The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1924 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic: Oct. 30, 1924

CELEBRATED HER 92ND BIRTHDAY: from the LaHarpe Quill-" Mrs. Emily Bainter of the Stronghurst country, widow of Peter Bainter, reached her 92nd birthday on Oct. 27th and the occasion was properly observed by a surprise upon the worthy lady gotten up by her daughters and son who gathered at the old homestead and passed a pleasant day with mother. A birthday cake with 92 candles adorned the table. Mrs. Bainter is unusually bright mentally for one who has traveled so long on life's pathway. Last Thanksgiving Day she fell and broke her hip and has been practically bedfast ever since. She still resides on the home farm where she and her husband spent so many happy years but has every comfort and care that is possible to provide. All of the daughters, six in number and the son Will H. were present at the celebration. All live in the neighborhood except Mrs. Jane Naven of Brooks, Iowa. The other girls are Mrs. Nancy Veech, Mrs. O. W. Beckett, Mrs. Freeman Doak, Mrs. Will Ross, and Mrs. Milt Lovitt.

HE DROWNED: Glen Vaughn, the 24 year old son of Mark Vaughn of Burlington, Ia. died by drowning in the Mississippi River about 10 miles north of Burlington last Saturday afternoon. Young Vaughn and a companion. R. Mercer, had been camping on Rag Island and were on their way to Oquawka in a motor boat to lay in a supply of provisions. The boat struck a snag and a hole was ripped in the bottom of the craft, causing it to fill with water and sink. The men were encumbered with their clothing and swimming exceedingly difficult. Mercer was able to keep from sinking and also to sustain Vaughn for a time but was finally obliged to let go of his companion who immediately disappeared beneath the waves. Mercer managed to reach the shore and give the alarm and searching parties were soon at work endeavoring to locate the body of the young man. At last reports, the search was unsuccessful."

TRIED TO ROB THE BANK: Word reached from Sciota, Ill. just before going to press told of an attempt this afternoon to hold up the bank in that village. Two men in a Buick touring car drove up to the bank at about 2 o'clock and entered the bank. Drawing guns, they forced Mr. Hainline, the cashier and a farmer who was transacting business with him into the vault which they locked. Before they could secure any of the bank's funds, however, they were fired upon from the outside by a resident of the village named Fahnestock, who had seen them enter and bank and suspecting their design, procured a shot gun and fired at the bandits through a window. The two men rushed from the bank and climbing into their car made their get-away going out of town toward the south. What direction they took after reaching the outskirts of the village had not been learned at the time the message was received. So far as had been learned no money was obtained by the bandits although some papers were found to be missing.

CULTURE COMING TO TOWN: The first number of Stronghurst's Lyceum course for the coming season will be given at the Stronghurst U. P. Church on Monday evening, Nov. 3rd. The attraction will be the Mason's Jubilee Singers, a group of colored singers and entertainers who are captivating big audiences wherever they appear. The irresistible lure of the Jubilee Singers increases from year to year and the door receipts are always at a maximum when the colored singers appear.

Five numbers are in the season's court: Nov. 3 Mason' Jubilee Singers; Nov. 26 Mary Moncure Parker, monologist; Dec. 16 Misner's Colonial Male Quartette; Jan. 13 the Chicago Players in "Is Marriage a Failure:"; Feb. 16 A. L. Flude, journalist ad lecturer.

The committee has decided to make the price of session tickets for the five numbers $1.50 for adults and 25 cents for children charged for each single entertainment if no season ticket is purchased:

HE DIED HAVING HIS SAY: The celebration which the people of Raritan held last Friday, Oct. 24, in commemoration of the completion of their new beautiful modern grade school building was marred near the close of the day's program by the sudden death of one of the speakers of the occasion, a former teacher who expired on the platform in the M. E. Church a few moments after completing his congratulatory remarks.

The former teacher to whom the death summons came so suddenly was Mr. Charles Hardesty, who forty years ago was a resident of this county and who taught school at Raritan and in some of the neighboring country districts. Mr. Hardesty's home for a number of years past has been at Santa Rosa, Calif., and although past 80 years of age, he made the journey recently back to Illinois in order to visit relatives and renew old acquaintances.

He was selected by the committee having the school dedication ceremonies in charge to make one of the addresses at the closing exercises for the day. He had responded to the invitation by a short speech delivered in a happy vein and had taken his seat again on the platform when his head was observed to drop back and a pallor to over spread his countenance. Mr. E. E. Voorhees of Blandinsville, a former pupil of the Raritan School and also one of the speakers had just begun his remarks when Mr. Hardesty's collapse occurred. Mr. Voorhees speech was brought to an abrupt close and attention directed to the relief of the stricken man. A physician was summoned, but it was soon discovered that medical aid could avail nothing and that Mr. Hardesty's spirit had taken its flight.

The audience which had gathered at the church in such happy mood was quietly dismissed and the people returned to their homes with saddened hearts over the tragic closing of the day's program.

Mr. Hardesty's remains were brought to the Regan undertaking parlors in Stronghurst where they were prepared for shipment to Santa Rosa, Calif., the home of the deceased. The remains started for their destination on train No. 9 Sunday afternoon.

"WOMEN IN POLITICS"-COMMUNITY CLUB TOPIC: The regular meeting of the Stronghurst Community Women's Club will be on Saturday afternoon Nov.1st at 2:30 o'clock. The program leaders are Mrs. J. A. Mahaffey and Mrs. John Lant with the subject, "Women in Politics." This will be a mass meeting for women voters with the ballot of the coming election explained and the importance of women availing themselves of the right of the franchise discussed.

The group will sing the national anthem and campaign songs making this both a pleasant and profitable meeting. (A detailed list of why women should vote follows this article. Remember, women only obtained the vote in 1920.)

OBITUARY: ISABELLA EMMA JAQUINS: Isabella Emma Jaquins, widow of the late G.L. Jaquins, daughter of the late J. W. and Mrs. Curry, passed away at the home her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F.A. Becker, Cleveland, Oregon on Oct. 15, 1924 at the age of 71 years, 3 months and 15 days. Born near Olena, Henderson County, Illinois on July 1, 1853, she married at Olena on Dec. 25, 1878, the mother of 8 children including Mabel C., who died in infancy. The living are as follows: John C., Cleveland, Oregon; Walter E., Marshfield, Oregon; Paul R. Of Prescott, Washington; Mrs. E.J. Lyons, Augusta, Maine; Mrs. J.H. Coan, Valentine, Nebr.; Mrs. F. A. Becker, Melrose, Oregon, and Mrs. Walter Burbank, Fort Dodge, Iowa. Mrs. Jaquins was a life time member of the M.E. Church. Funeral services were conducted at the Cleveland M.E. Church with burial at the Cleveland Cemetery on Oct. 17, 1924.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mrs. Mary Kern has returned to her home from a visit of several weeks with relatives and friends in Virginia. Miss Marguerite Vaughn is now prepared to do hair dressing, manicuring and facial work at Curry and Lukens' Barber Shop. Ed Stine is helping his brother-in-law with some carpenter work at the Hodgen home south of town.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mrs. T. D. Steffey is moving soon to Dallas City where she will be near her two daughter. Miss Phyllis who has a position in Dallas City and Miss Thelma is in Burlington. She will rent her home here. Visiting in the area from California are John Millen of Santa Anna, Richard Nevius and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Rankin and son Elbert of Long Beach . Will Ward of Raritan was in town one day with a load of turnips for sale. He says he sowed about two acres and estimates he will have in the neighborhood of 500 bushels he is selling at 50 cents a bushel. LaHarpe has succeeded through its city council in securing a reduction of 20 per cent in rates for street, commercial and residence lighting. The new rates are guaranteed by a five year contract with Illinois Power and Light Corporation. Ben Leinbach came from the home of his son-in-law, Charlie Dobbs and family of Minnesota where he had been staying for some time to visit his son Frank and family near Blandinsville.

Mr.Frank Hamel will be in Stronghurst to tune pianos; leave orders with Mrs. Upton or Mrs. Ivins. Mr. Nat Bruen and daughter Lucretia left for their ranch in Saskatchewan, Can. where they will spend some time. Bids submitted for the erection of Dallas City's proposed new grade school building arrived from $35,000 to $50,000. The original estimate of the cost was $29,000; possibly none will be accepted. C. S. Forbes is enjoying a visit with his brother from Denver. The members of the Better Stronghurst League will hold their regular monthly luncheon at the NuVon Hotel. (Booster Club today?) After an absence of about two months spent near Lawrence, Kans., Fred Kershaw arrived home and has employment at the Stronghurst Lumber Co. Mrs. Ivan Carter, who has been staying at the home of her father, J. H. Voorhees, southeast of town for several weeks underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Burlington Hospital. The operation was successful in every way. Raymond Walker and Margaret Berg, 8th grade pupils in the Stronghurst School were among the five pupils who submitted prize winning essays on Abraham Lincoln in a contest put on by the management of the Rialto Theater in Burington in connection with the exhibition of the picture, "Abraham Lincoln" now showing. The two pupils accompanied by their teacher, Mrs. Omah Spiker, were guest of the theater for an evening showing. W. C. Ivins has been carrying his arm in a sling as the result of an injury sustained when he stepped from a moving auto on the street near his home and was thrown to the ground.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Dr. Robt. Mekemson has been quite poorly lately and somewhat confined to his home. Bower McGaw who has for the past ten years lived on the Ben Duke place near Rozetta has rented the Billy Sloan farm east of town and will move his family after corn picking. Relatives received word of the marriage of Perry Mickey of Kansas City to Miss Rose Moehrman of that place. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Al Miller of the Miller Construction Co. who have spent the summer doing work on the hard road, moved back to Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McIntyre moved their household goods the middle of the week to the Arthur Barr place west of Monmouth.

CARMAN CONCERNS: The Carman School will give a Halloween program Friday evening, Oct. 31st. A box social and lunch will be served. Mr. David McCannon passed away at the St. Francis Hospital in Burlington last Friday morning. The funeral services were held at Carman with a large crowd in attendance. Miss Marquerite Vaughn opened up a beauty parlor shop in Stronghurst. Miss Mabel Vaughn of near Disco, Ill. will entertain the Carman Thursday Club at her home on Thursday. Mr. William Pendry, Jr. returned home from Springfield after attending the I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge meeting as a delegate from Rose Lodge No. 409.