The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Hancock County Board

Joy Swearingen, J-P Correspondent

Terry Pope and the office of the Hancock County Economic Development Corporation will be moving soon.

The Hancock County board approved an agreement for Pope, the executive director for HCEDC, to move his office to the county ambulance building at the east edge of Carthage.

At their new location, HCEDC will use one office and will have access to the conference room where they can hold board meetings and training sessions.

"We have appreciated the space we have," Pope told the board, about his office on the third floor of the courthouse, off the county board room.

"Sometimes there are conferences or negotiations going on in the board room when I need people to come through to get to my office."

Under the rental agreement at the board meeting Jan. 22, no money will change hands. The county will consider the amount that could be charged for rent as an additional donation to the HCEDC.

Pope gave the board a report on goals and results from the HCEDC 2017-2019 Strategic Action Plan.

"I felt it was important that you as a major investor see the progress that we have been doing," Pope said.

The report included goals in business retention and expansion, workforce development, and marketing and recruitment.

The board discussed communication with the city of Carthage related to their fire department and concern about the volunteer firefighters being paged out for non-emergency lift assistance calls. Questions remain on whether fire department volunteers would be covered by the EMS insurance and/or Workman's Compensation if an injury were to occur while on an ambulance call.

Tom Rodgers noted that normally two paramedics respond to an ambulance call, and that they are only supposed to lift 100 pounds each. In many cases additional help would be needed.

"If someone makes a 911 call, EMS has to respond," Rodgers said. "As an ambulance service we're required to provide people lift assistance. If the EMTs need fire department help, we need to start with our insurance to be sure they are covered."

The insurance committee will come to the next Building, Grounds and Insurance committee meeting to go over the liability policy with members.

An incident was discussed where an injury claim by a contract worker for the county was denied by CIRMA, the previous county insurance carrier. It was referred to the state's attorney.

It was reported that the Board of Review for property assessment has concluded. The Supervisor of Assessments has received a tentative multiplier for the coming year. The tax process should continue smoothly and on time.

Adjustments in line items were approved for the fiscal year ending Nov. 30, 2018.

The board approved a write-off of $60,823 in ambulance charges from December, determined to be uncollectible due to adjustments by Medicaid and Medicare.

The board authorized the sale of a Highway Department 2002 F350 4 X 2 truck with a 9-foot dump body, to be sold at Sullivan Auctioneers consignment auction.

The board approved appointing Jon Hoffmeister to the Lima/Hunt Drainage District board. Steve Finney was appointed as the county board representative to the IDOT Public Transportation Advisory Council, with Delbert Kreps as alternate.