The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Stronghurst Board Sets Trick or Treat Night

By: Shirley Linder, Quill Editor

At the regular Village of Stronghurst board meeting held on Monday, October 7th, the trustees voted on Thursday, October 31, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. as Trick or Treat time.

The board was called to order at 6 p.m. and led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Mayor Brendan Schaley.

Doug Erickson from Macomb gave the board an update on the "Safe Crossing School Project." He stated the environmental phase one is nearing completion. They need to notify those who do not have sidewalks on their property their intent to install one. They are still on track for the project to begin next spring once school is out for the summer.

Ronnie Gittings reported MTC has all the main piping in for the new internet system. He said they brought in 3 bore machines and things moved very quickly in laying the lines. Gittings reported the board will have until 2022 to identify and certify whether water lines are copper, plastic, or lead for both the customers and the village. He also stated they can now notify people of hydrant flushing via social media.

Mike Bohnenkamp gave the financial report stating they were $1,513.25 to the good last month. There were three pay periods last month so salaries were a little higher for the month. There is some money in the motor fuel tax left over so it will be a start for next year's oiling of the streets.

The police report for September included: 79 hours worked; 293 miles on squad car; 1 traffic stop with a verbal warning; 7 service calls; 2 arrest; 25 business courtesy checks.

The board received two bids for the cutting of two more trees, one on Division Street at the Bob Carmean property and one at the corner of South and Mary Street. Gittings said Lee's Tree Service, whose bid was $1,000 for the two trees, said he would come in for 8 hours a day and cut as many trees as he could for $1200. After much discussion the board voted to have Lee's Tree Service do as many trees as he could in 8 hours. The tree service only drops the trees and the city employees do the clean up. This does not include stump removal.

In other business the board:

Those present included: Mayor Brendan Schaley; Trustees, Mike Bohnenkamp, Jerry Nortrup, Randy Jarvis, Shane Reed, Mike Swisher, David Vancil was absent; Employees, Ronnie Gittings, Hollie Allen, Arbry Vancil, Attorney Mariah Wallace; Guests, Virginia Ross, David Knutstrom, Lori Hamilton, Doug Erickson, and Shirley Linder

The next meeting will be held Monday, November 4, at 6:00 p.m.