The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by Mike Rodeffer-The Quill
The regularly scheduled monthly meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., Monday, December 10, 2018.
Larry Finch reported having issues with the battery in the Ford.
City Clerk McPeak announced the Consolidated Election will be April 2, 2019. The offices up for election for a 4 year term are :
Mayor, Treasurer, City Clerk, 1st Ward Alderman, 2nd Ward Alderman, 3rd Ward Alderman, and a 2 year unexpired term for 3rd Ward Alderman. Lucretia has nominating petitions available. She announced she will be at city hall 12-10-18 through 12-17-18 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. for petitions to be turned in.
She also requested the council appropriate funds from MFT to pay McDonough County Highway Department $4,062.50.
Shumaker made the motion to appropriate funds from MFT to pay McDonough County Highway Department $4,062.50. Covet seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Treasurer Link reported "Notice of Intent" and "Ordinance 2018-19" bill for the Quill was $229.14 and "Ordinance 2018-19" bill for the Hancock County Journal Pilot was $216.00. Also, the "Bid Notice" bill for the Quill was $106.59.
The attorney was not present and nothing was reported.
Mayor Hasten-Reed reported sending email notifications to review dilapidated buildings to Springfield.
Eric Moe went over bid procedure, and talked about interim financing from local bank. Alderman Clover will talk to the banker Tuesday (tomorrow).
Old Business:
Covert made the motion to approve the November minutes. Wisslead seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Clover made the motion to approve the treasurer's report and pay bills. Covert seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Covert made the motion to have the City Employee Christmas dinner at the Country Cafe. Shumaker seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Covert will contact the Country Cafe and inform everyone of date and time.
Clover made the motion to have the Christmas bonuses for city employees the same as last year ($200.00 for full time employees and $100.00 for part time employees). Covert seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
There was discussion on a street light at Susan Pratt residence. This will be looked into further and will be on the next agenda.
There was discussion on a used engine for the police truck for $3,000.00 with 48,000 to 56,000 miles on it, and it would cost around $2,000.00 to install.
Steve Beaver wanted to thank the police and the ambulance on such a quick response time.
New Business:
Discussed updating Code Book. This will be on the next agenda.
Discussed removing and relocating raccoons that are residing near the school. No action needed.
Clover made the motion to pay $492.00 to repair pump with new seal at lift station and spend $478.00 for 4" valves on inlet and discharge side of pump. Harkey seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Hasten-Reed wished everyone a "Merry Christmas"!
Clover made the motion to adjourn the regular meeting. Shumaker seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Answering roll call were: Dave Clover, Jerry Burford, Kelly Harkey, Randy Shumaker, Greg Wisslead, Brian Covert, Treasurer-Maggie Link, City Clerk-Lucretia McPeak, and Mayor Katherine Hasten-Reed.
Also present: Eric Moe, David Little, Larry Finch, Dan Gillett, and Tim Graves.
Everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
The regular council meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lucretia McPeak,
La Harpe City Clerk