The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic: Nov. 27, 1924
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Word was received of the death of Mrs. Anna Dougherty, wife of C. W. Dougherty, former Stronghurst shoe merchant. Her death followed an operation which she underwent at a hospital in West Chester, Pa. The deceased was the daughter of Mrs. Sarah J. Wallace of Monmouth. The entire local high school corps of teachers went to Urbana for the High School Teachers' Conference the latter part of last week. Others from this vicinity who journeyed to the university city and took in the Ohio-Illinois football game on Saturday were Dr. and Mrs. Highfield, Harold McMillan, A. E. Kaiser, Dixson Jones, Glen McElhinney, Glen Marshall, John Brook, Albert Chandler and Jack Regan. B. G. Widney is taking a 10 day vacation from his duties as cashier of the First National Bank here. He spent part of that time in Chicago where he attended the national convention of Federal Land banks.
Miss Edith Hartquist returned from a vacation of 10 weeks spent in Nebraska and Colorado. In Denver she visited the home of Rev. Olson and wife, formerly of this place. Miss Hartquist found the trip very beneficial to her health which had become somewhat impaired through close attention to office duties as stenographer at the Farm Bureau Office. As a popular pastime the solving of crossword puzzles seems to have almost entirely superseded Ma Jong. It may be said in favor of the new fad that it can be indulged in without any financial outlay and that its educational value far exceeds that of the once popular Chinese game. James Kilgore of Biggsville, one of the state administration's alert and efficient fish and game wardens, visited Stronghurst last Monday. The Misses Ethel and Edith Hartquist and Miss Ruth Heisler left for Chicago to spend Thanksgiving with Miss Evelyn Hartquist, who is a student at Northwestern University. Chicken thieves last Sunday night stole the entire flock of five dozen Buff Orphington's owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bertie Russler of the Raritan neighborhood. The chickens were removed for the chicken house and the thieves made their get-a-way without arousing the inmates of the home.
Pres Walker had one of his hands badly injured by being caught in the cogs of a corn elevator which he was operating on his farm southeast of Raritan. The Stronghurst Boy Scouts and their Scoutmaster, Rev. R. C. Myers, enjoyed a fine chicken dinner given by the scouts' mothers at the Community Club rooms. Rex Mudd and wife of Lewiston, Ill. drove here to visit home folks. Rex has secured the position of county veterinarian for Fulton County which carries a very substantial salary. The union Thanksgiving service was held at the local U.P. church with Rev. W. H. Cross giving a fine discourse recounting many of the blessings for which the people of America especially have cause to be grateful at this time. The Apt family wishes to announce that they still have a few copies of their book of poems, Good Seed left which would make an appropriate Christmas gift for a friend.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Annetta Milton is confined to her home with chicken pox. The Ladies Aid Society will have a Fall Festival and Bazaar on Dec. 17th at their room. Everyone who is interested in helping are asked to bring an article for the bazaar and the men are to donate corn. The bazaar will be in the afternoon and in the evening at 5 pm this menu will be served: roast pork, gravy, candied sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, bread and butter, perfection salad, cranberry jelly, apples red hot, coffee, pumpkin pie with whipped cream. The price of the meal will be 40 cents for adults and 20 cents for children. The proceeds will go for church purposes.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Ralph Carter of Denton, Montana came in last Wednesday morning having accompanied a shipment of stock to Chicago. This the first visit in 13 years and he is enjoying a good hand-shake with old time friends. Albert Rankin was pleasantly surprised by a company of friends coming in to help celebrate his birthday. The evening was spent with games after which refreshments were served. The big timbers for the grade school building which were shipped from the Western coast, arrived, having been six weeks on the road work on the school house was resumed. Dr. and Mrs. Z. C. Shum returned from a nine day visit to southwestern Iowa looking after farming interests. They spent some time with Mrs. Shum's mother, Mrs. Bertha Hollis, and with the doctor's father, Joseph Sum, both of near Clarinda, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Knisely and children, Robert and Elva Esther, motored over from their home at Jackson Corners to attend the evangelistic meetings. (Where is "Jackson Corners"?} Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nogarthy who reside on the Ed Claybaugh farm southeast of town, left for Keokuk, Iowa, being called there by the death of a grandmother. Miss Elizabeth Ackerman of the student body of the high school , although able to attend classes is suffering greatly from a felon on one finger of her left hand. (fel0n-an inflammation at the edge of the nail)
FRUIT JUICE INTOXICATING? Baltimore, Md.--Judge Morris A. Soper, directed the jury to return a verdict of not guilty on charges of "maintaining a public nuisance" in the case of Congressman John Philip Hill, who faces various counts of alleged violation of the 18th Amendment. The Congressman some weeks'ago held a cider party at his home. Judge Soper also ruled that the government has yet to prove whether the beverages the Congressman had made were intoxicating or not. (Prohibition was in full swing!)
FASHION NEWS: The smartest among the new styles in bags are as severely plain as those in vogue for several seasons have been ornate. The purse now carried by the well-dressed women is a simple envelop of patent leather, kid, satin, suede, preferable with no elaborating detail other hand a clamp of gold or on-jewel set, or the monogram of the wearer serving as a clap.