The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1924 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic: Aug. 21, 1924

SCOUTING 1924 STYLE: If any one were to ask the ten husky Scouts who spent seven days in Camp Nawakwa, Augusta, Iowa, if their experience was worth while, every Scout would answer "yes" with a whoop. It is quite true that things did not start out very encouragingly on account of heavy rains, but when the weather cleared, fun and work began and from that time until the last minute when the boys shouted goodbye to the camp director and the cook, something was doing all the while.

Six Tenderfeet Scouts went into camp, but not a Tenderfoot came out. Every one of these was a Second Class Scout. They were Ralph Davies, Frederick Gibb, Chalmers Vaughn, Raymond Walker, Herbert Brook and Everett Upton. Several also passed a number of individual tests leading to First Class scouting. Kenneth Sanderson, A second class scout, passed his tests and was advanced to the rank of first class. Richard Myers and Charles Davis completed most of their first class work and hope to be ready for the Court of Honor in the near future. William Lukens, a first class scout, passed some merit badge tests.

Lots of hiking, swimming in the creek and the pool at the Y.M.C.A. in Burlington, the kitchen police duty, hungry scouts at mess, the camp fires at night where the director told tales that made the hair stand on the boys' heads and little shivers run up and down their spines, the conversation in the tents were all part of a great experience.

FARM BUREAU PARTY IN THE PARK: Everything is set for the Henderson County Farm Bureau Picnic to be held at Crapo Park next Saturday beginning about 10 o'clock. In the morning people will visit and also watch the horse-shoe pitchings, which will be an elimination contest to determine the team which shall represent Henderson County at the State Farm Bureau Picnic to be held at Lincoln, Illinois on Aug. 26th. Additional courts will be provided for those who wish to pitch merely for fun. Horseshoe pitchers are invited to bring their own shoes.

At the noon hour a basket dinner will be held, always a big feature at the picnic. Following this will be the formal program consisting of community singing by the entire company and an address by A. C. Everingham, representing the Illinois Agricultural Association. Afterward a short series of races and contests will be held with prizes offered by The Greater Burlington Association.

Next in order will be the ball game between the north end of the county and the south end. The north end team will be in charge of L. L. Clark and Otto Steffey will lead the south enders. As a crowning event, a tug-of-war will be held between a picked team representing the two sections of the county with Charles Cooper in charge of the north and Gus Rehling the south. All Farm Bureau members and friends of the group are invited.

MODERN WOODMAN PICNIC: While Jupiter Fluvius (rainstorms) interfered somewhat with the M.W.A. picnic in Stronghurst last Saturday, the occasion proved a pleasant affair for those who attended. The heavy rain on Friday night put the grounds at Lake Fort in such a condition that the basket dinner for picnic day was abandoned. The day, however, proved to be one of sunshine and by afternoon the grounds had dried off and a very respectable number of Woodmen and their friends gathered for an enjoyable time.

The principal feature was the address by Rev. Ivan Agee of Monmouth who held the undivided attention of his audience for about an hour while he explained the principles of Woodcraft and told of the great work the organization did. All events were called off except the horseshoe pitching which was won by a team composed of Harold Weddington and Orville McKeown and the baseball game. The game was played in Steffey's field, a team of the M.W.A. boys contended with a team from the Decorra neighborhood, which had been dubbed the"Pumpkin Center' team. The game proved to be a rather one sided affair with the score being 12 to 4 in favor of the "Pumpkin Centers." On account of conditions, the band concert was held in the village park as a fitting close to the day's events.

osedly intractable Russian stallions. Thus, the various displays-16 in all-are equally distributed throughout the entire length of the mammoth main tent.

Some idea of the increased size of this great circus may be had from the estimate made by a New York statistician when it was playing Madison Square Garden. After taking a census of the Big Show's people, horses, trained animals and the thousand animals contained in its menagerie, he announced that were it possible to place them shoulder to shoulder, they would form a line more than two miles long! A hundred railroad cars, all double length, are used to transport this enormous institution, its properties, paraphernalia and huge equipment. The latter include many innovations for the comfort of patrons. Among these are 40 Jumbo-electric fans operated by specially designed dynamo sets that audiences may enjoy cool and freshly filtered air throughout the hours of performance. (How exciting, the anticipation would be hardly bearable!)

CHAUTAUQUA OFF TO ROUGH START: Stronghurst's 1924 Chautauqua opened under discouraging conditions, but gives promise of being a success. The tent did not arrive until Monday evening and arrangement were made to erect it in the park early Tuesday morning; but about eight o'clock a heavy rain set in and stopped operations. The downpour lasted for nearly two hours and by that time the grounds were so water soaked that it was deemed unwise to erect the tent until the sun had a chance to dry things. As the opening number had been set for 2:30 o'clock that afternoon, it was moved to the Lyric Theatre.

The attraction was the Hussar Girls and although the showers followed one another in rapid succession up to the time of beginning the program, the Lyric was comfortably filled when the company of musicians made their appearance. The Hussars put on a snappy and varied program in which the piano, fife, trombone, saxophone, violin and drums were used, both separately and ensemble in a manner which brought spontaneous and hearty applause from the audience. The big tent was erected in the park Tuesday afternoon but was not in readiness for the evening program and the Hussar Girls made their second appearance at the Lyric to a completely filled building with overflow on the street.

Everything was put in ship shape by the opening of Wednesday's afternoon program. Wednesday's attractions were the exhibitions of magic and mysticism by Kringsberg and Company and health lectures and demonstrations by Mr. and Mrs. C. Rucker Adams. Kringsberg fully sustained the reputation which had preceded him as a performer of unusual feats of magic, both Occidental and Oriental type, some of the latter having about them all the uncanny effects which are said to be produced by the celebrated fakirs of India. The lectures and demonstrations given by Mr. and Mrs. Adams were calculated not only to impress upon every one the vast importance of keeping the human body in a fit condition for performing the tasks laid upon it, but showed how through proper exercise this fit condition is attainable by anyone who is not troubled by organic or functional difficulties. Both groups presented both an afternoon and evening program.

Thursday is expected to bring one of the biggest features of the course, name the play entitled, "Her Temporary Husband." The dramatic company will put on a good program and will present their feature play in the evening too. The afternoon's performance will be supplemented by a lecture on "My Term in the Penitentiary" by Warden Woodward of the Wisconsin State Penitentiary.

The superintendent of the Chautauqua is Mr. R. T. Gallemore; he keeps things running smoothly at each session and makes his introductions of the talent brief and to the point. The Junior work is in charge of Miss Mervyn Richards, a young lady who possesses a happy faculty of quickly gaining the confidence of the younger element.

CAFETERIA SUPPER IN THE PARK: At the village park on Wednesday evening at 5:30 o'clock the ladies of the Methodist Church will serve a supper for the public. It will be served cafeteria style so that you may chose from the following menu: chicken sandwiches, hamburger sandwiches, potato salad, sliced tomatoes, choice of pie, hot coffee. Ice cream cones, lemonade, popcorn and sandwiches will be on sale at the stand throughout the evening.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Miss Sara McEhinney arrived home from New York City where she has been taking a special course in Art at Columbia University this summer. Mrs. Dr. Wells of Washington, D.C. has been renewing friendships former several years ago when she and her husband were residents of Stronghurst. She was a guest at the C. R. Kaiser home. Mrs. Mary Miller returned home from a three weeks visit to Council Bluffs, Iowa and Nebraska. Mr. G. H. Hurd of Delhi, La. is visiting his brother W.E.Hurd. Mr. Hurd is employed as a railroad agent and operator at the above named city. He says that the weather has been unusually dry in his section of the south this summer, but that the Louisiana and Texas cotton crop will be good and that good prices will be realized from it.

LOCAL AND Area News: About 74 people from the different churches here drove to Burnside last Sunday and attended evening services in the revival meetings which are in progress conducted by the Grady Cantrell evangelistic party. Those who went took baskets filled with good things to ear and enjoyed a supper with Mrs. Cantrell and Mrs Pecaut (song leader's wife). The meeting place at the M. E. Church was full and standing room was at a premium, chairs being brought in and placed in the aisles to accommodate the crowd. Art McKeown has been confined to his bed with stomach trouble but is some better. Mrs. Freeman Doak was taken to the LaHarpe Hospital suffering from the summer flu. John Forbes was unfortunate while working in the timber to fall from a tree, receiving a badly sprained knee; he is obliged to go on crutches as result. Mr. Willis Keener, his Everett and nephew Archie Eaton of Burlington and Frank Lant are making arrangement to start in the Keener car on a trip to Florida. Cleo Stine, a salesman for the Burroughs Adding Machine Co. won a two weeks vacation with all expenses paid for himself and his wife by making the most sales in 30 days.

WON PRIZES AT THE FAIR: I.H. Brokaw was awarded six ribbons at the Tri-County Fair at LaHarpe on his exhibit of Duroc hogs. One animal shown in the Junior yearling sow class not only took first in her class but was awarded the sweepstakes or Grand champion prize for sows. A Junior yearling boar also was awarded a first prize.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Golden Babcook, eldest son of A. C. Babcook, was married at Davenport Thursday. He and his bride spent 10 days at home and they will go to Forrest, Ill, where he has accepted a position in the college. He met his bride in Peoria at her uncle's home as her home is in Kentucky. Glenn Mooney of Burlington, Ia., who has been staying here for the summer working for his uncle, Robt. Gillis (section foreman), was called back to his work as a fireman on the C.B. &Q. He was replaced by Roy Stimpson. Gene Babcook, Glen Gillis, Paul Babcook, Joseph and John Clover went to Dallas City to register for his school. Mrs. Cyril Good has an infected hand and is going to Lomax for treatment by Dr. W. J. Emerson. Earl Wiegand went to Burlington to register for high school while Frederick Rehling and the Howell brothers and their sister Rhoda registered in Stronghurst. Miss Mary Seigworth and friend and Mrs. Faye Logan of Dallas City had an automobile collision down near Lomax; no one was hurt, but the cars received minor damage. Mrs. Edna Babcook and daughter Cheryl were Olena goers staying for both the day and evening services. The principal of the Dallas City High School took some boys out on a hike for 10 days. From here, Paul and Gene Babcook, John and Joseph Clover, Glen Gillis were part of the group. All left for Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gillfillan have recently purchased a farm near Roseville. Rev. Lorimer and family returned from a three weeks visit with relatives in Pennsylvania and Indiana. They were accompanied here by a cousin, Miss Elizabeth Knox. Rev. and Mrs. Spencer Baker and small sons of Conrad, Iowa are guests in the A. P. McHenry home. Prof. Parry L. Schuler came from Royal, Ia. where he has been professor for several years; his household goods have arrived too. Dr. C. C. Douglas of Sterling, Kansas, a former pastor, stopped for a brief visit. Miss Gladys Stevenson, who holds a position as stenographer at the J. C. Penny store in Galesburg, is visiting home folk for two weeks. Prof. and Mrs. Joe Johnson were here packing their household goods for a move to either Chicago or Minnesota where he has accepted a position in a railroad office. Alvah Kilgore and daughter, Miss Kathryn of Glendale, Iowa were recent guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Kilgore.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Rumor says that John Sterling and his housekeeper, Mrs. Lynch, were joined in wedlock one day last week in Monmouth. The Burlington Gazette announced the marriage of Jonathan Long and Miss Mary Prier, both of Olena. George Burrell, son of deceased John Burrell, called among Illinois relatives. Virgil Davis has purchased Ford car.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Word has been received of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pendarvis of Peoria. The little lady has been named Jane Anne. Quite a few from here attended the LaHarpe Fair. Mr. and Mrs. George Wax returned home from an extended visit to Missouri with the lady's parents.

SCHOOL STARTS: The Stronghurst grade and high schools will open on Sept. 1st. The rooms have all been newly decorated and the lighting rearranged and a new laboratory secured for the high school use. Additional laboratory equipment and library reference books have been added so that the courses offered will be up to the high standard kept by our schools and that the school may be fully accredited with the University of Illinois as has been the case for a year. Last fall the state high school visitor certified the school until June 1, 1925.

The teaching corps will be almost the same as last years with Mr. L.O. Dawson as head of both schools and principal of the high school with Mr. Nicholas, Miss Adams, Miss Easton and Miss Corinne Magee assisting him; Miss Magee taking Miss Landon's place, Miss Harbinson, Mrs. Spiker, Miss Kirby and Miss Francis make up the grade corps-the same as last year.

COMING TO TOWN: Posters have been put up and programs distributed about the community announcing a Klantauqua to be held in Stronghurst on Aug. 26, 27 and 28. Afternoon and evening programs are announced each of the three days. The features advertised are community singing; concerts by the Bidwell-Rice Co., the Frazers and the Gypsy Serenaders and addresses by Dr. Wm. M. Holderby, C. C. Crawford, Hon. J. W. Gorrell, Mrs. Adah H. Hagler and Mrs. Rosa T. McGehee.