The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1924 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic: Nov. 20, 1924

ENTERTAINMENT ON THE WAY: The next big treat for the community is to be given next Wednesday evening by Mrs. Mary Moncure Parker, the well known and clever monologist of New York and Chicago. Mrs. Parker will appear as the second number of the season' lyceum course.

Mrs. Parker's programs of original monologues are described as being quite out of the ordinary and she comes with the reputation of being a real fan producer. She is a member of the Illinois Women's Press Association and the Daughters of the American Revolution and is well known as a society entertainer as well as public reader:

PRIZE WINNERS FOR THE FARMERS' INSTITUTE: Prize winners for the Henderson County Farmers' Institute held at Media featured 21 categories. For example: Best 10 ears of corn in the pupil contest was won by William Lewis of Allison school, Best single ear of corn was won by Jesse Barton of Cedar Oak school...(Check out this issue at the Henderson County Public Library to discover the winners in all contests.)

EGG LAYING CONTEST: In the 13th annual egg laying contest recently staged at the Agricultural Experiment Station at Storrs, Conn., a pen of ten White Leghorn pullets on first prize with a record of 2,531 eggs for the year, or an average of 258 eggs for each pullet. A Rhode Island Red pullet came through with the best individual record, which was 324 eggs. (Why was this important? At this time period most people had chickens and could sell their eggs and buy groceries. It gave many a woman some cash of her own.)

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Frank Johnson shipped one car load of cattle Monday and one car load of hogs Wednesday for the Shipping Ass's. W. A. Spear accompanied a car load of cattle of his own feeding to the Chicago market. The Perce Veech family are having a siege of the whooping cough, the three children in the home being all afflicted with the malady. A large delegation in which all of the churches here were represented drove to Biggsville last Sunday evening and attended the Cantrell-Pecaut meetings which are in progress there in the M. E. Church. The church was filled to its utmost capacity. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Grate of Old Bedford neighborhood drove over to meet their son who came in on No. 22 from Kansas City where he had been to have the brace adjusted to his limb by which he is able to walk without the aid of a crutch. Emerald Hurd and wife of Galesburg were Sunday visitors with his father and mother. Emerald has a position as chauffeur on one of the auto buses that will start soon carrying passengers on the route from Kewanee to Burlington through Galesburg and Monmouth over the new hard road.

Mrs. Nan Veech is having a substantial corn crib built on her land south of town. The Willing Workers of the Stronghurst U. P. Church will hold their annual oyster supper in the church dining room on Dec. 5... Word has been received that R.H. Humphrey, whose home is at Anson, Kans., was operated upon in the Halstead, Kans. hospital for double hernia.

Paul (Baker) Tetwiler, who has lived here with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Baker, for the past 12 years left for Grand Island, Nebr. where he will make his home with his father H. C. Tetwiler and attend school. Last Friday night Miss Dorothy Bruce and Miss Margaret Burg entertained the Loyal Sunbeam Class of the Christian Church of which Mrs. Mable Stine is teacher, at the NuVon Hotel. Rig Hodgen returned from a visit with his father, Hugh Hodgen, who lives with a daughter at Rich Hill, Mo. Rig was accompanied on the trip by his sister, Mrs. Dannie Minnefer of Des Moines, Ia., who was visiting here and another sister from Burlington, Ia. The elder Mr. Hodgen is now 90 years of age. The family lived in the Old Bedford neighborhood some 40 years ago. Ed Stine looked after the chores and other duties about the home during Rig's absence.

PAPER SOLD IN NAUVOO: After a rather meteoric career in journalism in Nauvoo, Ill. as publisher of the Rustler during which time he added considerably to the mechanical equipment of that newspaper in the way of modern machinery, Mark Hudson has sold the plant subscription list and good will to two former employees, Buckert and Coyington. Mike Baumert, publisher of the Nauvoo Independent also sold his newspaper to the same parties and they will now have a clear field in the publishing line in the city. With proper support from the business men of the community in the way of advertising patronage a new paper, which will be called the Independent-Rustler should prove a success.

FATHER AND SON BANQUET: Friday night was one of the greatest good cheer and fellowship at the Community Club Rooms-it being the second annual fathers and sons banquet of the local Methodist Church. The idea of this kind of gatherings is of comparative recent origin and has proven to be one of the greatest factors in the working out of the "pal" idea found to be so necessary in modern life.

At the hour of 6:30 about a hundred fathers and sons (some adopted for the evening) gathered. Rev. Myers invoked the divine blessing upon the occasion. The tables fairly groaned with good things so generously provided by the ladies of the church who also served it in their usual tasteful manner leaving nothing undone to make the banquet a complete success. This was proven by the complete scene of demolition the tables afforded after a concerted attack by these same fathers and sons, about fifty examples of perfect teamwork being shown in the accomplishment.

Singing of songs was led by Albert Nicholas with Jack Regan at the piano followed by toasts with Rev. Myers acting as toastmaster in his usual happy vein. The first speaker, Mr. Walter Gregory spoke on "Our Sons; It's Great to Be Their Dads." "Teamwork for Father and Sons" was ably presented by Mr. Ernest Walker. Raymond Johnson, whose subject, "It Is Great to Be Prepared," gave him the opportunity dwell of the advantages of being educated. The last speaker, W. C. Ivins gave a reminiscent full of good points, "When I Was a Lad" which was received with vociferous cheers for the Dads. All departed feeling that they had spent an evening worth while.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Mrs. S. E. Pendarvis of north of town suffered a stroke of apoplexy. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Campbell have gone to Steubenville, Ohio where they expect to remain permanently. Thomas Reece badly fractured the bones of his right wrist Thursday evening while cranking a Ford car. Grade school teachers and pupils are preparing a Thanksgiving program to be given at the grade school auditorium. Gayle Heap is shelling corn for the E. G. Lewis Seed Co.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Veterinary Karn of La Harpe was called here to care for a sick horse owned by Wilbur Dowell. Mr. Cyril Good is still taking treatments for his hand but is much better. Mr. C. Theirink and A. Drenir, representatives for the Chicago Casualty Insurance Co. were in the burg this week.

POSTAL SUB-STATION IN CAPITOL BUILDING: The first state capitol post office to be established in the United States has just been opened at Springfield, Illinois. For many years the handling of the incoming and outgoing capitol building mail has been a serious problem at the Springfield city post office-20% of all incoming mail and a much larger proportion of out going mail being state government matter. The office of Secretary of State alone spends some $100,000 a year for postage and it was through the persistent efforts of Secretary Emerson that the federal government was finally induced to create a separate post office for the handling of state capitol mail:

HUGE CROWD AT CATTLE SALE: The sale of 180 head of pure bred Hereford cows and calves constituting the former H. A. Adair herd held at the stockyards in Stronghurst Tuesday afternoon attracted a large crowd, may cattle breeders and feeders being present from the local community and from a wide territory contiguous thereto. While there was rather keen competition in the bidding at times, a spirit of conservatism and caution was exhibited by the bidders as a rule and no fancy prices were obtained for any of the offering. The total amount realized for the 180 head was about $6,300 ($90, 468 in today's values)

The 80 cows, ranging in age from 4-7years brought a total of $3,200 or an average or $40 per head while the 100 head of spring calves sold for about $3,100 or $31.00 per head. Ninety-seven of the calves were knocked off to Bartlett Bros, prominent cattle men of the Durham, Ill. neighborhood. C. E. Fort of this place purchased 20 cows; Corzatt Bros. Of Raritan bought 29 head of cows; other buyers were U. G. Miller of La Harpe 16 head of cows; John Voorhees of Stronghurst-9 head of cows; John Wolf-5 head of cows, T. E. Henry, Bruce Lindstrom and Frank Nelson were the purchasers of the few remaining cows and calves. While some of this fine herd of Herefords were no doubt purchased for breeding purposes, the bidding seemed to be on a strictly beef price basis.

RAN OVER: Rev. S. J. Kyle, D.D., former pastor of the Biggsville U.P. Church and now pastor of the Hopewell, Pa. U.P. Church, was severely injured when he was run over by his own car which he had started by cranking while the machine was in gear.

From the Monmouth Review Atlas of Nov. 25th: "Rev. Dr. Kyle, besides losing his right ear, which was torn off by the drip pan on the under side of the machine, sustained numerous lacerations on the right side of the face and forehead and was badly bruised about the body.

"It was after the self-starter on the car had refused to function that Rev. Dr. Kyle started to crank the machine which caused the motor to respond in short order-all too soon. After hitting him, the machine ran over him and in some manner the wheels turned, causing the machine to travel in a circle. It went around the circle at least six times before it suddenly changed its course and made a wild run to a nearby tree, which proved to be the stronger of the two, stopping the car.

In the meantime Rev. Dr. Kyle had made several unsuccessful attempts to board the machine by getting of the running board. By the time he would get one foot on the board, he would be thrown off again. Then he became too weak from the injuries to even attempt to stop the machine. He made his way to his home, however, where his injuries were administered to. The car was not damaged to any appreciable extent."

FOOTBALL BENEFIT: "Five hundred and forty-nine persons dug up a dollar each to witness the football game in LaHarpe Sunday afternoon between the teams of Roseville and Blandinsvlle. One half of the gross proceeds was for the La Harpe Hospital. It was a great game and neither side was able to score and it was the third time the teams have met with the same result this fall. Four La Harpe men were in the Blandinsville line-up. The gate money was divided $247.28 to the hospital and $123.64 to each team. Out of the hospital's share was paid the expenses for rain insurance, services of the officials and advertising, leaving an even $150 net."-La Harpe Quill

FOREIGN STATION HEARD: A number of our local radio fans report hearing music broadcasted from foreign stations during the "test" hour between 10 and 11 o'clock. Difficulty in hearing distinctly or in understanding the announcers, however, made the location of the foreign broadcasting stations a matter of doubt. The writer heard a piano solo on a set tuned in for the wave length given for the Aberdeen, Scotland station. We were quite certain that this music came from "across the pond," but others here who seem to have heard the same music claim that it came from Mexico City. As both places' stations have the same wavelength, the music might have come for either place. We would most likely have been able to hear the announcement of the sending station at the close of the piano solo if the Memphis, Tenn. Commercial Appeal station had not come in with a concert program at 11 o'clock on practically the same wave length and drowned out the foreign sending station. (This was big news in 1924 as radios were luxury items.)