The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1924 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic: Nov. 6, 1924

BEING SAVED IN BLANDINSVILLE: Rev. P. Raymond Powers of Chicago began a series of Evangelistic meetings in the M.E. Church in Blandinsville last Sunday evening. The meeting begin with enthusiasm, the church being crowded. Rev. Powers is said to be a great chorus leader as well as a strong preacher.

TRAVELED 140,000 MILES ON THE SANTA FE: The Earth, a monthly periodical published by the A.T. & S.F. R.R. Co. in the interest of the territory served by the Santa Fe lines in 13 states in the great Southwest, devoted the entire front page of the November issue to a writeup concerning Mrs. Amanda Johnson of Roseville, Ill., who on Sept. 13 completed at San Diego her 50th trip between her home and California.

The article says: " At the distance from Galesburg, Ill. where Mrs Johnson usually boards the California Limited for her western trip, is approximately 2,500 miles from San Diego, the veteran traveler has covered something like 140,000 miles and as a passenger on Santa Fe trains and on none of her trips has she ever been the victim of an accident nor even seriously been delayed as a result of a wreck of other cause for delay of trains.

Her first trip to California was made in company with her husband in 1885 before the Santa Fe road was completed to the coast and only two of the remaining trips were made by roads other than the Santa Fe. The magazine embellished the article with a portrait of Mrs. Johnson who in 85 years of age and who when asked if she intended to return home next spring on the Santa Fe replied, "Certainly."

TOPS THE CHICAGO MARKET: D.N. Cortelyou of Stronghurst made one of the best sales of steers at the Chicago market in weeks when he sold a string of Texas bred Hereford yearlings at $12.06. The string attracted attention for the uniformity in size and finish which is never seen in any other breed but white face at this market.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Simpson are the proud parents of a fine boy born this morning, November 6th at their home in Stronghurst. Through the courtesy of Simpson Bros., who placed a loud speaker horn in our office and connected it up with an Atwater-Kent receiving set in their place of business, the Graphic was enabled to get election returns Tuesday evening by radio. Quit a crowd of interested listeners kept us company up to about midnight, by which time the general results so far as the national and state tickets were concerned, had been broadcasted. After a two week vacation, Harvey Lant returned to Chicago to resume his work as railroad mail clerk. Miss Alta Marie Reynolds, who now operates a beauty parlor in Kewanee, Ill., visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Chant are expecting to leave next Saturday for Albuquerque, N. Mex. where they will spend the winter near their sons Lloyd and Philip. Mr. Chant wishes to announce that his official duties in connection with the Stronghurst Building and Loan Association will be looked after by W. C. Ivins during his absence. The State Bank shipped a carload of fat Hereford cattle to the Chicago market. Mrs. M. L. Evans and little daughter, Margie Lou are visiting Mrs. Evans parents in Denver, Colo. Amos Cavins and family moved into the T.D.Steffey house just vacated by Mrs. Steffey who moved to Dallas City. Ralph Staley, accompanied by his employer, Mr. Lloyd Kennedy, went to Peoria where Mr. Kennedy purchased baling wire to be used in his straw baling business. They drove over in his truck and back home the same day. The Apt brothers and sisters gave an entertainment Wednesday night at the Lomax Christian Church. They had a good house and the receipts were very satisfactory. Afterward the church served supper with the proceeds going to the church. H. C. Haben was taken to the Burlington Hospital and underwent an operation for intestinal trouble. An unnatural growth which puzzled the operating surgeons was found and removed. The patient is reported to be in a very weakened condition. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walker returned from a week's visit at Maryville, Mo. where they visited a brother of Mrs Walker who is in poor health. They made the trip out, a distance of 250 miles in one day and the return trip in the same time comping past their farm near Keosauqua, Ia., where oil has been discovered in the last few days within six miles of their farm. Gene Peasley and wife drove from Janesville, Wis. and spent a few days at the C. E. Peasley home near Decorra. They left their car here and departed for Denver, Colorado where Gene will make his headquarters as sales manager for the Burroughs Adding Machine Co.. Richard Peasley expects to drive Gene's car to Denver in the future.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Mrs. Artie Lyons was called to Terre Haute on account of the illness of her mother, Mrs. Charles White. Otis White has also been with his mother and all is being done for her comfort that can be done. The Burrell families made merry Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Charles Lant. The gathering was complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burrell and son of Pilton, Ia. who were visiting relatives here. Violinist, Mr. Joe Avery was accompanied by Mrs. Maud Burrell. Mr. Ira Peterson and children are recovering from a siege of whooping cough. The pupils and some of their parent enjoyed a weenie roast on the Burrell School grounds. Some young men of Stronghurst rented the Tucker dance hall in the village and Saturday night put on a masquerade which was fairly well patronized. A young son is a late arrival at the Miss Burrell home in the village born to her niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McIntyre of Media, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Fox will begin housekeeping in a nice little bungalow on the Allen Annegers farm where Mr. Fox is employed. A ten pound son is a late arrival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gear Peterson of Hopper, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. John Avery have moved from Olena to one of the tenant houses of Mr. Alex Marshall and will be employed by Wm. Marshall.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The Ladies Missionary Society of the U. P. Church will serve a fried chicken dinner in the church basement at noon Friday, Nov. 14th. Section A of this same society will serve an oyster supper at the same place Thursday evening,, Nov. 13th. These are the dates for our county Farmers and Teachers Institutes which are to be held here in the high school gym. This dinner and supper is given so that those who attend these meetings may have no fear of having to go hungry while in town. People of the community are also invited. David Gilliland has purchased and taken possession of the restaurant formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Campbell. The Campbells expect to return to their former home at Steubenville, Ohio. J. E. Lawyer, Santa Fe Agent here, is recovering nicely from an operation for appendicitis which he underwent last week at the Santa Fe Hospital at Ft. Madison. His men's Bible class are remembering him with a post card shower. Miss Anna LaVelle and her pupils of South Prairie School enjoyed a weenie roast after school Thursday evening. Mrs. Rush Leftwich has rented her property to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cavins and will store her household goods and spend the winter with her children who live near her and at Moline. Harry Norville, who has been a patient at the Monmouth Hospital, returned home for a two weeks stay. His leg is still in a cast and at the end of the two weeks at home, he will return to the hospital for a final x-ray to see that everything is O.K. before he is dismissed. W. S. Mathers, Harold Graham and Raymond Mathers have added greatly to the already neat appearance of their homes by treating them to a new coat of paint.