The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The trustees met in the meeting room of the Raritan Fire House November 14, 2019. President Michael Knapp called the meeting to order and led the trustees in saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Clerk Jim Blender led in prayer. Trustees Phil Anders, Wade Harman, Kevin Magee, Kim Nisius, and Clerk Jim Blender answering roll call. On a motion by Trustee Nisius, seconded by Trustee K. Magee to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried. On a motion by Trustee Nisius, seconded by Trustee K. Magee to approve the agenda changes. Motion carried.
Visitors: Rhonda Blender, Chris Nisius, Nora Harman
Bills presented were as follows: Phil Anders $120.00; Dennis Rankin $200.00; Dallas Rural Water $521.37; Waste Managment $1,169.60; Blender Mowing $210.00; Murphy's Septic $160.00; PDC $20.00; Laverdiere Construction $2,151.21; Carlyn Anders $55.00; Mike Knapp $80.00; MHDH $10,000.00 A motion was made by Trustee Nisius, seconded by Trustee K. Magee to approve the bills except the MHDH bill which is tabled until the next meeting. Motion carried.
Old Business
Will swear in new trustee, Rhonda Blender, as the new trustee appointed for vacant trustee at next meeting.
Will need to start over with the Junk and Debris. Need to discuss by board before sending notices. Discussion followed. President will bring list to next meeting.
Tabled the discussion regarding surveying of the village alleys until next meeting.
Tabled the discussion regarding the playground equipment until next meeting.
Tabled the discussion regarding the audit until next meeting.
New Business
Set November 30th at 8:30 a.m. to put up the Christmas decorations in town.
On a motion by Trustee Nisius seconded by Trustee Anders and unanimous approval of the board the meetings was adjourned to the regular meeting night. Motion carried.