The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Village of Biggsville Prepares For Halloween

-from minutes of Judy L. Gravgaad, Village Clerk

At the Village of Biggsville meeting on October 2, the board decided Jody Bishop will be in charge of the Halloween wiener roast, which will be from five (5) to six (6) p.m. on October 31 at Reid Park. Trick or treating will be from six (6) to eights (8) p.m. Casey will provide the water and Nanci will make posters and put them up around town.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Brian Sterett with the Pledge of Allegiance. Members preAt the Village of Biggsville meeting on October 2, the board decided Jody Bishop will be in charge of the Halloween wiener roast, which will be from five (5) to six (6) p.m. on October 31 at Reid Park. Trick or treating will be from six (6) to eights (8) p.m. Casey will provide the water and Nanci will make posters and put them up around town.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Brian Sterett with the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present were: Kathie Curtiss, Dick Goff, Kevin Mortimer, Becky Price, Tammy Slater and Nanci Sterett. Other present were: Brian Sterett, Mayor; Marilyn Simmons, Treasurer; Judy Gravgaard, Clerk; James Rogers and Mike West.

There was no open forum.

Nanci made a motion to transfer funds to pay the USDA water and sewer invoice that is due. Kathie 2nd motion carried. Tammy made a motion to accept the treasurer report, minutes, and invoices. Kathie 2nd motion carried.


James reported the water main break at Arthur and James has been taken care of.

Mike reported there is a pump at the East Main Pump Station that needs to be repaired. MVP gave an estimate to repair or purchase a new one. They also need an aerator pump.

Nanci made a motion to purchase a refurbished lift station pump Becky 2nd motion carried.

The pump station also needs to be vacuumed out, which they will need to call someone to do. They need to purchase a three quarter ton truck and James will check on some state truck auctions to see what is available. We need to check the runoff water drain by Arthur Street to see if there is a leak.


We have two permits.


Roundup has been sprayed at the ballpark. There was a tournament Saturday, October 5th. If rained out it will be Saturday, October 12th. Spraying will be done at the batting cage at the ballparkto keep the weeds down. We need to purchase the cement to set the merry-go-round at Reid Park.

Old Business:

Nanci called JULIE and white flags or white paint need to be put up so they will know where the village sign is to be erected.

JULIE will locate and we have two weeks to get the sign.

We need to purchase handicapped blue paint to paint our parking space. We discussed the removal of a dead tree and it is not on village property. Also discussed was overgrown properties and how we are going to proceed to cleaning them up at the property owner's expense. Dick made a motion to revise the Ordinance on vacating East Washington Street Kevin 2nd motion carried.

Tammy made a motion to adjourn at 8:28 Dick 2nd, motion carried.