The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic: Sept. 18, 1924
TRAGEDY STRIKES: A telegraph dispatch brought the word that John Shick had killed himself the previous evening at his home near Decatur, Mich., and that his wife was lying in a hospital suffering from a pistol shot. Confirmation of the news came a few hours later when a long distance telephone message was received by relatives of the Shick family here from the sheriff of Van Buren County, Mich. giving some of the details of the tragedy.
According to this report, the double shooting occurred on Tuesday evening at about 7 o'clock while the family was seated about the supper table. During the meal an angry exchange of words took place between John and his wife and that the former slipped out a gun and fired across the table at his wife with the bullet passing through her arm and lodging in her breast. Without waiting to see the effect of the shot, the husband put the muzzle of the gun to his own temple and fired a second shot from which he died about an hour later.
The terrible tragedy is result of domestic troubles covering quite a period of time. These troubles had their origin while the family resided here in Stronghurst and it was for the purpose of seeking new environments that they moved to Michigan several months ago. Here John rented a 40 acre farm near the city of Decatur and was reported to be prospering fairly well in the truck garden business. Domestic affairs did not run very smoothly and the question of separation was frequently discussed. Sometime over a week ago John returned to Stronghurst making the journey in a Ford car and bringing his two younger sons, Arthur and Andrew with him and leaving the eldest, Eldon, at home with his mother. Relatives and others that he talked while here state that he appeared to be in a very wrought up state of mind and hinted if matters continued in their present state he might be driven to a desperate deed. On Saturday he started back to Michigan taking the youngest son Andrew with him and leaving Arthur here with relatives. His departure from Stronghurst was communicated by certain sources here stating he felt his presence here was undesirable and that his speedy departure might save him trouble. Whether this was true or not, he started on his return to Michigan feeling that life had little to offer for the future and no indication of his half-formed plan to commit the desperate act he did commit when the quarrel over domestic affairs was renewed at the supper table in Michigan Tuesday evening. The particulars of the tragedy other than those contained in the word received are the only ones known.
At the request of relatives, Mr. C. R. Kaiser left for Detroit, Michigan and was joined at Joliet by Ralph Reynolds, a brother of Shick; the two men will make arrangements for John's remains and get full details of the deplorable affair.
THEY FOOLED EVERYONE: The local time which appeared in last week's paper stating that Miss Mildred Salter was enjoying a brief vacation in Chicago from her duties at the Grandey dry goods store, failed to convey the full significance of the event chronicled. What was innocently recorded as a mere vacation trip was in reality a wedding trip and that Mr. Edward Logan of this place shared in the joys thereof.
The trip to Chicago was made by the couple in the Logan car and when Princeton, Ill. was reached, they stopped at the M. E. Parsonage intending to ask the pastor to officiate in a ceremony uniting them in marriage. The reverend gentleman chanced to be away; but nothing daunted the couple and they sought out the Congregational minister of the city who soon pronounced the words uniting their destinies for the future. The marriage was performed at 2:30 pm Monday, Sept. 8th.
Following the ceremony, the happy couple proceeded on their way to Chicago where they spent several days visiting relatives and taking in the sights of the big city. The return trip was made by way of Peoria where other relatives were visited. The newlyweds arrived in Stronghurst Sunday evening and since have been receiving congratulations of friends.
The bride and groom are both well known. The bride has for the past few years filled a position of sales lady at the E. R. Grandey store. The groom who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Logan has conducted an auto tire and service station in Stronghurst for several years, having engaged in this business after his return from overseas service in the World War. For the time being Mr. and Mrs. Logan will make their home with the bride's mother, Mrs. C. N. Salter.
HE COULD DO IT! The fact that the well known, genial townsman, Ben Mudd, is a lover of fish has been a matter of knowledge to his more intimate friends for a long time; but since the big I.O.O.F. fish fry held at Carman last Thursday, these friends have declared their willingness to back him to the limit as a contestant for championship honors in the fish eating field. They say that Ben was on hand at the first call to "come and get it" at the big feed at Carman and that his attack upon the big flaky chunks of crisply fired catfish was an occasion for both awe and admiration on the part of the beholders. The attack continued until every other member of the big crowd gathered around the table had registered satiety and retired from the festive board. The afternoon was fast waning and the crowd was beginning to disperse, but the sight of a platter on the table which still contained about a dozen chucks of fish, fast growing cold, held Ben enthralled. Finally, he drew the platter to him and producing a copy of the Chicago Tribune from his pocket, spread it out and dumped the contents of the platter on the paper. Wrapping up the package and tucking it under one arm, he started for his auto, meanwhile munching away on a large chuck of catfish he held in the other hand. During the journey home, they say that Ben allowed himself sufficient intermission between chunks of fish to sing "every day will be Friday, by and by." It was nearly dark when he arrived home and he is reported to have answered his wife's inquiry as to what he would like for supper by saying, "I believe I'd relish some nice fried catfish."
HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL: Stronghurst fans will get their first chance to see the local football team in action Saturday, Sept. 20 at 2:30 p.m. when the team meets Galesburg on Sanderson field:The Galesburg team that meets our local lads will be composed of both first and second team players who are the most inexperienced of that squad:
The Stronghurst team faces a heavy schedule. A good bunch of material is out, especially in the backfield, but the line, although it will be heavier than last year, will be very inexperienced:In the backfield, Captain Mills and Frank Wilcox at quarter and full, will be a tower of strength on both offense and defense. These two lads are without doubt among the best high school players in this part of the state. A wealth of material is fighting over the half back positions. Eldred Kemp, Lowell Leinbach, Guy Stine, Clarence Harvey and Lavern Leinbach are all fast and will probably all get chances to play. Clarence Burrell, Dixson Steffey and Sharon Gregory are out for the center position. Burrell is also a candidate for end and may be used at that post part of the time. "Ping" Stine and "Lizzie" Smith are the most likely candidate for end while Kenneth Sanderson is a player who will surprise the fans when he has had a year's experience. Lavern Leinbach is a candidate for end as well as half back. Chandler, Beardsley, Veech and Brokaw are fighting for the tackle positions. Dick and Joe Howell, George Decker and Loren Pearson are out for Guard while Clarence Harvey is working in the line part of the time. Steffey is a candidate for guard as well as center.
In opinion of coach, Mills and Wilcox are the only men who are reasonably certain of starting the first game in their positions. The men who show up best again the Galesburg squad will be the men who form the regular first eleven.
GO WEST: Mr. and Mrs. John T. Breen left Stronghurst by auto for Midwest Wyo., a new town in the oil region near Casper. Previous to leaving they sold their residence to Mr. Chas. E. Fort, Jr. If they find Wyoming to their liking, they may decide to locate there permanently.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: J. H. Annegers now located in Galesburg leaves for Canada to look after his land investments. He goes to Weyburn, south of Regina. G.W. Voorhees was taken violently ill last Saturday at his home southeast of Stronghurst and was taken to the Burlington Hospital where he underwent an operation. Reports say he is recovering nicely. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Staley, former residents of Stronghurst but now living at Galesburg. Mrs. Dora Haislett arrived from her home at Yuma, Colo. for a visit with relatives. She has been a guest at the Joel Marsden home and expects to stop at Henderson, Iowa to see her mother on her return journey. W. C. Ivins and George T. Chant were down in Hancock County looking after affairs on their farm near West Point. They report prospects for profitable returns from 65 acres of soy beans with an estimate yield of 20 bushels per acres. Gear Putney and wife arrived from Kansas City, Kan. for their annual visit with relatives and friends. Dixson Jones, Arthur Forbes and Dewain Rezner are attending business college at Quincy. The Willing Workers of the U. P. Church will hold a cake and chicken sale at the Farmers' Co-operative the afternoon of Sept. 27th.
Notwithstanding the fact that nearly all the fairs held in Western Illinois thus far this year have not paid expenses, the Hancock County Fair held at Carthage is reported to have closed with a balance of $1,603.09 ($23,019 in today's values) Mrs. Rosetta Buchanan of Portland, Ore., was a recent guest of her cousin, Mrs. L.A. Wilson. She was enroute home from the Biennial Convention of the Loyal Institute of Universal Orangeman which was held in Boston, Mass. Mrs. Callie Clark is confined to her bed by complication of ailments requiring a nurse and medical treatment. Mr. Ray Stamp and Fred Heller of Gus, Iowa drove over for a short visit with their uncle, Charlie Charter near Olena and their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Spiker. Eugene Wilson of Williamsfield went to Ft. Madison where he will enter the Santa Fe Hospital for the treatment of an eye which has become infected from a cinder or some foreign substance being lodged in it. The following young men are attending business college at Ft. Madison: Chalmer Gilttings of Lomax; Russell White and brother Jos. White; Ralph Knutstrom, James Curtis, Morgan Parish-all graduates of Stronghurst High School and Roy Anders of Media and Roy Hicks of Olena.
GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY PARTY: The Golden Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Holman Beebe was celebrated on Saturday at their home in Biggsville. Their two sons, Sam of Biggsville and Dave of Burlington and families with about 65 other friends and relatives enjoyed a three course dinner served at noon. Decorations of white and yellow and a big wedding cake on the bride's table were noted. The afternoon was spent socially and Mr. and Mrs. Beebe received many good wishes and purse of money. Mrs. Beebe has lived here most of her life and Mr. Beebe came when a young man and all their married life has been spent here.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Members of the Y.P.C.U. of the U. P. church enjoyed a fine evening at a weenie roast at the home of Misses Dorothy and Ruth Lant. Under the big trees in the lane leading to the house, weenies were roasted and meal served. Outdoor games were played and the guests departed at a late hour. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brouse are the parent of a baby girl born last Saturday at the Burlington Hospital. L. A. Norman of Kirkwood is now acting cashier of the First National Bank. Norma June, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Berry, has been quite ill with stomach trouble. Mr. and Mrs. John Mekemson expect soon to move to their home in the west part of town from Galesburg where they spent the last year. Ed Wiegand left for St. Paul to attend a Navy convention. Seats have arrived for the grade pupils and it is the wish of all parents that school will soon be on the boom.
LOMAX LINGERINGS: Prof. C. S. Apt and family of Terre Haute have moved into the property belonging to Geo. Hoover. Born to Adam Echardt and wife on Sunday Sept. 7th a daughter. A car load of sand was received y the lumber company. The high line transmission line will soon be ready to raise towers to this place. The Webb & Son tire sale will be closed this week and with the stock returned to Blandinsville from where they came. The Lomax Canning Co. was unable to run full time last week on account of the slow ripening of tomatoes.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: A good crowd was in attendance at the Union Service Sunday morning at nine o'clock to greet Rev. Mahaffey of Stronghurst who had charge of the service. Almost the entire audience remained for Sunday School which was held immediately afterward. Prof. and Mrs. W. W. Murland and son William and Master Marvin Drain drove to Fountain Green Saturday to attend the M.W.A. (Modern Woodmen of America) picnic. A big crowd was in attendance and a good time for everybody. The lady teachers of the high school, Misses Mary Dixson and Miss Gladys Frank plus Miss Frank's mother, were guests of the community club. Prof. Shoemaker and Miss Gram took their pupils to the woods north of town Tuesday evening after school for a picnic and delighted the youngsters by a generous serving of fine watermelon. The students and teachers of the high school had a picnic in the woods east of town, south of the big bridge Tuesday afternoon. At six o'clock weenies were roasted and served with bread, Pickles, cookies and bananas. (Social events drew large crowds as few had radios and television hadn't been invented.)
Section C of the Women's Missionary Society of the U. P. Church will hold a social at the church Thursday evening, Sept. 25th. Every lady of the congregation is asked to bring a live chicken either old or young or the equivalent in money. A basket will be placed at the door to receive the silver offerings. A very courteous invitation is extended to the members of the M. E. congregation to attend. After listening to a good program all will have an opportunity to buy two quilts which have been made by the society. Last but not least, a good social time in the basement with a generous lunch will be served. Be there at 7:30 prompt and bring your friends. ( Guess they sold the chickens?) Mrs. Gayle Heap was taken to the Burlington Hospital after several days of serious illness; she is recovering nicely.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Walter Burnett is the owner of a new filvver (car). Mr. Sidney Trainor of Chicago is visiting friends. Mrs. Dorothy Pendry and daughter and Mrs. Virgie Mead spent Thursday with the former's sister, Mrs. Cora Eckhart at Lomax. The fish fry held by the Stronghurst and Carman Odd Fellows was well attended and all present had a fine time and had all the fish they could eat. Mrs. Fred Crane accompanied her son Fred part way, or as far as Denver, on his journey to California where he will take up his year's work in school at the Stanford University. Fred, one of our Carman boys and who is a fine gentleman, will make a success of life. Mr. Harry Dowell and Mr. Clarence Dixon own a new Ford touring cars. Mr. Daniel Siens and family left for Wisconsin to make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. William Babcook and daughter, Cheryl, were Keokuk goers to attend the meeting held by Sister Keele who had meeting here last winter. They visited Mr. Babcook's sister, Mrs. Foster Hopkins who has just returned home from the hospital; she is a sufferer from heart trouble. Arthur Stimpson, suffering from ear trouble, had to stay home this week. George Marsden is having repairs done on his residence.
A MONTH EARLY: Roy Mudd, manager of the Mudd Motor Co., accompanied by his wife and by Harry Whitmore and Vern Wood representing the mechanical department of the business, made an auto trip to Bushnell to attend a convention of Ford dealers and mechanics. When they arrived at their destination, they discovered they were a month early so enjoyed a good time in the city and appreciated the scenery on the drive.