The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The Village of Biggsville's meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on November 6th, by Mayor Brian Sterett with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Open Forum: Jerry Weible stated the Museum will be shut down for four (4) months. He also stated there is a hole that needs to be filled at the entrance to museum in the alley. There was to be a sign put up at entrance to Biggs Park. The Board will check on the status of the sign.
There are CD's that are due and it was decided to roll them over.
Tammy made a motion to accept the treasurer's report, minutes and invoices, Kathie 2nd motion carried.
Streets/Water: The box broke on the truck. It can still plow snow but possibly needs new sensors. The board are exploring the option of a different truck. James stated we need to order 20 tons of sand and salt for winter. Mike painted the handicapped sign on Main Street and put up shelves in the container for water supplies.
Zoning: One new permit was issued.
Public Relations: Nanci finished the "Welcome to Biggsville' pamphlet and will get it out to all citizens of Biggsville. The board will be making Christmas baskets on December 6th and distributing them on December 7th. Even with the cold weather the wiener roast was a success. A special thanks was given to Jody Bishop and Patty Daniels for organizing it.
Thank you was also given to Casey State Bank for furnishing the water, Belted Cow for furnishing the cider and Gibbs for helping with the food.
Also thanked were Marilyn Simmons and Kathie Curtiss for planting the flowers and watering them all summer.
Parks: The restrooms have been winterized. The merry-go-round will be installed as soon as the weather permits.
Old Business: The lawyer informed the board what the options were on condemning properties in the village.
The board has requested the property owners fix the structure and have had no response. The information will be sent to the lawyer and he will send a letter. If no response the board will take action. It has been suggested by the lawyer the council review the tax levy. Julie did not locate for utility lines so the Village Sign up could not be installed. They are to come back and do so as the sign needs to be put up by November 19th otherwise it'll have to wait till spring.
New Business: There will be a census in 2020. We will be sending out information for everyone in Biggsville so they will be able to fill out their forms. It's very important for the county that everyone, including children, is counted. The county receives funds according to how many residents reside in Henderson County. There are no dogs allowed in the Community Building except service dogs. Christmas lights will go up the first of December.
Tammy make a motion to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Nanci 2nd motion carried.
Members present were: Kathie Curtiss, Dick Goff, Kevin Mortimer, Tammy Slater and Nanci Sterett. Becky Price was absent. Others present: Marilyn Simmons, Treasurer; Judy Gravgaard, Clerk; James Roger and Andrew Lundquest, Lawyer.
Judy L. Gravgaard, Clerk