The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1924 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic: August 7, 1924

THEY ARE SAVED: What was probably a record attendance for the community at a religious gathering marked the closing services last Sunday evening of the five weeks evangelistic campaign conducted by the Cantrell-Pecaut party. The big tent in the village park was packed to capacity and there, perhaps, as great an audience gathered on the outside and seated in automobiles surrounding the park as were seated under the big top. As the side walls were all rolled to the top and the best of order prevailed, it was possible for all who would to catch the words of the evangelist as he made his final appeal to the unsaved to delay no longer the great decision of their lives. The big crowd outside the tent not only listened attentively to the discourse of the preacher, but showed their interest in the services by joining heartily in the spirited song service led by Mr. Pecaut; Following the sermon when the appeal was made for those who desired to surrender their lives to God to come forward, many from the outside pushed their way into the tent and took their place before the platform becoming part of a company of 43 standing or seated there. The speaker said that a new record had been established in this meeting in the number of those who had responded to the Gospel appeal on any single occasion during his evangelistic career. He also said that at no place had he found such a spirit of genuine cooperation on the part of church people generally in the work in which he is engaged as he had in Stronghurst. While he rejoiced in the evidences of good accomplished while here, he and his party would experience a pang of sadness in parting from the many friends made during their stay here.

The total number of those either professing conversion or expressing the purpose of a reconsecration of life during the meetings was around 160. The rite of baptism was administered to 61 of the converts on Monday afternoon at Lake Fort and on Tuesday morning several more were baptized there.

The above figures do not by any means represent the net results of the meeting as there have been accessions to the various churches of the village of those who did not go forward at the meetings, but whose action was prompted by what they saw and heard there. Other direct results of the meetings have been the reuniting of homes, the abolition of personal enmities and the establishment of a stronger bond of Christian fellowship amongst all believers in the community.

The Cantrell party will open a meeting at Burnside, Ill. next week and the prayers of the people here will go with them. The evangelist's farewell sermon preached last Sunday night was on the danger of procrastination. (It was published elsewhere in this edition.)

WEDDING BELLS EVERYWHERE! As the culmination of romances of longer or shorter duration, wedding bells have chimed during the past week for a number of young people of Stronghurst community, and several pairs of hearts which were wont to be more or less independent in their action heretofore, now beat in unison: FLANEGIN-MAINS: Miss Maxine Mains, daughter of postmaster and Mrs. J. F. Mains of this place, was united in marriage on Tuesday to Mr. Hurff C. Flanegin of Galesburg. The ceremony was performed at noon in the Central Congregational Church. Miss Ruth Mains, sister of the bride, and Miss Alta Marie Reynolds and Mr. Elmer Byers of Galesburg were witnesses. The bride was born and grew to womanhood in Stronghurst and has been active in the social life of the community. She has held positions during the past year or two with mercantile firms in Galesburg and Burlington and has assisted at intervals with the work in the local post office. The groom is connected with the engineering department of the Illinois Power and Light Co. and had made Stronghurst his temporary home while engaged in surveying work in this vicinity for the last year. They will live in Galesburg.

PUTNEY-SNODGRASS: From the Monmouth Review Atlas-"Delford Isaac Putney of Stronghurst and Miss Cecil Mae Snodgrass of Kirkwood were united in marriage this morning at 11 o'clock at the Christian Church parsonage. The bride and groom were accompanied by Charles Berg of Stronghurst and Miss Blanche Knutstrom of Kirkwood. Mr. Putney is employed with the Santa Fe Railroad at Stronghurst and the young people will make their home in that place"

MILLER-SIMMONS: Miss Grace Emma Simmons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Simmons of Stronghurst and Harold D. Miller of Burlington were united in marriage on July 31st at Burlington. The ceremony was performed at the parsonage of the Evangelical Lutheran Church there. The happy couple will be at home after August 10th at 1615 West Ave., Burlington.

SWINGING A HATCHET: "In a raid outranking anything of the kind ever attempted by the late Carrie Nation, the Rev. E. S. Busby, Methodist minister of Blandinsville, Thursday smashed slot machines, pin wheels and other gaming devices at the 36th Annual Farmers' Picnic in the village park. Every concession that carried a gaming wheel was put out of commission with the militant minister's hatchet, and he went about his work unarmed and alone. He is said to have been supported in the effort by Mayor Voorhees although a permit to carry a pistol during the raiding campaign was denied the preacher. The village council took no action toward stopping the operation of the devices on the ground that they were already established and members of the board expressed their belief that the proper time to have acted was when the machines were first set up.

In the melee that followed the preacher's bold move to abolish gambling from the Blandinsville picnic, he got a wallop in the nose which brought blood from an outraged concessionaire. The crowd booed the minister and such a howl was set up that a riot call was sent for the sheriff. A posse of seven responded, but returned without making arrests.

Mr. Busby succeeded in slapping fines on every booth operator ranging from $1 to $25 and then was arrested himself on a warrant charging willful destruction of property. The preacher's trial was set for Friday morning, but the person who swore out the warrant failed to report and the minister was dismissed."-LaHarpe Quill

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Miss Audrey Marsden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Marsden, began her duties as stenographer and assistant in the Henderson County Farm Bureau office in Stronghurst taking the place of Miss Edith Hartquist who tendered her resignation weeks ago. Miss Alice Shaw was able to return to her home from the Burlington Hospital entirely recovered from the effects of the operation for appendicitis. Mr. Earl VanDorn of Quincy who has a good position there as salesman for an automobile concern was enroute to home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will VanDorn at Raritan. Charles Calvin, son of Herman Calvin, living south of town, was taken to the Burlington Hospital and operated on for appendicitis. (One did not want to have a stomach ache back then or an appendectomy might be in your future.) As the pastors of both the M. E. and U. P. Churches will be taking their annual vacations next Sabbath, a union service of the M. E., U. P. and Christian congregations will be held in the evening at the U.P. Church with Rev. Cross of the Christian Church in charge.

At the time of the death of Calvin Coolidge, Jr., Rev. R. C. Myers of Stronghurst sent a message of sympathy to the bereaved parents. This morning Rev. Myers received a response in the shape of a beautifully engraved card acknowledging the appreciation of the President and his wife of the sympathy expressed. (A note from the President for a small town preacher was big news.)

A. E. Moore has been given the contract to remodel the building south of the bank in Media known as the Callow Building, which the high school has purchased and will remodel for a gymnasium. When completed it will have a floor space of 44 x 60 ft. and 18 ft. ceiling and will cost in the neighborhood of $3,000. It will be suitable for any kind of gathering. A. F. Kaiser and wife left in their car for a vacation trip to Wisconsin. They will go by way of Chicago and sight see. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Decker of Aledo, parents of J. W. Decker of Stronghurst, will round out 62 years of married life today. J. W. had expected to help his parents celebrate the event but was deterred by the threatening weather. John Bullock of LaHarpe was instantly killed by a C.B. & Q. train at the depot in Macomb last Friday evening when he rolled under the train after he had jumped off. The victim was 31 years of age, married and had been employed for the last two months on hard road work in the vicinity of Macomb.

OBITUARY: WM. NOLEN: Claus William Nolen was born in Linkoping, Sweden, July 22, 1843 and passed away at his home four miles south of Stronghurst, July 30, 1924, aged 81 years and 8 days. He immigrated to America in 1870 locating at Kirkwood, Ill. Here he lived and prospered for 32 years. The last 22 years of his life were spent on the farm south of Stronghurst which he purchased when he left Kirkwood. On Feb. 23, 1881 he was united in marriage to Charlotte Anderson and to this union six children were born, three of whom preceded their father to the realms above, names, Mrs. Alfen Wetterling, Mrs. Mabel Person and Ruth. The children, who with the aged wife and mother are left to mourn the loss of the departed, are Algert and Walter Nolen and Mrs. Alda Person, all of this vicinity. Besides these relatives there are seven surviving grandchildren. At the time of his death, Mr. Nolen was the last surviving member of a family of nine children. He had been in failing health for about two years his last illness being of six months.

The deceased was confirmed in the Lutheran Church at the age of 15 and after coming to America he became a member of the Lutheran Church at Biggsville, Ill. He afterward transferred his membership to the Stronghurst Lutheran Church, remaining in its communion up to the time of his death. Funeral services were conducted at the church with interment in the Stronghurst Cemetery.

BIG ENTERTAINMENT IN LAHARPE: Next Tuesday night, August 12th, the Tri-County Fair will put on a Big Special Show consisting of a Dancing Girl Revue. The Zirmaine Ballet, artistic exponents of graceful and fascination dance features, irresistible girls in dancing and artistic episodes, each girl being selected from the best dancing schools in the country, will be here. The entire ensemble of girls makes a beautiful picture of youth and beauty. Also shown will be the new moving picture, "The Virginian," which was released in Chicago for the first time last December and was shown continuously for 16 weeks. This picture alone is worthy coming to see.

On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights a good picture with vaudeville will be shown along with a fine display of Fireworks. 10 large set pieces and over 500 rockets and war bomb shells will be fired.

MOVING TO KANSAS: Raus Richey returned to Stronghurst after a visit of several weeks in Kansas where he went to investigate a cattle ranching and farming proposition. After looking the situation over, Mr. Richey decided to take a partnership interest in the business which includes a large grazing ranch near Russell, Kansas and a grain growing and stock feeding farm located about four miles from Lawrence, Kansas. The firm of which will become a member is engaged in the breeding and growing of Polled Angus cattle on an extensive scale. Mr. Richey and family are arranging to leave some time next week for the farm where they will make their home.

GYPSIE BAND ATTACK AND ATTEMPT ROBBERY: The Burnside Pilot contained the following account of a bold attempt at highway robbery made by a band of gypsies in the Niota neighborhood recently. The coloring of the picturesque and romantic has in the past influenced the opinion of the general public to a greater or less degree regarding these roving gypsy bands; but the act is that the present day gypsy band is really an organized bunch of bandits and they should be dealt with as vagrants and offenders against good order and public peace. The incident record by the Pilot furnishes another good argument for the necessity of a state constabulary in Illinois to afford protection to people traveling upon our public highway in the pursuit of peaceful occupation.

"When our local poultry truck driver was traveling the highway in the regions of Niota recently, he came to the railroad track and was delayed by a freight train. He stopped the truck but left the motor going. While he was waiting, a car drove up with Gypsies in it. A woman jumped into the front of the truck and reached down and shut off the motor. She then went after "Ock" and his pocketbook. He gave her a shove out of the truck, but she came right back and got her hand into his pocket before he could prevent it and grabbed his keys and pocketbook. "Ock" grabbed her wrist and compelled her to release her hold from his valuables and shoved her from the car again and again she returned but his time he pushed her more violently and she fell to the ground.

He looked about to see what was going on and found a bunch of men after the chickens in the back of the truck. He dreads to think what might have happened had not another car come along at that time and the marauders took flight. We understand there were a couple of dozen chickens missing at night when he checked up."

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mr. and Mrs. Gee of Davenport have been guests in the Burrus home and left to visit the Herman Dixon home in Media. Mrs. Edgar Ragan of Washington, D. C. has been a guest in the home of her aunt for several weeks. Miss Emma Rankin who has been attending Brown's Business College in Galesburg has accepted a position as teacher in the South Bend Business College at South Bend, Ind. Vernie Myers, son of Ed Myers will attend Hedding College at Abingdon. Marcellus and Hubert Mekemson returned from a several weeks visit with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leffler at Hamilton. Mrs. Andrew Renstrom who has been taking treatment at the Burlington Hospital is reported to be gaining and is much butter. Mr. Robt. Hamil who has been making his home since winter with his sister, Mrs. Nettie Welch in company with his daughter, Miss Pearl Hamil, who is a student at Moody Institute of Chicago, left for a month's visit at the old home at Lebanon, Mo. Dorothy Millen has been a victim of the chicken pox. The road between here and Burlington will be open this week. The only detour being necessary this side of the Burlington bridge where grading and culvert work is being done. Miss Mildred Ford has purchased a Ford roadster which will be of much use to her in her school business. August Wiegand was in Kansas City to bring home a bunch of feeder cattle.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The Lomax gospel team will hold a service at the M. E. Church Wednesday evening. Mrs. J. P. Riggs, Mrs. A. L. Beall and Mrs. E.S. Pendarvis are on the sick list but are better. Mrs. M. D. Drain is quite sick. T. B. Palmer spent Monday near Stronghurst and attended the baptismal held at Lake Fort. Mrs. Reva Overbay and Miss Mildred Lant also attended this service. Mrs. J. P. Mink and daughter, Miss Lillian, entertained the Ladies Home Missionary Society of the M. E. Church at their country home southwest of town Friday afternoon. Guy Shook was operated on at the Macomb Hospital for appendicitis; at last reports he was not improving as well as expected. Mr. and Mrs. Worley moved from Raritan into their home recently purchased of George Button. Mr. Worley is the assistant at the Santa Fe Depot. Miss Waneta Howell, who is employed in the office of Judge Gordon, is spending the week with home folks. A. L. Beall drove to Springfield on business connected with the building of a new school house at Raritan. Mrs. Almira J. Bacon has suffered a relapse and is lying very low at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Florence Mathers. Dr. Hoyt of Raritan is in attendance but on account of her advanced age, her recovery is very doubtful as she is gradually growing weaker. The heavy rain put a stop to threshing. Blackberries are ripe and the woods are full of people who are picking them.