she might keep the family united. Her life has been the quiet life. Ever timid and not physically strong, she has not appeared in public performances but has always kept well posted and taken a keen interest in such.

In 1886 she came with her father's family to Walton, Kansas where she was a member of the United Presbyterian church until 1903 when she removed to Newton uniting with the United Presbyterian Church and making her home with her sister, Nellie, Mrs. H.A.Brush, until her death. She leaves to mourn two brothers and one sister namely: Cecil McArthur of Walton, Kan.; S. R. McArthur and Mrs. H. A. Brush of Newton, Kan.; also thirteen nephews and nieces and twelve grand-nephews and nieces. Her father and mother, two brothers and a sister preceded her to the heavenly home.

A beautiful and impressive funeral service was held at the United Presbyterian Church at Newton conducted by the pastor, Rev. J.A. Harper and assisted by the deceased's old time friend and pastor, Rev. J.C. Gibney of Sunnydale. (Rev. James McArthur and his wife, Anna, are both buried in the Walnut Grove Cemetery.)

***OBITUARY***SARAH EVANS PAINTER: Sarah Angeline Evans Painter, daughter of Benjamin and Eleanor Evans, was born Jan.16, 1850 near Cloverdale, Indiana and departed this life Oct. 8, 1924 at the Burlington Hospital after an illness of 17 months. At the age of 14 she came to the Terre Haute community with her brother, John Evans and has since made her home in that vicinity.

On Dec. 25, 1867 she was united in marriage with Charles T. Painter who departed this life in 1892. To this union were born five children: four sons and a daughter who died in infancy. She later married Henry R. Painter who preceded her in death. She leaves to mourn her four sons, Frank, Ralph and Carroll, (only 3 listed) all of Terre Haute Township; 18 grandchildren; 4 great grandchildren and 2 sisters: Mrs. Sytha Cooper of Hillsboro, Ia., and Mrs. Ida Allee of Urbana, Ill., besides a host of nephews and nieces and many friends.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Sparks from a chimney dropping on the dry shingles of the roof on the Smith rooming house in the village started a blaze shortly before noon. Prompt action on the part of the firemen who responded to the alarm which was sounded, prevented any further damage than the burning of a large hole in the roof. Mr. James Best of Kansas City has been a guest of the Ella McQuown and Williams homes during the past week. Mr. Best is a veteran of the Civil War and came from Quincy, Ill. where he attended a reunion of his old regimental comrades last week. He has been endeavoring to interest the ladies of Stronghurst in the organization of a Women's Relief Corps here, but with no success.

His many friends will be glad to learn that Mr. H. M. Allison has returned from the Burlington Hospital and is well on the road to recovery from the effects of the accident when he was struck by an automobile in Burlington and fractured his wrist. The girls and boys of the Sabbath School classes of Mrs. C. M. Bell, Estel Mudd and Robt. McKeown of Stronghurst U. P. Church celebrated the birthday of Miss Edith Brook at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C.Brook last Thursday evening. Games of various kinds and delicious refreshments were features of the evening. H. C. Haben of the village was in Chicago representing the local lodge at the Masonic Grand Lodge meeting. Dr. and Mrs. Harter went to Chicago go where he will address the American Association of Railway Surgeons on "Treatment and Prognosis of Contused and Lacerated Wounds."

A patch of ground in the village south of the stockyards rented last spring by W.B.Gregory and planted to late potatoes is showing most remarkable yield. The potatoes not only run a large number to the hill but they are of fine size and quality. Mr. Gregory will have a limited quantity of those potatoes for sale at 65 cents per bushel at the patch. Mrs. Jane Naven came from Corning, Iowa to be with her mother, Mrs. P. C. Bainter who has been bedfast for a long time. The Monmouth Republican reports that a marriage license was recently granted at Rock island, Ill. to Mr. J. Ed Wells and Miss Olive M. Cox, both of Raritan. Miss Cheryl Steingraber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Steingraber of Dallas City and Mr. Everett F. Crane, son of Mr. and Mrs. Quig Crane of Lomax were untied in marriage at high noon Oct. 9th at the home of bride's parents. The Apt brothers and sisters will give a free musical entertainment Tuesday evening at the Christian Church. Afterwards, pop corn and candy will be for sale in the basement. Mr. Earl Stout who is principal of the Carman School is now riding in a new Ford runabout. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jess Tate Oct. 13th. A carload of exceptionally fine hogs was shipped by Mrs. Ella McQuown. Sam Dunham who has been staying at the Mrs. P. C. Bainter home for a long time is leaving for his home at Kirksville, Mo. Tom Cook of Raritan has been in Western Kansas visiting his son John, who is located on the J. C. Brook ranch; he returned home Friday. C. M. Bell and wife and son Paul and Mrs. Hettie McLain drove to Washington, Ia. to visit relatives for two days. This part of the county has enjoyed six days of the most beautiful fall weather. Elder and Mrs. C. I. Stauffer and two children of Beardstown drove over and were guest in the Ellis Roberts home. Elder Stauffer was a resident here 10-11 years ago and now preaches at Beardstown.. He preached at the Christian Church while here.

LETTER FROM MAX BARNETT FROM THE CANAL ZONE: "I have been here for seven months and like it fine. It is always warm here but seldom hot enough to be uncomfortable and when people up there are beginning to feel winter coming, we are enjoying weather fit for swimming, paying tennis, etc. Right at the present is the worst time on account of it being the end of the rainy season and it's certainly one grand finale, too. It has been raining every day in the past two weeks and will probably continue to do so every day for the next month or so; then it will be about four or five months of comparatively dry weather.

Cristobel, Canal Zone and Colon, Republic of Panama are the only two places of any importance on this side while on the Pacific side are Balboa and Ancon, C. Z. and Panama,, Republic of Panama. The Panamanian and Canal Zone cities are only separated by the width of the street, but the Canal Zone is dry while Panama is wet, and a heavy penalty is attached to transporting liquor into U.S. territories.

The Submarine Base here is a stopping place for nearly all Naval vessels for leaving supplies and men. A Naval Air station and an Army Flying Station are only a short distance away. This base is at the northern (or Atlantic) end of the Canal.

Fortunately, I had the opportunity of going through the Canal when I first came down here and it certainly is a sight worth seeing, especially the Gatun Locks. These locks are nearly a mile in length and elevate ships from the Atlantic sea level more than 80 ft. higher to the level of Gatun Lake. On the other side two more sets of locks lower them to the Pacific Ocean.

There are many things of interest that I might mention but will close with one thing that will not be found in any other part of the county. Ancon Hill, on which is to be found the famous Ancon Government Hospital, is the only place of the mainland of the Western Hemisphere from which the sun can be seen to rise from the Pacific Ocean. This is due to the fact that the Isthmus runs almost directly East and West, also when passing through the Canal one is farther east of the Pacific end than at the Atlantic end:"

(The Panama Canal was completed on Oct. 10, 1913 and at this time was a point of universal interest.)

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibb entertained a company of friends at their home Saturday evening. Oysters with all the trimmings were served at a late hour. Harry Norville, who was so seriously, injured a short time ago while baling straw, is recovering nicely at the Monmouth Hospital. The Men's Bible Class of which he is a member is remembering him with flowers and a post card shower. His doctor says he will not be able to be home for several weeks. Mrs. Gayle Heap is recovering from an operation for appendicitis and other minor operations. Charles Stanberry went to work on the hard road which is being constructed near Burlington. Mrs. Homer Woods and two children of Biggsville are at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Scott White, for awhile so that Mrs. White may care for her daughter who is quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Young of Burlington were pleasant callers at the home of Mrs. Florence Mathers Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Young was formerly Miss Ethel DeHague and a girlhood friend of Mrs. Mathers and although living so closely, they had no met for 30 years. Mr. and Mrs. Norm Grossman and Thomas are moving into the new home recently bought and remodeled in the north part of town. Mrs. Joe Campbell and family will occupy the Callow house vacated by the Grossmans.

The board of directors of South Prairie School has made their teacher, Miss Anna LaVelle and her pupils happy by purchasing a piano. These are the kind of directors a district needs to make their teacher and her school a success. Everything is being made ready for the big revival meetings which are to begin Sunday morning at eleven o'clock by evangelist Clyde Lee Fife. The meetings are to be held high school gymnasium. Sunday School will be held at the U. P. Church and services at the gym in the afternoon and again in the evening.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mrs. Bertha Hayslip, a teacher in the Keithsburg high school, spent a week at the J. Y. Whiteman home. The Women's Missionary Society of South Henderson held their annual dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bigger, some 50 present. The afternoon was spent with music and conversation indoors and with croquet and horse-shoe pitching on the lawn. A free will offering was taken which was a little more than $17.

***WEDDING BELLS***BROWN & FOX: Miss Marie Brown of Biggsville and Orval Fox of Stronghurst were united in marriage last Wednesday at the Methodist parsonage at Oquawka at 2 o'clock by Rev. O. W. Rose. The single ring ceremony was used. The bride wore a gown of grey satin Canton crepe with hat to match. The happy couple was accompanied by the mother of the bride, Mrs. Pearl Brown and the father and mother of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Fox. In the evening at the home of the bride's mother a wedding supper was served to only the immediate members of the families. Later in the evening a goodly number of people turned out and went to the home where they were noisily serenaded.

OBITUARY: DONALD MILLEN: A funeral was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Millen on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock for their little son Donald, who was born July 14, 1924 and passed away suddenly on Oct.11th. Rev. Whitmeyer of Gladstone had charge of the services and was assisted by Rev. Wm. Lorimer who read the scripture and led in prayer. Song service was rendered by Mrs. Harry Foster and Miss Lucile Bigger. Pall bearers were Bernard Plummer, Hubert Musser, Ralph VanZant and Raymond Renard. Burial was in the Biggsville Cemetery. John Graham and Mrs. Mary Grant and little son, brothers and sisters of Mrs. George Millen who were called here by the death of Donald Millen, returned to their home at New Virginia, Iowa,

WORK FOR A VIGILANCE COMMITTEE: Says a Terre Haute correspondent: "Mrs. Fannie Woodall left 506 of her young chickens roosting in her orchard a night recently and the next morning only one of the numbers was left. She had been in the habit of locking them up at night but was just too weary to do so that evening and thought they surely would be safe. Just previously she had informed a dealer her chickens were ready for the market and he could call for them the next time he was on his route. Mrs. Woodall is a widow, who after raising a large family of children is now helping care for some of her motherless grandchildren; two of her sons lost their wives last year. If the thief only knew how hard this poor woman worked and how much she was depending on the money she expected to get for the chickens to help through the winter, he would surely relent and send to Mrs. Woodall the money he got for her chickens."-LaHarpe Quill.