The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Joy Swearingen - Quill correspondent
Carthage: Harry Douglas of Plymouth was appointed to a vacant seat on the Hancock County board from District 2, at the board's regular meeting Oct. 22. Douglas replaces Don Little of La Harpe, who moved from the area.
Douglas is retired from the Illinois State Police after 30 years in law enforcement. He has a degree from Western Illinois University. He has served on the Plymouth Village Board and on the St. Mary Township Board.
"This seems like a natural step from local service to county politics," Douglas said.
"I enjoy the feed back of working on local boards and having some say in the county budget. I like improving the quality of life but not increasing taxes."
Wayne Bollin was approved as the vice chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee to replace Little.
The board approved an appropriation of $750,000 from Motor Fuel Tax funds for general maintenance of county highways for the 2020 fiscal year, reflecting a higher amount of MFT that might become available next year.
The board approved spending $100,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds to pay the salary of the county engineer, Elgin Berry.
Finance, Fees and Salaries chairman, Wayne Bollin, reported on several meetings held in September and October, preparing for the county budget that should be completed and presented at the November meeting.
The board approved a public defender contract with Kurt Dittmer of Rasmussen and Dittmer, LaHarpe, for $92,000. The board will seek proposals for conflict of interest public defender contracts, with a range of $20,000 to $40,000.
The board agree to continue the health self-insurance health agreement for county employees, extending the third party agreement with Mutual Medical for two more years. Keith Krohe with the county health insurance plan said there would be no increase in premium, noting that the plan is running well.
The board learned the final tax disbursements would be paid in the first week of November, after the tax sale on Oct. 28.
The Miscellaneous and Health Committee reported on discussion about creating ordinances to regulate marijuana use for pleasure when it becomes legal in Illinois. Anything the county passed would relate to unincorporated areas of the county, not governed by a city or town council.
No action was taken, with the board waiting to see what happens in county communities.
The board approved issuing a deed as trustee for taxing districts on a property in Warsaw to Larry Johnson for the successful bid of $810.
The board heard about wage negotiations with the Fraternal Order of Police for a new contract. Action on the new agreement was postponed until next month after board members can view a copy of the new proposed contract.
The new IRS allowable mileage rate of 58 cents per mile for 2019 was discussed. Because it is so late in the year, the board chose to wait until a 2020 rate is issued, before increasing the current 52 cents rate.
Contractual adjustments of $75,549 for ambulance calls in September were approved for write-off, from Medicare, Medicaid and insurance providers.
Appointments as trustee to Mount Vernon Missionary Baptist Cemetery in Rocky Run Township were approved for Tony Koehler, Chase Heisler, Tom Kraushaar, all of rural Warsaw; and Dennis Dooley of rural Sutter.
County Clerk Kerry Asbridge swears in Harry Douglas of Plymouth after he was appointed to fill the vacant seat on the Hancock County Board.