The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
La Harpe City Council
The regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the La Harpe City Council for March 25th was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Clover reported there is a water tower maintenance CD for $47,861.52, that will mature on April 14, 2019. This will be put on the next agenda.
- There will be a joint committee meeting at 6 p.m., on April 8, 2019, at City Hall to continue discussing the budget for 2019-2020.
- The backhoe needs modifications for $256.00.
- Marlie Burt goes for her certification June 17-28.
- The material has been sent to the railroad concerning the rough crossings on the south side of La Harpe.
Other Reports:
- Larry Finch reported he is working on 1 junk yard in town.
- Tim Graves reported that he and Daniel went to Springfield Tuesday, (March 19), and received 6 hours of credit.
- Rivals on Main said they are looking to open May 1st, and would appreciate help from anyone with school memorabilia for decorating. They are looking for anything to do with the local schools. (Past or Present)
- Attorney Scholz reported contracts have been signed.
- Mayor Hasten-Reed said she met with the Brownfield grant committee for demolition of dilapidated buildings. She reported there is $600,000.00 in grant money, but $300,000.00 is split between smaller communities. Three properties are being looked into.
- She reminded everyone to vote in the April 2, 2019 Consolidated Elections.
- She announced there will be a pre-construction meeting March 28, 2019, at 10 a.m., at The Community Clubhouse for the Water Project.
- There will be another Pre-Construction meeting (possible April 2, 2019), at the IMEG office in Macomb.
- Tim Graves could represent the city.
Public Comment:
- Kenny Brown thanked the council and the City of La Harpe for the donation to the La Harpe Classic Car Show. He explained the proceeds will be going to the Honor Flight. He thanked the council for their work, and expressed his appreciation to them.
Old Business:
- Covert made the motion to approve the treasurer's report and pay bills. Clover seconded it. Motion carried unanimously.
- Shumaker made the motion to approve the Operational Plan and Maintenance of Water or Waste System (Pre-Construction Conference). Wisslead seconded it. Motion carried unanimously. Clover made the motion to approve Van Fleet's to take down 2 trees for $1,000.00, which are blocking the sewer by the Eric Palmer property. Covert seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
- There was discussion on the security light at Susan Pratt residence.
New Business:
The street department will remove sod, that was left from snow removal during winter, from the township section of the cemetery, and moving forward, the city street department will not do snow removal, or any work, on the township section (s) of the cemetery.
There is a property on West Main Street that has put gravel over the sidewalk in front of their house to make a driveway. The gravel needs to be removed from the sidewalk.
The council also discussed:
- accessibility plan for City Hall and to refer to Rick Beal, and IMEG for help with this. This will be on the next agenda.
- having city employees help with the La Harpe Classic Car Show. This will be put on the next agenda.
- Citywide cleanup date is May 17, 2019.
The motion to adjourn by Wisslead, second by Covert carried unanimously at 7:43 p.m.
Answering roll call were: Dave Clover, Jerry Burford, Kelly Harkey, Randy Shumaker, Greg Wisslead, Brian Covert, Treasurer-Maggie Link, City Clerk-Lucretia McPeak, and Mayor-Katherine Hasten-Reed. Also present: Larry Finch, Megan Crook, Tim Graves, Dan Gillett, Kenny Brown, and Christopher Scholz.
Respectfully submitted,
Lucretia McPeak, City Clerk