The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1924 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic: July 24, 1924

FISH FRY AT THE CLUB: A very pleasant day was enjoyed by a party of some 25 people of this vicinity at the beautiful grounds of the Stronghurst Club near Carman on Monday. The party was on the grounds early in the day and remained until the threatening clouds drove them away in the evening. A round of pleasurable sports including fishing, boating, horseshoe pitching, croquet, etc was enjoyed with a fish fry at the noon hour. Although the day was one of excessive heat, the river breezes arrived to minimize the discomfort arising from the humidity which forecasted the heavy storm of the evening. Dr. and Mrs. Harter and Mr. J. Voorhees were the hosts and hostess of the occasion which was in itself a sufficient guarantee of the success of the affair.

TWO TO ONE: Monmouth's two afternoon newspapers, the Daily Review and the Daily Atlas, have consolidated and as result, but one daily paper will be published. The name of this publication will be the Monmouth Review-Atlas. Hugh R. Moffat who hasbeen connect with The Review through its successive periods as a weekly, semi-weekly, tri-weekly and daily, will be editor-in-chief of the new publication and A. W. Barnes, who has been in charge of the Atlas for something over a year will be the business manager:

***OBITUARY***H. H. BARNES: Henry Harrison Barnes, son of the late H. H. and Mary (Coulson) Barnes of LaHarpe and brother of E. O. Barnes of the Raritan Reporter, and Frank Barnes of Canton, Ill. died at the home of Frank on Thursday, July 17th at the age of 59 years, 10 months and 20 days.

The deceased, who was a printer by trade, was well known throughout this section of Illinois and had a host of friends which were won through his geniality of disposition and companionable nature. He learned the printer's trade in the LaHarper office under his uncle, the late J. C. Coulson and made LaHarpe his home although working at various times in newspaper offices in other states. He suffered a paralytic stroke some time ago while working in St. Paul, Minn. and went from there to the home of his brother Frank in Canton, Ill., where he suffered a second stroke which resulted in his death. Funeral services were conduced at the Christian Church in LaHarpe with interment in the LaHarpe Cemetery.

BLANDINSVILLE BURNING: The city of Blandinsville suffered a $60,000 ($861,600 in today's values) loss by fire early Monday morning, five business buildings on the east side of the main street being destroyed besides much of their contents.

La Harpe Quill: The fire which is of unknown origin started in the rear of the R. L Cox restaurant and when discovered by Mrs. Frank Wislead, who lives nearby, was gaining great headway on the roof of the building.  Blandinsville has no waterworks system or adequate fire fighting apparatus and the town was at the mercy of the flames from the start.  Calls for help were sent out to Macomb, Bushnell and La Harpe and La Harpe fire fighters responded taking their hook and ladder outfit with them and it is the belief of many that without their help much more property would have been destroyed.

The burned district lies between the store of Corbitt & Towler and Webb & Son.

The Corbitt building and stock was badly damaged as the fire broke out there repeatedly.  There was insurance on all buildings and stocks except the restaurant property.  The flames also destroyed a barn and damaged a garage at the Wislead home.

The store building owned by Shelby Spielman and occupied by Shryack Dry Goods Store, two story building owned by P. G. Hardisty and occupied by H. R. Hodges and Company Clothing Store, one story building owned by Mrs. Jas. R. Grigsby and occupied by Cox Café, Dr. Markee's office, the Commercial Club rooms, Dr. Antonson's office and the Dean Warner law office were in the buildings also destroyed with all contents.

THEY HIRED ONE: The committee appointed by the County Board of Supervisors and gave them the power to hire a veterinarian to conduct tuberculin testing amongst the cattle herds of Henderson County met at Oquawka with County Farm Advisor Walker.  After considering several applications, the position was awarded to Wm. E. Lacroy of Fairfield, Il.  The activities of the appointee will be confined exclusively to the work of eradication of bovine tuberculosis in the county and a salary which he receives will be provided from the appropriation of $4,000 made by the county board.

Mr. Lecroy will make his residence in Stronghurst and have his office in the building occupied by the county farm bureau, the campaign against T. B. being a work in which the state and Federal Departments of Agriculture are cooperating with the county authorities.  The newly appointed veterinarian will probably be here to assume the duties of his office some time about the first of August. 

In order that he may carry on the work of cattle inspection economically, it is requested that application be filed at the farm bureau office so the work can be done by communities.  Application blanks may be obtained at the Farm Bureau office or from your executive committeeman or supervisor.

HEAVY RAINS POUND AREA: Last Monday's storm was accompanied by a very heavy downpour in this section but nothing like the deluge in Hancock and McDonough Counties.  LaHarpe had 3 ¼ inches of rain which fell between 8:30 p.m. and midnight.  Heavy damage to crops occurred through the flooding of creek bottoms in the two counties.  Farmers in the neighborhood of Carthage are said to have been hard hit with entire fields being swept bare by the racing floods sweeping over low lands near streams.  Many bridges are reported to have been washed out causing the suspension of traffic on highways.

Wilbur Simsonson and family of Quincy who had been visiting at the Worthington home southeast of Stronghurst started for home by auto on Tuesday morning but found it impossible to cross Crooked Creek at any point between Macomb and the Mississippi River.  After traveling more than 100 miles in a vain search for a safe crossing, they were obliged to return to the Worthington home to spend the night.  


OLENA OBSERVATIONS:S: The hum of the threshing machine has already been heard at a few of the farmers' homes.  Ira Peterson was so fortunate as to get his wheat threshed and on the market at $1.14 per bushel; others contracted theirs for $1.00.  The funeral of Mrs. Jacques Jacobs was largely attended.  A priest from Burlington conducted the services at the home and cemetery.  Her sister Josie of Boulder, Colo. was able to attend and has spent days at the home of her deceased bother, Mrs. Charles Heisler calling on a few of her old time friends.  After a visit with Biggsville and Keithsburg friends, she will spend a week with Iowa friends before returning to her home.  Mr. P. J. Johnson has been a great sufferer from taking X-ray treatment for nasal trouble.  His face was so badly burned and eye sight so affected that he made several trips to a specialist.

 THE SHERIFF STRIKES AGAIN: Sheriff Davenport and helpers swooped down last week and arrested two in Gladstone, one in Olena, two west of Olena and probably got others from different points.  They were charged with drunkenness, disturbing the peace and some for bootlegging.  They were taken to Oquawka, placed in the cooler and fined a nominal sum for the first offense.  Three of these were said to be from Gladstone, one from between Hopper and Gladstone, and one from the Carman neighborhood.  Only through respect for the innocent ones who must suffer, do we withhold names as they were all given to the paper.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Miss Alice Shaw, youngest daughter of Mr. J. W. Shaw of Stronghurst, under went an operation for chronic appendicitis at the Burlington Hospital; she is reported to have stood the ordeal finely and is now rapidly recovering. John McKeown, Jr., who has been seriously ill with typhoid fever for the past three week at his home northeast of Stronghurst is reported to be now well on the road to recovery.  Word was received of the arrival of a 9 ½ pound boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pinkney of Ford, Kansas on July 13th.  The mother is the former Miss Beth Brook of Stronghurst vicinity.  Jack Hatton, Santa Fe mail clerk, is taking his vacation and accompanied by his wife and Mrs. Ruby Butler started on an auto trip to Starved Rock and Chicago.  J. G. Farley from Wichita, Kans. joined his wife in her visit at the home of her mother, Mrs. Dodds and her sister, Mrs. Duncan.  Mr. Farley is contemplating a trip to his old home in  Parkersburg, W. Va. before returning to Kansas.  Martha Jean Annegers, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Annegers of Galesburg, Ill., passed away a few hours after birth.  The burial was in the Annegers lot in the Stronghurst Cemetery. 

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Spiker started on an auto trip to Neenah, Wis. where they will visit Ernie s brother Roy and wife.  The tourists are expected to stay Sunday night at the R. B. Chase home in Galesburg and in Joliet Monday at the Frank Spiker home.  From there they will go to Neenah which is situated on the shore of Lake Winnebago.  Mr. and Mrs. John Mathers, former residents of Media and Raritan and now located at Zillah, Wash. where Mr. Mathers is station agent for the U. P. Railroad, visited friends in Stronghurst accompanied by Mrs. Mathers brother, J.Y. Gearheart and Mrs. Libbie Schenck of Raritan.  Mrs. Nellie Haben was taken to the Burlington Hospital and underwent a surgical operation.  Mrs. Pearl Hartquist and Miss Dora Hartquist of Jamestown, N.Y. visited the Wm. Hartquist home.  Mrs. Addie Cortelyou sustained a painful injury at her home in the east part of town while in her yard. Rising suddenly from a bending position, her head came in contact with a nail protruding from a fence causing an ugly wound.  Mrs. Maria McDermott of the south neighborhood, who suffered a bad fall several weeks ago and has since been in an almost helpless condition, was taken to Monmouth for an examination of her injuries.  She broke her hip at the time of her fall.  She was brought back to her home and is getting along as well as could be expected under the existing circumstance. 

Eight hundred officials and employees of the T.P. & W Railroad enjoyed a picnic on the Tri-County Fairground at LaHarpe.  Mr. E.D.Walker took his son Richard to the Macomb hospital for an operation for the removal of adenoids and returned home with the patient the same evening.  Mr. E. A. Crapnell of Stronghurst attended a meeting and banquet held by the Benner Tea Co. for managers of their 17 stores at Burlington.  A gang of 34 men engaged in the construction of a new power line from Keokuk to Galesburg are now making their headquarters at Dallas City.  The new line has been completed almost to that city.  Prentiss Williams, the son of Judge and Mrs. J.W.Williams of Carthage, Ill., died at Estes Park, Colo. last Saturday night from the effects of injuries received the same day when he was thrown from a horse.  Mr. Woolworth of LaHarpe, a representative of the Illinois Power and Light Corporation was in town trying to interest some in taking shares in the corporation.  Sterling Simpson of Macomb was in town completing a deal to disposed of his residence in the south part of town to Mrs. Shallenberger.  Alice Marie Mathers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mathers of Media underwent a serious mastoid operation at the Mercy Hospital in Burlington- Drs. Pearson of Burlington and Hoyt of Raritan conducting the operation.  Miss Ethel Hartquist, who has been spending her summer vacation here at the home of her parents, underwent a serious operation at the Burlington Hospital for the relief from a malady affecting the inner ear.  An X-ray photograph of the parts affected revealed the necessity of drilling through the mastoid bone in order to drain the pus formation.  In a total vote of 651 Carthage gave a majority of 10% in favor of the new water works system which will cost $85,000.  To meet the expenditure, $50,000 in bonds will be issued and water certificates to the amount of $35,000 will be issued.  Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Staley and Marie Dice shopped in Monmouth and remained in the city over night.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Miss Lucile Zimmerman left for Winona Lake where she is visiting at one of the cottages with school mates. The district school house was burned down Monday forenoon. The rubbish and dead limbs were being burned when a spark from the fire lighted on the roof and good headway was on before it was noticed. A large crowd soon gathered but it had gained too much headway to be checked. The Intermediate Society of the U. P. Church held a social on the lawn of the parsonage. A good number of little folks enjoyed the evening with games under the direction of the leader, Mrs. Robt. Glenn. Refreshments of fruit salad, sandwiches pickles, cake and candy were served. A chicken pie dinner was given last Friday at the home of Mrs. A. W. Martin for the benefit of the Missionary Society. They realized $10 ($143.60 in today's values). Margaret Gibb is spending some time with her cousins at Olena. Mrs. Wm. Campbell, Mrs. Aleta Anderson, Mrs. Gladys Sandstrom entertained the Country Club at the home of the latter named lady. Mrs. Emma Whiteman had charge of the program, "Our Flag." Mrs. Elizabeth Sterett and Mrs. Martha Warth read papers. A vocal duet was given by the Misses Gladys and Lucile Rice. The program was closed by singing "The Star Spangled Banner." Refreshments of ice cream, sherbet, angel food cake, devils food cake and ice tea were served. Mrs. Chas. Essex entertained the South Henderson Club; the afternoon was spent socially and nice refreshments were served.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Kimler, daughter Verna and son Cleve of Galesburg called on friends, having stopped while enroute to Blandinsville. The Kimlers were former residents and old friends were glad to have a few hours with them. Mr. and Mrs. John Mathers and daughters of Zilah, Wash. arrived for a visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Campbell are riding in a new Maxwell touring car purchased of the Meredith Motor Co. of Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McIntire have a new Ford roadster while Mike Howell has a new Ford touring car. T. B. Palmer drove to Wyconda, Mo.; his sister, Mrs. Fannie Brousis accompanied him home. Henry Lamb had a large pulley fall on his head, hurting him quite badly. He is O.K. again. George Sutton of La Harpe has sold his property here to Mr. Worley of Raritan, consideration $850. Mr. Worley and family will move here as he is assisting at the Santa Fe Depot. Good crowds of town's people attended evangelistic services at Stronghurst and are enjoying them both socially and spiritually. Ruth Howell finished a six weeks' summer school at Macomb and took her teacher's exam at Oquawka on Friday and Saturday. Dick Barry and Clyde Drain who went to Kansas with the expectation of working in the harvest fields, returned home as there will not be much harvest on account of heavy hail storms destroying the grain.

The community was visited by a heavy rain and electrical storm and work in the fields stopped. Most of the wheat and oats are cut and although there is some rust among it, they are promising a more than fair yield. Threshing will start the latter part of the week if the weather remains fair. The corn is about two weeks behind time but is catching up owing to the warm weather. The second crop of alfalfa is harvested. Blackberries are beginning to ripen and a large crop is promised.

RARITAN RAMBLINGS: The Lord 's Supper will be observed at the Reform Church on Sunday. Mrs. Mary B. Thompson is in the Macomb Hospital with an infection in her foot caused from sugar diabetes. C. E. Perrine and I. V. D. Perrine were at Iowa City; the latter's mission was to bring back his car which was stolen from the Cook Garage.