The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic: Nov. 12, 1924
ESCAPED DEATH: Mrs. J.D. Adkinson and four year old daughter, Ruth, miraculously escaped terrible injury and possible death Thursday morning at their farm home 4 miles southwest of Roseville, Ill., when they were severely bruised and somewhat lacerated by being run over by a wagon and team of horses that Mrs. Adkinson was holding by the bits while her husband was at the rear of the wagon loading hogs.
Mrs. Adkinson was badly trampled by the horses hoofs and the wagon wheels passed over her ribs and one ankle adding further injury. One shoe was pulled off and her dress was nearly torn from her. The little daughter Ruth, who was standing by her mother when the team started, apparently escaped injury with the exception of one bruised ankle and foot from which the little shoe was torn.
The victims, while suffering severely from bruises and small lacerations, had no broken bones and apparently had no internal injuries. The team was considered gentle, but became unmanageable when the first hog chased in the wagon clearing the front and fell on its back. The wagon team were very little damaged.
Mrs. Adkinson is the wife of one the community's leading farmers and is also prominent socially and in club work, being among others, a member of the Shanbena Chapter of the DAR and the PEO.
COUNTY FARM AND ALMS HOUSE and JAIL: Bids will be received at the office of the County Clerk of Henderson County for a superintendent of the County Farm Alms House and Jail for the ensuing year commencing March 1st, 1924; bids to include all household help and to be under the same rules and regulations as at present. All bids to be on file with the County Clerk on or before ten o'clock Dec. 2nd, 1924. The Board reserves the fight to object any or all bids.--J. J. Barnes Clerk of the Board. (The County Farm and Alms House and Jail was east of Oquawka and today, the only reminder of its location is a small cemetery). At this time period, counties owned and managed a place for the poor. Henderson County included a jail. For more information, look at Carolyn Cooper's book about the Alms House Register at the Henderson County Public Library.)
SHIPPERS' ASSOCIATION BANQUET: Co-operative marketing was discussed in connection with a menu of stewed chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberry sauce, canned corn, cabbage salad, hot rolls, cake, ice cream and coffee by about 125 members of the Stronghurst Livestock Shipping Association and invited guests at a banquet held Wednesday evening in the Women's Community club rooms. The menu of eats prepared and served by the good women of the Community club first occupied the attention of the assemblage after which a program, the main feature of which was a speech by Mr. I. C. Grimes of Chicago on the aims and purposes of the Producers Livestock Commission Association.
***OBITUARY***GEO. KEMP: George Kemp, former Henderson County citizen and a resident of Stronghurst for several years, died at his home in Fairfield, Ia. On Nov. 10th. He had been in rather poor health for some time, but his condition was not considered grave. His death, therefore, which followed an attack of heart failure, came as a shock to his relatives and acquaintances. Mr. Kemp was born at Gladstone, Ill. On Sept. 12, 1855, making him 69 years, 1 month and 28 days old at the time of his death. The greater part of his life was spent in this vicinity. Some 12 years ago he moved with his family to Fairfield, Ia., which has been the family home since that time. He is survived by his wife, who was formerly Miss Floy Fort, a daughter of Mr. George Fort of this place and sister of Mrs. J. W. Hicks; also by one son, Robert Kemp of Red Oak, Ia. and two daughter, Bessie and Grace, the former being a teacher in the Dexter, Ia. Schools and the latter a bookkeeper in Fairfield.
Mr. Kemp was a member of the Stronghurst Camp of Modern Woodmen, having retained his membership there during his residence in Iowa. Funeral services were conducted in Fairfield Wednesday afternoon. Mr. George Fort and Mrs.J.W. Hicks and daughter Ardis of this place were present at the service.
FIRST PRIZE: In the Farm Bureau Essay Contest, Miss Adeline Stevenson of Biggsville won first place over 19 other close contestants. This placing entitles Miss Stevenson to the prize of $10 in the local contest and her essay will be sent to the Illinois Agricultural Association committee of judges, who will choose thirteen statewide winners... (The placing of the other contestants follows.)
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Earl Huppert, who has been railroading in the Western country, arrived here for a visit with his parents. On account of demand among high school students for special work, Mrs. E. L. Whiteman of Galesburg, teacher of expression, will be at the home of Mrs. Charles Davis on Saturday, Nov. 15th where pupils wishing to take lessons may register. Courses for both children and high school students are available. John Stine arrived home after filling a season's engagement with the Redpath Chautauqua Bureau. He has developed into a dramatic reader of ability and his services as instructor are nowr available to any who desire to become proficient in that art. The annual Thank Offering service of the Stronghurst U.P. Church will be held Nov. 16th with Miss Kate E. Spencer, a missionary from India who is one in this country on a furlough, will be the speaker. Mrs. Guy Dunbar and two daughters, Evelyn and Helen of Monmouth were Sunday visitors at the home of her cousins, Mrs. Hettie McLain and C.M. Bell and family. Chauncy Hollingsworth and wife and little son and daughter of Springfield, Ill. arrived for a visit with relatives. Chauncy has a position with a public service corporation there as electrical engineer.
Those farmers that have begun picking corn report that a considerable per cent is light and chaffy and not up to former years in weight. James Grigsby, one of the most prominent and public spirited citizens of Blandinsville, died last Friday of uremic poisoning at the age of 58 years.
HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AND ARMISTICE DAY: Beyond a rather general display of flags and bunting and the closing of the two banks in the village, armistice Day was not observed here in any special manner unless an exception be made in the case of some 15-20 high school boys and girls who seemed to think that the school authorities were not showing the proper spirit of patriotism in refusing to dismiss school. They deserted in a body following the noon intermission and piling into a truck, started in search of some place where the inhabitants were more patriotically inclined. However, a heavy down pour of rain and hail which caught them on the road served to dampen their ardor somewhat and they returned early in the evening. We understand that the assignment of some extra work was the penalty imposed for the act of insubordination.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Janitor Howard Berry entertained the football team of the high school with an oyster supper at his home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Berry was assisted in serving by her daughters, Margaret and Evelyn. Captain Harold White gave a talk about members of the teams and also expressed appreciation accorded them by Mr. and Mrs. Berry. Those present were Dale Whiteman, Russell Whiteman, Chas. Boyd, Harold Stenebeck, George Roof, Harold White, Paul Duncan, John Duncan, Glen Wilson, James Drain, Charles Stevenson, Jack McIntosh, Edward Stotts and Stephen Graham. Mr. and Mrs. N. Q. Welch passed the 45 milestone of their married life on Wednesday. The day was passed quietly at their home they having as dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McCling of Monmouth. Mrs. McClung and Mrs. Welch's brother, Mr. Hamil, who is at present a member of her family, were guests at the wedding 45 years ago. In the evening a group of neighbors in a spirit of merriment serenaded them with instruments of the tin pan variety. Being invited in, they extended congratulations and best wishes to the couple.
Meredith Fagan, who was operated on at the Burlington Hospital for an injury to his knee, came through the operation safely and was reported as well as could be expected. The birthday of Mrs. Paul P. Gibb was pleasantly celebrated at her home when her children , brothers and sisters came to spend the day, it being her 80th birthday. Dinner was served at noon. A decorative feature of it was an immense birthday cake with 8o candles. The afternoon was spent visiting. All the children were home namely: Mrs. Agnes Adair of Burlington; Mrs. Ross Vaughn of Lomax' Mrs. Nellie Mathers of Media, Mrs. Lizzie Wilson; Mrs. Maurice Marsden, Will and Chester Gibb of Biggsville. The sisters, Mrs. Bell McKeown of Stronghurst; Mrs. Ellen Gibb and two brothers: William and John Stevenson of this place.
Chalmer Gibson, 12 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson, who had been ill for several days with appendicitis, was taken to Burlington and underwent an operation. His condition is reported as satisfactory. Mr. John Hickenbottom who has been going to Burlington for medical treatment had X-rays taken at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bergren, north of town, are the proud parents of a ten pound son. The cemetery tea held at the home of Miss Rachel McDill was well attended Tuesday afternoon. Miss Edith Lorimer, who is a senior in Monmouth College, is hearing the English classes at the high school this week, taking the place of Miss Alice Childs who is ill. The Peoria Creamery Co. expect to open a station here in the Holmes office building and will buy poultry, eggs and cream. Mr. Lee, field agent for the company, was here to install equipment and W.J. Kennedy of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, who will be the local manager, has already arrived.
CARMAN CONCERNS: The Ladies Aid had a luncheon election day. Besides a chicken shower and two quilts sold they made cleared a little over $52. Mr. Harold Dixon and U. L. Marsden have been on the sick list. Mr. Wm. Babcook and family are Durham goers this week attending a revival there. Wm. Lightner and helper from La Harpe were installing new lightning rods on the Rehling place. Mr. Cyril Good has been suffering with blood poison in his hand; he was operated on for it last Thursday and has been improving. Mrs. Olive Burnett went to LaHarpe hospital where she had her tonsils removed. Several duck hunters of Chicago have been enjoying the past ten days here camping near the river.
The Ladies Aid Society will have a Harvest Home Festival Dec. 17th at their meeting place. Dinner will be served at the usual hour with the following menu: Roast Pork, gravy, Candied Sweet Potatoes, Mashed Potatoes, Bread and Butter, Perfection Salad (anyone have the recipe?), Cranberry Jelly, Apples red Hot, Coffee, Pumpkin Pie and Whipped Cream. Mr. and Mrs. Buick Siens are the proud parents of a baby born born at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Dixon are the proud parents of a baby girl ; mother and babe are doing nicely.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The U. P. and M. E. Churches have merged into a Federated Church, the plans being completed and entered into at a meeting of the two congregations last Sunday. The church will be known at the United Church of Media. More than 100 persons have signed as charter members and more are yet to be added. The directors for the new church are E. G. Lewis, H. O. White, J. D. Mink, Barnard White, E. S. Mathers, George Hickman, Mrs. Charles Pogue and Mrs. Elizabeth Rankin. The congregation will employ a minister of some denomination other than the U. P. or M. E. as soon as it is possible to fine one who may meet the requirements. The federation does not bar any one of any denomination who wishes to federate with them. The U. P. Church will serve as the meeting place for the present. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stanbary and children, Nellie, Ernest and Kenneth, returned from several days visit with relatives at Glasford and Pekin, having been called by the illness of Mrs. Stanbary's father who lives in Glasford. Quite a number of our people attended evangelistic services at Smithshire M. E. Church Sunday night. These meetings are being conducted by the pastor, Rev. Abbott, and are well attended and quite a number have already been converted.
LOMAX LINGERINGS: B. L. Vandruff has purchased the L. W. Porter building and will go in some kind of business in the near future. LeRoy Pence has purchased the Ralph Smith property in the south part of town and will move there this week. Jasper Logan returned home from a visit with his daughter, Mrs. Oscar Sayr of Mystic, Iowa. W. B. Bradford and family left for a visit with the lady's parents, W. B. Hampton and wife of Southwest Missouri. S. E. Vaughn and wife left for Arkansas where they will spend the winter.