The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The Village of Biggsville meeting was called to order on June 5th, at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Brian Sterett with the pledge of allegiance. Members present: Kathie Curtiss, Dick Goff, Becky Price, Kevin Mortimer, Tammy Slater, and Nanci Sterett. Other present were: Brian Sterett, Mayor; Marilyn Simmons, Treasurer; Judy L. Gravgaard, Clerk; James Rogers and Mike West.
There was no open forum.
Nanci Sterett made a motion to accept the minutes, invoices and Treasuror's report, Kathie 2nd, motion carried.
Streets/Water: James reported there are three trees that need to be taken out at the ballpark. There is also one that needs to be taken care of at 207 West Adams. Dick make a motion to have the trees removed, Kevin 2nd, motion carried. Several holes in the street have been patched and there are several to do. Mike fixed a leak in the restrooms at Reid Park but there is another. Mike will try and fix it if not we will get a plumber.
Parks: There is no electrical outlet by the batting cage. We will check into putting one on the concession stand. We also need to put a lock on the fuse box. Mike cut leaves behind the fence at Biggs Park and he has the supplies to fix the fence.
Old Business: The end of July a metal roof will be installed on the Lagoon shed and at the pump house.
New Business: There is scrap metal by the maintenance shed that will be taken to the lagoon. Kathie made a motion to accept the Prevailing Wage Ordinance #534. Tammy 2nd, motion carried. The Boy Scouts are looking for service hours. They discussed doing the tables and benches and new trees at Lindo Field. We are looking into getting "no long term parking signs" in front of Hotel Lynn so it doesn't block the turnaround lane.
Nanci made a motion to adjourn at 8:10, Kevin 2nd, motion carried.