The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1924 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic: July 10, 1924

MRS. JAQUES JACOBS: Mrs. Mary Anna Jacobs, wife of Jaques Jacobs of the Olena community, died quite suddenly at her home from celebral hemorrhage at the age of 66 years, 10 months and 7 days. Mrs. Jacobs was born in Burlington, Ia., and was the daughter of Michael and Mary (Kast) Heisler, who immigrated to this country from Alsace, France. She was a sister of the late Chas. Heisler of this vicinity. Funeral services were conducted at the home northwest of Olena and interment was made in the Olena Cemetery.

MRS. JOHN H. KEENER: Mrs. John H. Keener, who was a resident of Stronghurst for several years, died at the family home southeast of Biggsville on July 8th at the age of 79 years and 6 months. The deceased, whose maiden name was Mundors, had lived in Henderson County for the past 48 years. Her husband, John H. Keener, died about 11 years ago. She was the mother of Willis Keener of Stronghurst who along with five other sons and two daughters survived her.

MARRIED IN NEW MEXCIO: From the Tucumcari News :"Miss Elsie Ruth Dykes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dykes, and a popular young lady of Tucumcari's younger set, was married on June 4th to Lloyd Chant of that city. Miss Dykes has been a resident of this city for a number of year having graduated from the high school in 1919. While attending the state university, she became acquainted with Mr. Chant and their friendship ripened into the present union. Miss Dykes was an English teacher in the Tucumcari High School the past year."

CARMAN CONCERNS: Several young people of Stronghurst were seen driving through town on the 4th to spend the day down at the lake. Several Carman citizens were very disappointed on account of it being circus day in Burlington and water over the road north of town so that it would be impossible to drive by autos. They went by train instead. Mr. and Mrs. William Babcook and daughter Cheryl attended the revival meetings held by the Nazarenes in Lomax. Mr. Fred Hugg of Burlington was looking after his farm east of town. Mrs. Mary White left for her home in Los Angeles, Calif.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: The community is getting back to normal after the past flood and wind storm; it could have been much worst. Probably, the worst losers were Mr. and Mrs. Gear Peterson who lost over 200 chickens besides having the home so deluged with water as to have to move out for a few days. Many bridges were so damaged as to need repairs before they could be used for traffic. Reports say that some ornery thief visited the hen roost of Mr. and Mrs. Art Hedges a recent evening relieving them of 50 hens. A young son was born Saturday morning to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hicks who reside on the S. W. Black farm, but the little one soon passed away and was laid to rest in the Olena Cemetery. On the evening of July 4th two cars, one going east and one going west collided at the foot of the Olena hill which badly damaged the cars and gave the inmates quite a shaking up. One was driven by Gittings of Lomax and the other by young Pendleton of Mississippi Valley. Ye editor was misinformed in regard to young Matzka selling booze at a dance west of the village. He was doing business in Olena during the opening dance at the Tucker Hall then traced from there and arrested in Stronghurst where he formerly lived. So the pot can't call the kettle black.