The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1924 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic: Aug. 14, 1924

THEY MOVE UP THE LADDER: Mr. R. H. Davies, who has held the position as agent for the Santa Fe R.R. for the past year or more is to be transferred to Coal City, Ill. Shore Hollingsworth, who has held the next lower place in the local office, has been appointed as agent; Fred Johnson will be advanced to Shore's place and Chas. Berg will fill Fred's old position. While Stronghurst people will be glad to see the office here in charge of one of our own boys who have won his way upward by faithful work, they will regret losing Mr. Davis and family from the community.

HOW TO HAVE FUN 1924 STYLE: The picnic which is to be given at Lake Fort Club grounds near Stronghurst next Saturday, Aug. 16, under the auspices of the local M.W.A. Camp (a lodge) promises to be a very enjoyable affair. The picnic is not only for Woodman and their families, but for the public in general. The committee in charge has arranged a fine program for the day including an address by Rev. Ivan W. Agee of Jacksonville, Ill. and a concert in the evening by the Stronghurst band.

After the dinner and address a program of sports will be offered: potato race for women, horseshoe tournament, swimming races of 100, 50 and 25 yards, fancy diving, boat race, barrel boxing and fat men's race. (who could resist such a fun time!). First and second prizes of $1.00 for first prize and fifty cents for second can be won except for the 25 yd. swimming race were the prizes will be fifty cents for first and 25 for second. Go to the club grounds with a filled basket with good eats and enjoy the afternoon program and stay for the band concert in the evening.

WEDDING BELLS: HENDRICKSON-McINTIRE: From the Monmouth Daily Review-Atlas-" Frank Hendrickson, Jr., of Media and Miss Ruby McIntyre of Stronghurst were united in marriage at the Second United Presbyterian parsonage by Rev. A. A. Graham. The single ring ceremony was performed and the young people were accompanied by Miss Edith Hendrickson and Mr. McVey. The couple will make their home on a farm near Media." (Note the bride name is spelled both ways.)

OBITUARY: MRS. ALMIRA BACON-Almira Jane Anderson was born near Girard, Pa., March 17, 1831. She was the fourth of five children born to George and Christa Anderson who were of Scotch descent, having come to Pennsylvania in the early day from New York State.

When six year of age she was started to school in a log school house and was taught reading, writing and geography. In those days girls were not deemed worthy to be taught arithmetic so this subject was taught only to the boys. Children were forced to study the same books from year and year and graded schools were not even dreamed of.

In the spring of 1839 at the age of 8 years she came with her parents to Illinois, coming across the country the entire way in wagons drawn of oxen, sleeping and eating on the ground when weather permitted or in their wagons during stormy days. After a tiresome journey of 6 weeks, they settled near Macomb. Land at this that time was almost given away by the government to anyone who would build and live upon it. Here the family lived for three years, then moved to a farm between Carthage and Nauvoo. While living here she experienced the horrors of the Mormon War which resulted in the driving of the Mormons from Illinois. She saw the beautiful temple built and afterwards burned and upon several occasions heard their leader, Joseph Smith, preach and remembered distinctly of his having been killed at the old jail in Carthage while he was trying to escape. Three more years of her life were spent in that vicinity when the family again moved this time coming to Henderson County and location on a farm between Burlington and Gladstone. While living in this neighborhood Miss Almira married on Sept 1, 1863 to Franklin Bacon who was one of the self-made man of Henderson County who had worked his way steadily upward from a humble position to one of affluence. To Mr. and Mrs. Bacon were born three children, Edgar and Walter who died in infancy and Florence who is left to mourn the loss of this mother.

After spending 20 years on the farm, Mr. Bacon built a home in Media and Mrs. Bacon has continued living in this home until his death. On Dec.13, 1903 she was called upon to mourn the loss of her husband and since that time she has been tenderly and devotedly cared for by her daughter, Mrs. Florence Mathers, who with her child, Mrs. Gladys Heap and her husband and little daughter, Margaret Fern, have lived with her, making pleasant and enjoyable home for her where she has been watched over and ministered unto during her declining years. She was a devout member of the M. E. Church. During the last few years she has been confined to her home. She was a great lover of music and enjoyed the companionship of others always greeting them with a smile and a welcoming hand.

Four months ago he suffered a very slight stroke of apoplexy from which she never fully recovered and about a week ago her condition become serious. Tuesday afternoon about four o'clock her soul passed quietly and peacefully into the hands of Him who doeth all things well. Funeral services will be held from the M. E. Church with interment in the Walnut Grove cemetery by the side of her husband.

DEFENSE TEST SEPT. 12TH : In 1920 Congress passed a law for our national safety. This law provides a reserve composed of Civilian Volunteers. In peace, the Reserves are only a framework composed mostly of officers. If we be attacked, this framework Reserve is filled up by enlisted men procured by Selective service Boards of Civilians. To do this, plans called Mobilization Plans are necessary:(long article explaining what the plans entail).

STRUCK BY LIGHTNING: During the violent electrical storm which prevailed last Friday morning, a bolt of lightning killed two horses which were standing under a tree near the buildings on the old J. W. Rankin farm east of town. A. S. McElhinney, John Hickman and Henry Collins, who were working about the place about 15 rods from the tree under which the horses were killed, were more or less affected by the electrical discharge, Mr. McElhinney being the most seriously affected. After a few hours of rest, however, he had recovered from the shock. It was a close call for the three men and an experience which they would not care to repeat.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Mrs. C. R. Pendarvis accompanied her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dalton of Monmouth, to Boston, Mass. to attend the National Grand Army of the Republic encampment; Mr. Dalton is an old soldier. Mr. and Mrs. George Wax are visiting relatives at Tarkio, Canton and Kansas City. Mr. McKeown of Stronghurst is assisting in the cooperative store during their absence. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard White drove to LaHarpe to enter an exhibit for the E.G.Lewis Seed Co. at the Tri-County Fair

Mrs. Oscar Talbott (formerly Geneva Johnson) of Griswold, Ia. is visiting an old Wever Academy friend, Mrs. Florence Mathers. The annual picnic for all former and present students and teachers of Wever Academy and Media community High School will be held on the Academy lawn Aug. 21st. An interesting program is planned and the Community Club will serve ice dream and cake. Mrs. T.W. Wilson is laid up with a badly sprained knee, the result of a fall. The attendance at Sunday School was 108, an increase if 21 over a week ago. Mr. and Mrs. John Norwood and the latter's sister, Leah Salter, all of Chicago, who are on a 1,000 mile auto tour including the states of Wisconsin, Illinois and Missouri, arrived here to visit relatives before continuing on to Hannibal, Mo. to visit Paul Salter.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mrs. Chester Bush of Burlington won second prize on a luncheon set exhibited at the Tri-County Fair. Mr. Herbert Fitz stopped to visit home folks on his way to Citizens Military Training Camp at Camp Custer. Mrs. Mary Wheeler left for her home of Judith Gap, Mont. after visiting with his sisters, Miss Edna Dobbs and Mrs. Chester Adair, Fred Kershaw left for Lawrence, Kans. in charge of a carload of farming implements, household goods and livestock which Raus Richey shipped out to a farm near there on which the Rickeys will reside in the future. The Richeys left by auto for their new home. Miss Ollie Cox underwent an operation at the Burlington Hospital for an affection (that is what is on the microfilm) of the bone in one of her jaws. Frank Miller of Blandinsville died at the Macomb Hospital and was buried in the Blandinsville Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Rohrer of Los Angeles, Calif. are visiting Dr. and Mrs. I. F. Harter. Mrs. Rohrer was a delegate in the Republican Convention in Cleveland. Mr. Rohrer came East by way of the Canadian Pacific R.R. and joined his wife at Cleveland. J. E. Hardin arrived from Lincoln, Nebr. for a visit with old time friends. Ed drove through in his Ford car and reports good roads for the most of the distance. He says that the people of Lincoln are enthusiastic over the honor of having one of their citizens chosen as a vice-presidential candidate and that C. W. Bryan is exceedingly popular in Nebraska because of the fight he waged against monopolies and in the interest of lower prices for the necessities of life. Owing to the recent rains, potatoes are rotting in the ground and the lawns have to be mowed once a week or oftener to keep them looking acceptable. Wm Forgey, residing south of Gladstone, recently had 87 young chickens about the frying size killed by two dogs belonging to a neighbor. Mr. Forgey killed his remaining three chickens for the family to eat and the neighbor killed the dogs.

A. L. McArthur, recognized as one of the ablest newspaper editors in Western Illinois, has severed his connection with the Hamilton Press and will be succeeded by M. Clausen, who with his associates will assume ownership of the Hamilton Printing Co. about Sept.1st. Mrs. Ruby Bell who has been visiting her parents started for her home in Seattle, Wash. on No.5 expecting to stop in Kansas City for a day with relatives and with friends in Nebraska for a few days before going on to Los Angeles. She will visit a short time there before making the trip by steamer to Seattle. A dispute between two business men who are adjoining property owners over the question as to whether an outside stairway being erected by one encroached upon the property of the other led to a short one-round pugilistic encounter. While the Marquis of Queensbury rules were not strictly observed by the principals, the spectators were furnished with most of the thrills which are supposed to be obtained from a prize ring exhibition during the short time the encounter lasted. Mrs. Ralph Staley was taken to the Monmouth Hospital for examination and treatment.

AG REPORT: Heavy rains in this section last Friday and Saturday again delayed threshing operations for several days. Wheat threshing was resumed on Tuesday and since that time fine weather has prevailed the threshing machines have been humming merrily. A source of anxiety to the farmers just at present is the cool nights which have a tendency to delay the filling of the corn ears and the maturity of the crop in time to escape frost damage.

DOWN IT GOES: The sea plane which Glen Romkey of Burlington recently purchased from the U.S. Government fell into the Mississippi River about 50 feet south of the railroad bridge last Sunday when the engine balked while the plane was at a height of 1,000 feet. Mr. Romkey and the passenger whom he had taken with him in the flight escaped without serious injuries. The plane, however, was badly wrecked.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Mr. Wallace Burnett is employed at the Freeland garage building at Lomax this week. Mr. Golden Babcook has work in Forrest, Ill. Miss Mary Jenkins arrived from Florida to spend her vacation with her grandmother, Mrs. Brown. Ralph Hugg of Burlington was looking after farm interests here. A family reunion was held at the home of Eliza Brown last Sunday. All relatives were present with the exception of Mr. George Durham of Florida. The balance from Florida, Chicago and Davenport and Burlington (numbering 25) partook in a bountiful dinner and enjoy a social time the whole day. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hazen left for their home in Nebraska. Miss Mildred Ruth Wick of Iowa, oldest daughter, formerly known as Virdie Vaughn, called among relatives including her uncle, Newton Vaughn. Jaculine Marsden of Burlington was taken to the Burlington Hospital and an X-ray showed that she had broken bones in her limb in two places caused by a motorcycle falling on her. She will remain in the hospital for a few weeks. Paul Pendry left for Galesburg where he will receive his employment back as a brakie.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mrs. May Graves left for her home in Baraboo, Wis. Mrs. Don Lee left for her home in San Francisco. Rex Armstrong, who holds a position with Montgomery Ward, came home to visit home folks. Word was received of the marriage of Ralph Douglas, second son of Rev. and Mrs. Douglas, former pastor of the U.P. Church. The marriage took place at the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunsche, in Chicago on Aug.2nd. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Musser have rented the building lately vacated by M. L. Myers and have opened up a first class grocery store. Governor Small has accepted an invitation to be present and address the people at the annual home coming picnic to be held here on Aug. 28 & 29th. It is understood his talk will be on hard road building program of the state.