The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by Mike Rodeffer, The Quill
The La Harpe City Council met on Monday, February 25 for their regular scheduled meeting.
The council made a motion to concur with the IMEG recommendation to reject the low bid of Westech Engineering, Inc. for contract 2 which is for R/O equipment. IMEG representative Megan Crook said after much scrutiny and checking over the bids, that the Westech bid left out quite a bit of equipment needed. Included in the motion was to concur with the recommendation of IMEG to award the bid on contract 2 to U.S. Water Services, Inc. (Tonka Water) in the amount of $404,586.00, subject to RD concurrence. If Rural Development approves, the council will take final action at their next meeting to award the contract. Motion passed unanimously.
Rural Development approved the other four contracts, so the council took final action and unanimously approved motions to award the following contracts:
The council also approved the purchase of a refurbished taser for the police department for $599.00. Max Owsley had previously offered to pay 1/2 and when asked if he still would pay half, he agreed.
Randy Shumaker informed the council that the city should be receiving the meter probe in mid April and council would probably be getting an invoice after it has been received. Also, Shumaker informed council that they would be getting a bill from Midwest Express for brake repair on the plow truck.
Shumaker informed the council that Ameren will be trimming trees in the area in the coming weeks and offering free wood chips. Shumaker thought maybe the city could stockpile some of the free wood chips south of the park and use them at the park instead of buying wood chips as in the past.
Tim Graves reported a main sewer line had to be cleaned out last month as tree roots were intruding into the line. Graves thought two trees might need to be take down (one on private property) to help resolve the situation.
IMEG representative Megan Crook mentioned the line could be lined. Crook thought it might cost $30-$40 a foot, but was willing to find out the cost. The council decided to see what the cost of taking the trees down versus the cost of lining the pipe and decide after that information was available.
Graves also stated they were having drainage problems on North Center Street, resulting in water standing in a resident's yard. Graves said as soon as weather permits, the ditch and a culvert issue can be resolved.
Graves reported Devin Lenix had asked about the city running a new water line back to his house on Lillian Drive. Lenix's meter is by the Terre Haute road which is where it had been put at many years ago by the previous owner. The council is going to have to decide who is responsible for a new line if one is to be put in. It was suggested that Lenix attend a council meeting.
Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed offered her condolences to Kurt Dittmer on the unexpected passing of his wife.
Mayor Hasten-Reed wanted to clarify that Larry Finch is in charge of the Police Department and oversees Marli Burt, Lynn Hoyt and Ben Schweizer and that Tim Graves is in charge of the water department and oversees Dan Carpenter and that David Little is head of the street department and oversees Trevor Finch.
The council also approved the treasurer's report and paying of bills. All council members voted yes, with Covert abstaining.
Those attending were: Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed, Council members-Dave Clover, Jerry Burford, Kelly Harkey, Randy Shumaker, Greg Wisslead and Brian Covert. Also Treasurer Maggie Link, Clerk Lucretia McPeak and Attorney Chris Scholz, employees Tim Graves, Larry Finch, Lynn Hoyt and Marli Burt, ESDA Rep Max Owsley, IMEG Rep Megan Crook, Dan Gillett and Michael Rodeffer.
The council went into executive session at 7:46 p.m. to discuss employee issues. The council came out of executive session at 8:52 a.m. No action was taken after the executive session. Council adjourned at 8:54 p.m.