The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1924 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic: Sept. 11, 1924

CHILD WELFARE DISCUSSED: The Stronghurst Women's Community Club opened their meeting with the reading of scripture by Mrs. C. E. Peasley.  Mrs. H. M. Allison offered a prayer.  The program was in charge of Mrs. A. C. Yaley and Mrs. Ernest Walker.  Mrs. Orville Boyd gave a hygienic drill in which the importance of the use of the tooth brush, private drinking cups, open windows for sleeping rooms, etc. were emphasized by illustrations.  Miss Virgie Gilliland gave a reading entitled,  Long Ago.   Mrs. Ernest Walker read a paper on Child Welfare and this was followed by a round table discussion.  The need of child's play was discussed by Mrs. R.N. Marshall; the influence of Art in the life of a child by Mrs. E.R. Grandey, the influence of good books on the home by Mrs. C. R.A. Marshall, teaching the child the value of truth by Mrs. J. W. Decker and the responsibility of Parentage by Mrs. B. G. Widney.  Suggestions were made regarding the question as to what the Club might do for the young people of the community.

***OBITUARY***MRS. JOHN M. BROWN: Mrs. John M. Brown, who with her husband and family were residents of Stronghurst for a number of years prior to 1912 when they moved Davenport, died at Mercy Hospital, Davenport, Ia. on Sept. 5th from cerebral hemorrhage.

She was born in Warren County, Ill. on Nov. 7, 1857 and was married to John M. Brown at Biggsville, Ill. on Feb. 22, 1877.  Mrs. Brown is survived by her husband and the following children: Mrs. Bessie Fuller, Mrs. Nellie Eggers and Guy, Chester, Porter and Ralph Brown.-all where present at the funeral held in Davenport.  The remains were brought here and interred in the Olena Cemetery.

OPEN ON SUNDAY: Beginning Sunday, Sept. 14th only one of the three garages will be open for service or sale of gasoline on Sundays.  The alternating plan will be adopted: Simpson Garage on Sept. 14th, The Knutstrom Garage on Sept. 21st and the Mudd Motor Co. Garage on Sept. 28th. 

LUTHERAN PICNIC: The Stronghurst Swedish Lutheran Church will hold its annual picnic on the church lawn of Saturday, Sept. 20th.  A cafeteria dinner prepared by the ladies of the church will be served at noon for 50 cents; the general public is invited.

HE RESIGNED:  J. Y. Whiteman, who has been connected with the First National Bank of Biggsville for 37 years, yesterday tendered his resignation to the board of directors and has retired from the banking business to devote his entire time to his personal and extensive land interests.

Mr. Whiteman became assistant cashier of the bank four years after it was organized 40 years ago and three years later succeeded J. E. Barnes as cashier, the position he has since held.  During his long period of service, the bank as not missed payment of a semi-annual dividend, which have ranged from 12 to 18% and the net earnings the bank to date have amounted to $275,000 ($3,949,000 in today s values), 5 ½ times the capital of the bank.

Mr. Whiteman has prided himself in being a  friend of the farmer and has frequently withstood criticism of the banking department in order to aid the farmer customers of the bank during periods of stress.  His successor has not been chosen.   Monmouth Review Atlas

CARMAN CONCERNS: Mr. Fred Dannenburg has purchased a new Ford car for his son Walter who drives to Terre Haute to attend high school.  Mr. Doren Tharpe left for Peoria where he will attend Bradley.  Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dixon received news that their daughter, Elizabeth, who lives in Northern Iowa, had been in an auto accident and was seriously hurt and also her oldest boy broke his collar bone.  Mrs. Maggie Anderson and son Wayne and Mrs. Charles Dixon and daughter, Darline, will leave for the sister's home to remain with her for a couple on months and then their husbands will drive through in the car and return with them.  Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Crane and son Fred drove to Quincy to see Ringling Bros. Circus and then on Sunday to Loraine where Fred took farewell with his Grandfather Spicer.  Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Casey from Keokuk, Ia. were here hunting for old relics such as old furniture and dishes.  They inquired about citizens living in Carman 40 years ago when it was a busy town; they noted the change now.  Miss Irene Hook accompanied her sister Hulda to Burlington where she will attend high school for the coming term.  Mr. and Mrs. FC. Crane entertained at dinner in honor of their son Fred who leaves for Stanford University Sept. 20.  Fred has attended Carthage College for the past two years and has been admitted to Stanford as a junior.  A guest, Robert Starkey, leaves for his pastorate in Brooklyn this week.  Miss Helen Babcook leaves for Bradley Institute at Peoria.  Five hundred was the diversion of the evening.  Miss Marguerite Vaughn left for Burlington where she will learn the Beauty Parlor trade.  Mr. Earl Wiegand will attend high school in Burlington.  Mrs. Violet Leiser and daughter left for an extended visit in Wisconsin at the home of her husband s parents.  She will also visit in Madison, Milwaukee and The Dells before returning home.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: James Marshall of Chicago is enjoying a brief vacation at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. A. Marshall.  Miss Grace Chandler has entered the Gem City Business College in Quincy, Ill. Abe Magee is suffering from a badly infected finger caused from handling baled straw with an iron hook.  He is laying off work.  Dr. E. L. Burner of Sabetha, Kans.was a visitor with relatives here.  He left for Rochester, Minn. with his sister, Mrs. Zula Allison for a consultation with specialists concerning her health. Going back to Monmouth College are the following: Robert Steffey, Agnes Findley, Lois McKeown, Jean McElhinney, Margaret McElhinney, Mary Lois Mahaffey, Joseph Dixson and Charles Decker. Miss Mary Dixson slipped and fell at her home last Saturday evening in such a way as to severely sprain her limb, causing her much pain and inconvenience in getting about.  Her mother, Mrs. Dixson, has not fully recovered from the fall she had recently in which she received a fractured arm.  It would seem this family is having its share of bad luck.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Frederick Fitz went to Cambridge, Ill. to take up his work as teacher in the high school. Herbert Fitz returned to Bloomington, Ill to resume his studies at the Illinois Wesleyan University. The interior of the Grandey dry goods store is being remodeled and redecorated and when the work is completed, much will have been added to the store in the way of attractiveness and convenience. At the guardian's sale of real estate held at the former Rezner property consisting of lots 22, 23, and 24 in Block 37, First Addition to the town of Stronghurst, it was disposed of to A. E. Moore on his bid of $700 ($12,152 in today's value). The friends of Mr. I. V. D. Perrine of Raritan will be sorry to learn that the gentleman suffered a slight paralytic stroke while attending church services last Sunday. His condition is not considered serious by physicians. Miss Ethel Brokaw underwent an operation for appendicitis at a Peoria hospital; latest reports are that Miss Ethel is recovering nicely. C. L. ("Skip") Greer, the former well known and popular auctioneer of LaHarpe, died from apoplexy at the home of a son living at Eugene, Oregon. Fort Hicks, who is in a U.S. Coast Guard training school at New London, Conn., is enjoying a vacation with home folks in Stronghurst. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Knoph stopped for a visit at the F.A. Annegers home west of Stronghurst while enroute by auto from Bloomington, Ill., where they spent the summer; they are returning to their home in Saskatchewan, Canada. Mrs. Knoph is the former Miss Mina Annegers of this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Rankin and their six year old son arrived from Long Beach, Calif. for a visit; they were guests at the D. Headen home until they left for Rochester, Minn. where Mr. Rankin will consult with specialists in regard to his physical condition which has been causing him and his family some concern for several months. 293 acres of farm land belonging to the William Dean estate and lying partly in Hancock and partly in Henderson County about two miles south of Lomax was sold at public auction for the sum of $51,322, or a little less than $107 per acre ($1,536+ in today's values). Mrs. Mattie Brokaw, who is employed in the Veteran's Bureau Department at Washington, D.C. and who is also enrolled as a student at the George Washington University in that city, arrived for a two weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brokaw. Two boxes of grapes were sent to Mrs. J. N. and Mrs. C. N. Salter compliments of Dr. Ney M. Salter of Williams, Calif., and Silas Salter of Portland, Oregon. The grapes were both white and purple variety and were unusually fine in appearance and flavor. Fred Salter, who is employed in Chicago as lineman for the Western Union Telegraph Co., was married there on August 16th to Miss Rose Melba of Lena, Wis. Stronghurst manufactured stove pipe, elbows and fittings.-P. A. Stamp

The canning factory at Lomax had a narrow escape from destruction last Friday morning when a fire broke out in the boiler room and put the power machinery and boilers out of commission. The plant is again in operation after a shut down of a few days. The tomato season is unusually late this year and only about 10,000 cans had been put up previous to the fire.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Rev. Paul Walsh, pastor of the M. E. Church, preached this farewell sermon Sunday afternoon. The union meetings which were held during August have proven so successful that it has been decided to continue them another month. Rev. Mahaffey of Stronghurst U. P. Church will have charge of the preaching services at 9 o'clock Sabbath morning at the U. P. Church and Sabbath School will be held immediately afterwards. The Men's Bible Class has been fortunate to secure evangelist Clyde Lee Fife to conduct a meeting during October. Rev. Fife is a"Big Man" having held meetings in cities the size of Cincinnati and Cleveland, Ohio and about 15 different cities scattered over the U. S. He had a total of 15,981 conversions which averages about 1,065 for each city. The U. P. Church's Ladies Missionary Society met at the church with Mrs. Etta Thompson as leader and the topic studied was the"Negro and Indian." The society sent a donation to the George Memorial Hospital just completed at Addis Ababa, Abyssinia. Norman Grossman bought the two small houses in the north part of town from Mr. and Mrs. John Pogue. The largest one he is remodeling and installing a furnace as a future home for his family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sullivan are occupying the other one which has been newly painted and papered. The building of the E. G. Lewis Seed Co. are being painted and repaired awaiting the coming of seed corn. Mr. Ott Lamb and sons, Clyde and Bryan, and grandson Beryl are sojourning in the Dakotas. Roy Anders is attending Business College at Fort Madison. Albert Swanson is again a student at Augustana College, Rock Island. Clifford Adair will attend the Teachers' College Macomb. Miss Anna LaVelle is again teaching at South Prairie this year. Ruth Howell is the teacher at Stone School north of town. Bennie Heap is a member of the Lomax high school faculty. Miss Faree Mathers is principal of Smithshire School. C. R. Pendarvis returned from his Kansas City trip to buy cattle and sheep. C. G. Richey is in Canada looking after his land interests.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Earl Trimble returned from California and is again working for his brother-in-law, Walter Hazen in the garage. Prof. Schuler of the high school moved his family into the Charles Kilgore property. A resident of the south part of town living on the hard road counted automobiles for a stated period on Sunday and found that the average was almost 100 an hour going both ways (this was big news back then as more and more families were investing in cars.) Members of the Pearson family were here to attend the golden wedding anniversary of their parents. (Long article listing attendees). Miss Hazel Thompson came from her home in Minneapolis to care for her parents. Mrs. Tom Nolan has been confined to her bed with a heart attack. John Appleby passed away at the home of his niece, Mrs. Elmer Epperly.