The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Judy L. Gravgaard, Biggsville Village Clerk
The Village of Biggsville meeting was called to order on September 4th, by Mayor Brian Sterett at 7:00 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance.
Open Forum: There was discussion on painting the handicapped parking space. We have the stencil, all we need is the paint. Brian will check and see what color we need to use and we will paint it.
Reports: We have a CD due. It was decided we will roll it over. Nanci made a motion to accept the minutes, invoices, and treasurers reports. Tammy 2nd motion carried.
Streets/Water: Three water pits have been replaced. James put asphalt in from of the community building and filled in holes that needed to be done.
Permits: We have one new permit in and three outstanding.
Parks: There is a tournament schedule for October 5th at the ball park. They have been doing a lot of work on the field to get it in shape. There is some interest in having a kick ball tournament.
Old Business: Mike replaced the bleachers at the ball park. The merry-go-round is out and will be replaced as soon as possible. Julie will need to be called to check around the merry-go-round and where the Village Sign will be put up.
New Business: Tammy made a motion to accept Ordinance #536, Smoke free Parks in Biggsville, Becky 2nd motion carried.
Becky make a motion to adjourn at 8:20 p.m., Kathie 2nd, motion carried.
The board would like to express their deepest condolences to the families of Ermadean Hull and Linda Somerville
Members present: Kathie Curtiss, Dick Goff, Becky Price, Kevin Mortimer, Tammy Slater and Nanci Sterett. Other present: Brian Sterett, Mayor; Marilyn Simmons, Treasurer; Judy Gravgaard, Clerk; James Rogers and Mike West.