The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The Trustees met in the meeting room of the Raritan Fire House December 12 and Village Clerk Jim Blender swore in the newly appointed Trustee Rhonda Blender of Raritan who is filling the vacant trustee position of Yvonne Knapp.
President Michael Knapp called the meeting to order and led the trustees in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. Clerk Jim Blender led in prayer.
The minutes were approved as presented and bills were presented as follows:
Phil Anders $84.00;
Dennis Rankin $200.00;
Dallas Rural Water $426.51;
Waste Management $1,169.60;
PDC $20.00;
McMillan, Hennenfent, DeJoode & Humbert $10,000.00;
WIRC $82.80;
Kevin Magee; $365.00.
A motion was made by Trustee Nisius, seconded by Trustee Blender to approve the bills except the MHDH bill which is tabled until the next meeting. Motion carried.
Attorney Marcum Spears is to speak about the MHDH bill.
Old Business
A discussion was held about the audit with attorney input. A motion was approved made by Trustee Nisius, seconded by Trustee K. Magee to accept the audit.
The board approved a motion to change the poles for new swings to cedar wood in the playground area instead of treated wood. Estimated cost is $2,000.00.
Tabled the discussion regarding "surveying of the village alleys" until the January meeting.
President Knapp made a list of inoperable motor vehicles in the village. It will be decided on what letters to send out at the January meeting.
Trustee Nisius reported that he did not purchase the safe at the sale that they were planning on. He decided it was not big enough.
President Knapp appointed Trustee K. Magee and Clerk Blender on the safe committee to research the issue and find a safe that will work.
On a motion by Trustee D. Magee seconded by Trustee Blender and unanimous approval of the board the meeting was adjourned to the next regular meeting night - second Thursday, January 9, 2020.
Answering roll call at the December 12th meeting were:
Trustees Phil Anders, Wade Harman, Kevin Magee, Kim Nisius, Dwayne Magee, Rhonda Blender, President Michael Knapp and Clerk Jim Blender.
Visitors were: Jeremy Walters; Attorney Marcum Spears.