The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1924 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic: Oct. 23, 1924

"MURDER OR SUICIDE? The eternal triangle of two men and a woman bore rich fruit at Macomb Saturday night. George Standard, finding his wife in the company of Charles Amerine at 11 o'clock unlimbered his artillery, shot the woman in the hand and either ended his own life with the same revolver or was shot by someone else hidden in the shadows of a nearby building. The police seem to think there is mystery surrounded the affair as there were no powder marks on the face of the dead man as would have been the case had he shot himself at such close range. There were four empty shells in his 32 calibre revolver and some who heard the shooting declare they heard five shots. The Standards have been separated twice."-LaHarpe Quill

HALLOWEEN BOX SOCIAL: A Halloween Box Social and program will be given at the Peasley School house near Decorra on Friday evening, Oct. 31st. Ladies please bring boxes as the proceeds will benefit the school.-Ella M. Ahlers, teacher {Women would decorate a box (shoebox, perhaps); include a meal (maybe fried chicken) and dessert. Boxes would go to the highest bidder. Have a sweetheart? You might find yourself in a bidding war with friends who wanted to separate the two of you. It was all in good fun.

KILLED IN AUTO ACCIDENT: W. C. Annegers, son of G. Henry Annegers of this vicinity and who has been cashier of the Farmers' State Bank of Princeville, Ill. since its organization 19 years ago, was instantly killed last Thursday evening, Oct. 16th, when the car in which he and John Oertley of Princeville were returning from a trip to Peoria was overturned in the road about five miles from Princeville.

Through the courtesy of the Princeville Telephone, we are enabled to give our readers the following account of the accident. "The most tragic event in years occurred last Thursday evening when W. C. Annegers, cashier of the Farmers State Bank, met death instantly when his car overturned on the Dunlap road, five and one-quarter miles southeast of Princeville. John Oertley, vice-president of the bank who was riding with him, was thought to be fatally injured but latest reports from the hospital say that he will recover.

How the accident occurred will probably never be known as there were no eye witnesses. Investigation of the car and road and surroundings has led to several theories. According to the testimony of Mr. Bender of Peoria, he found the car crossways of the road with the engine still running which he stopped by means of the choker. The headlights were still burning and the emergency brake was set up tight. Later, it was discovered that the right rear tire was flat. Whether this blew out when the car turned over or whether it blew out and caused the accident is a matter of conjecture.

J. J. Bender of Peoria was the first to reach the scene of the accident; he was on his way from Peoria to Princeville and reached that point before the dust had settled although he did not see the car over turned. He found Mr. Annegers hanging over the left door of his car and later found Mr. Oertley at the right side of the road in the ditch. He attempted to straighten Mr. Annegers back into the seat, but was unable to do so. He placed a cushion near the car and placed Mr. Oertley on it. About this time other cars from both directions arrived. Mr. Oertley was removed to Emil Streitmatter's home near whose place the accident occurred and medical aid summoned. Within a short time three doctors responded. Mr. Annegers body was examined by one of the doctors and the injuries disclosed that he must have been killed instantly. He was removed to undertaking parlors in Princeville.

The opinion is that Mr. Annegers heard the tire blow out and while traveling at a high rate of speed, let the emergency brake too tight which resulted in the car turning over several times. A report gained wide circulation Thursday evening that faulty steering gear might have caused the disaster. But F. J. Sloan of the Sloan garage testified at the inquest that the car had been in his garage and new parts installed for those which had been out of order. This work had been done fifteen days prior to the accident.

Those who were at the scene within a short time after the fatality thought Mr. Annegers might have failed to see the abutments under culvert about 150 feet from where the car came to rest, but there were no tracks or marks to indicate that this had happened although he might have failed to see the abutments until he was almost on them and then turned quickly to avoid a crash and so doing lost control of the car. The condition of the car when rescued fails to substantiate this theory as well as others. Mr. Annegers' car was a Marmon. The top and windshield were demolished and the left front fender flat. After the deflated tire had been replaced with a spare, the car was taken to Princeville under its own power.

Mr. Annegers and Mr. Oertley left Princeville about 11 o'clock Thursday for Peoria where they spent the remainder of the day transacting business. It was on the return trip that the accident occurred at approximately 7 o'clock in the evening.

Relatives in Burlington, Iowa and Stronghurst, Illinois were immediately notified. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Artz, brother-in-law and sister, arrived Friday morning for the coroner's inquest and funeral services held Saturday.

Mr. Annegers had been in business here for 19 years. He had in that time built up for himself an impeachable reputation as a man of honesty and integrity. His counsel was sought by many local people and he was the friend of the working man and the individual of small means. He leaves to mourn his untimely death, his father, G. Henry Annegers of Stronghurst; three sisters, Mrs. C. J. Artz of Burlington, Iowa; Mrs. Frank R. Smith of Stronghurst and Mrs. E. E. Marks of Stronghurst. Mr. Annegers had never married.

Mr. Annegers was born at Stronghurst and was 44 years of age. He spent his boyhood days near that place and for a few years before coming to Princeville had worked in banks at Somonauk and Alexis, Ill.

Funeral services were held from the Methodist church here Saturday afternoon. There was a large concourse of associates and sympathizing friends present to pay their last respect to one held in high esteem throughout the community. Immediately after the services, relatives shipped the remains to Stronghurst where services were held Sunday afternoon with Rev. J. A. Mahaffey officiating. Interment was in the Stronghurst Cemetery.

Immediately after the accident coroner Elliott was notified in Peoria and he came and viewed the surroundings. The coroner's jury was impaneled Friday morning at 10 o'clock and heard the evidence of five witnesses: C.J. Artz of Burlington, Dr. M.G. Cutler, F. J. Sloan and L.J. Wieland of this place and J. J. Bender of Peoria. Dr. Cutler testified as to the position of the body and stated that death was due to crushing injury of the head. He testified as to the nature and extent of the injuries which Mr. Oertley suffered, most of which were on the left side of the chest. L. J. Wieland was the second person to reach the unfortunate men and in substance, made the same statement that Mr. Bender had made. After considering the evidence, the jury composed of Bert Sloan, J.S. Harmon, J.Y. Mendenhall, William Bouton, Charles Miller and Sam Taylor returned a verdict that Mr. Annegers met his death from a crushing injury on the head in an automobile accident.

Services for Mr. Annegers held at the U. P. church in Stronghurst Sunday afternoon were attended by a large concourse of relatives and acquaintances. A large number of Princeville friends were also here to see the remains deposited in their last resting place. The floral offerings were exceedingly profuse and beautiful, the entire front of the church auditorium being converted into a perfect bower of loveliness in which roses and pure white and yellow chrysanthemums predominated. The casket was also covered with a beautiful floral blanket:Pall bearers were C. J. Artz and F.R. Smith, brothers-in-law; F. A. Annegers and J. H. Annegers, cousins; H. A. Annegers, nephew and H. B. Fort, a schoolmate and boyhood friend.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: The Henderson County Farm Bureau will organize and conduct a boys and girls baby beef club provided interest in the project can be aroused. In view of the fact that Henderson County feeds a large number of cattle each year, this should be a popular and profitable organization. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wilson were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Combines. Good country housewives always seem to know just what to prepare for dinner when the have town guests and this was no exception. Train No.9 stopped here Sunday afternoon for a lady passenger whose home is in Los Angeles, Calif. She had been visiting friends at LaHarpe. (The good old days-when the train station in town hosted travelers.) The Misses Jean and Margaret McElhinney who are in Monmouth College came down Friday evening to spend the weekend with their father, A. S. McElhinney. Guy Leinbach received a very painful injury to one of his fingers while adjusting a pump. The pump caught his finger in such a way as to mash the flesh from the bone. Ed Fee, a painter and paper hanger of Dallas City, has completed painting the home of his grandson, Dr. John Highfield of this place; it adds to the appearance of the place. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Ryason of Oquawka are visiting the home of their daughter, Mrs. S. M. Ayers, before going to Geyser, Mont. with a view of locating there permanently.

Weather conditions resulting in an almost complete failure of the tomato crop caused the output of the canning factory at Warsaw, Ill. to be reduced from 3,913 cases in 1923 to 937 cases this year. In 1922 the output of this factory was 10,803 cases and some years ago it ran to 20,000 cases. Mr. George Hardisty of Santa Rosa, Calif. has been visiting relatives and old friends at Blandinsville and Raritan and is now at his cousin s Ellis Roberts and wife. Forty years ago he was a resident of this county and McDonough and taught school a number of years at Raritan. He is now 80 years of age but quite interesting to meet. The Apt brothers and sisters entertainment given at the Christian Church Tuesday evening was fairly well patronized. Dr. W. O. Butler of Wilkie, Sask. was in Stronghurst calling on old acquaintances. The doctor was in attendance at the meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge in Chicago and came on to LaHarpe to meet his brother, Roy G. Butler of Bedford, Va. and to visit other relatives in LaHarpe. He reports the Canadian climate has proven greatly beneficial to his health and that he is enjoying a large and lucrative practice in dentistry in Wilkie. His son Lyle is also prospering on the Butler ranch about 20 miles from Wilkie.

Amongst those from this vicinity who were present at the home coming and dedication of the new stadium at the Illinois University last week and who saw the big Illinois-Michigan football game were Mrs. J. C. Brook, Ether Marshall, Mary Dixson, W. G. Regan, Harold Lukens, Joe and Richard Peasley, James Sanderson and Dale Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Elzie Gliland are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine 9 ½ lb. boy on Oct. 17th. The ladies of the M. E. Church have begun preparing for their annual Bazaar which will be held on Dec. 13th. Severe frost in this locality the past few nights dropped temperature below freezing and caused the formation of thin ice on still water. The twice a month free picture shows being given at the Lyric Theater by the business men of the village are proving exceedingly popular. The theater is crowded at each performance with many people who live beyond the confines of the community. The Girls' Gospel Team of the village held a pleasant social with invited guests at the Community Club room. The decorations were reminders of the approaching Halloween season. Games of various kinds and serving of nice refreshments were enjoyed. While engaged in practice on the football field, Sharon Gregory had the misfortune to get his collar bone broken and Lowell Leinbach also received injuries to his shoulder which will incapacitate him from football activities for some time.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The evangelistic meeting which began Sunday morning is moving off nicely. The crowd Sunday night was estimated at between 300 and 400 people which was good for the first evening. Services are being held each evening at 7:30. Thursday night is student s night and the teacher who brings the largest per cent of her school or room will be given a gift. Friday night is concert night. Dr. Fife is a splendid baritone singer and violinist as well as an impersonator. Rev. Byerly is a fine singer, cornet player and elocutionist. To miss this concert will be to miss a rare treat. The person who sells the most tickets will be giving a reward of $5.00 in gold. The admission for adults is 50 cents and children 25 cents. Sunday morning a mass Sunday school will be taught at 10 o'clock by Brother Byerly. Preaching services will be at 11. In the afternoon Dr.Fife will speak to the men at 2 o'clock and to the ladies at 4 o'clock. It will be repeated in the evening at 7:30. Some of the boys of Kaiser's band of Stronghurst have been helping play in the orchestra.

Mr. and Mrs. Emery Eberhardt are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl. Dr. Hoyt of Raritan was the attending physician with Mrs. Anna Adair, the nurse in charge. E. G. Lewis and Clyde Stanbary took Dr. Fife and Rev. Byerly to the river duck hunting; they came home duckless but had a nice bunch of fish which they say they caught. Mrs. Lewis and Miss Eleanor fixed them for supper that evening. The evangelists say E.G. and Clyde did their best to sink the boat but they managed to get home alive. Prof. Neil Ausmus drove to Camp Point, Ill. after school and spent the weekend at the home of his parents; he presented them with a new three tube radio set. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Rankin and son of Long Beach, Calif. were entertained at the Frank Lant home. Mrs. A. L. Beall was quite badly bitten by a pet cat belonging to a neighbor; the wound, though quite painful, is healing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Gram enjoyed a visit from their Son Edgar of Peoria, who has just returned from an Eastern trip which included New York City, Washington, D. C., Niagara Falls and other place of interest. While in Washington, he had the pleasure of attending the first game of ball of the world's series. Mr. and Mrs. John Pogue and Mr. and Mrs. Phonso Beall and son Earl were in Bowen looking after the interest in the Pogue farm there. The freshman class of the high school entertained the rest of the school plus teachers at a weenie roast in Heap woods, east of town Tuesday afternoon after school.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mr. and Mrs. Burkett moved into the M. E. parsonage recently vacated by Rev. Walsh and family. The Eldeen Book Club met on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Robt. Foster with almost every member present. The new list of books was discussed. Refreshment of creamed chicken, buns, olives, pickles, fruit salad, Lady Baltimore cake and coffee were served. Miss Alice Childs spoke to the ladies missionary group at South Henderson about her work at Stanton, Ill. Miss Louise Stevenson and her brother, Charles, entertained informally the Misses Pauline Smith, Artee Osborne, Gertrude Duncan and John Duncan. A delicious supper was served and the guests remained overnight at a slumber party. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burrus left for New Virginia, Iowa to visit relatives. Mrs. Mary Trowbridge has been quite sick at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook. Some 40 people including children met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Moore for the monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Oaks gave a chicken dinner to the hard road men who are finishing shouldering the road past their place. Fifteen men enjoyed a splendid dinner.

The Life of Columbus was portrayed Monday evening at the high school to a packed house. The pageant in seven episodes in the life of Columbus was presented by pantomime. Harold White gave the part of Columbus and Arline Dixson was Queen Isabella, Court Jester was Russell Whiteman and Ellen Gibb impersonated the Spirit of Destiny. The recitation was given to a musical accompaniment by Morgan Wiegand with Thelma Myers at the piano. Solos were given by Pauline Smith, Gladys and Lucile Rice. The pageant was planned and written by Miss Alice Childs.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Ideal weather, good roads-why are our chronic grumblers being grouches. We are pleased to learn of the "clean up" our officials, backed by organization that is more or less condemned, made in the county the past few weeks. Truly the path of the transgressor is hard. (Today, we wonder what was the real topic??? Prohibition?) The Misses Hazel Hicks and Esther Johnson spent the weekend as guests of her brother Roy who is a student in the business college in Fort Madison. H. S. Lant of Stronghurst and Will Weir, Jr. of Coloma motored to Aledo Saturday and attended the sale of pure bred sheep conducted by the Mercer County Sheep Breeders' Association. Mr. Weir purchased 3 pure bred ewes to add to his registered stock and Mr. Lant purchased 2 ewes, one being the sale's topper, to add to his present flock of 90.

Some of the local teachers are enrolling for the extension course given at Gladstone by the State Teachers' College of Macomb. Two courses are offered: Advanced Literature, a study of Tennyson; physical growth of school children, their physical defects and their early arrestments. About 30 teachers are enrolled. The course will be conducted by Mr. E. E.VanCleve of Macomb and the course is equivalent to 120 hours of college work. Mr. V. Davis, wife and son and Mrs. John Lant were sightseeing a recent day in Dallas City. Enroute they noticed a large acreage of wheat has been sown. A cane mill conducted by M. M.Vaughn this side of Lomax was visited and some good sorghum purchased-price of $1.25 per gallon. The fine roads and weather helped to make the trip a pleasant one. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Palmer and son, Mr. and Mrs. Hartman and son and Mrs. Charles Lant motored to Youngstown Sabbath day and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gullberg. Mrs. Gullberg was formerly Miss Susie Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Brown of Monmouth. Many are storing their winter supply of apples and potatoes of which there is an abundant supply.

LOMAX LINGERINGS: Percy Buckley and family have moved from the west end of town to the Porter property in the north part of town. V. P. Hopkins, agent for the Santa Fe, is enjoying a two weeks vacation; E. E. Howard is acting as relief man. New concrete walks are being laid from Joe Floods corner across and up to the Waggoner corner; this is a real improvement for the town. The small pox patients are again up and out. The village school and public gathering ban is raised and everything is back to normal. Duncan and Howd of Burnisde opened up a picture show at the opera house and will give a show Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights of each week. Considerable repair has been given to the opera house which is appreciated by the local people.