The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1924 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic: May 8, 1924

HIGH SCHOOL NOTES: Mr. Ridge, the salesman fro the Curtis Publishing Co, spoke at the assembly making the proposition that the school sell subscriptions to Country Gentlemen-school receives one half the money and the other half goes to the company. He divided the student body into two groups: the "Barney Google" under the leadership of Agnes Findley and the "Spark Plugs" led by Faye McMillan. The person selling the most subscriptions will receive a fountain pencil. The boy and girl selling over $10 and with top sales will each receive Conklin fountain pen. The losing team will treat the winning team to a party.

At the Military Track Meet held in Galesburg, Stronghurst won three medals, a gold, a silver and a bronze. Wilcox and Burrell won 4 1/3 points in the meet. Wilcox won 2nd in the 50 yd. dash and 3rd in the 100 yd. dash. Burrell tied for 4th place in the pole vault. In the oratorical contest Russell White won 1st place and was the only one from S.H.S. to win a gold medal.

The senior class voted to buy a vyrex electrical machine for the track team. This is a violet-ray machine for massaging sore muscles and "Charley-horses." The coach believes that it will cure some of the athletes who have sprained shoulders, bruised muscles, etc., thereby increasing the efficiency of our athletic teams.

Chalmers Gittings and William Butler have had their pictures taken at Bauman Studio and the proofs are here. In an hour the whole senior class had seen them and expects to go over sometime this week. Miss Landon, Miss Adams and Miss Seaton are the latest victims of the bobbed hair craze in high school. Miss Seaton believes that lilacs are all right to hold in your hands, but that nervous people like Talcum Smith should not bring them to English class (brought flowers for the teacher).

COMMUNITY CLUB NOTES: All met at the Community Club room to sew carpet rags and articles for disabled U.S. war veterans. The Springtime Club gave reports opening with a talk by Mrs. Anna Worley on the home, its purpose and methods of adding to its conveniences by inexpensive and attractive improvements. Miss Ardis Hicks suggested practical hints on adding to the attractiveness of the lawn by plants and flowers chosen for a succession of bloom throughout the season. The thought of a memorial tree or shrub on the lawn was discussed. Mrs. Alexander told of the Federation Meeting at Silvia, Ill and a welcome by the city mayor plus an auto tour through the town and cities of Moline, Davenport, and Rock Island.

At an election Mrs. Cecil Brook was elected president. The following new members were received: Mrs. E. D. Walker, Mrs. E. R. Grandy, Mrs. Nona Burg, Mrs. Mary Steffey, Mrs. H. L. Marshall, Mrs. Ruth Gilliland, Mrs. Harold Simonson and Mrs. Ralph Butler. Upon adjournment, the ladies were invited to inspect the newly completed kitchen and other improvements to the building.

NOTICE TO THE VILLAGE: Notice is hereby given to all persons living in the village of Stronghurst to thoroughly cleanse and purify their yards, barnyards, cellars, privies and the alleys and streets adjacent of all trash, filth, manure and all other noisome substances likely to occasion disease or prove offense to any person in said village-Chas. E. Fort, Jr., Village Pres.

SAD ACCIDENT NEAR LOMAX: A distressing accident occurred near Lomax when the four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waterman of that vicinity was killed by being thrown from a wagon in which he and his father were riding. Mr. Waterman and his son were on their way to the Josiah Waterman place at Iowa Junction and were on the railroad right of way when the team which they were driving took fright, either at a train or from some other cause and started to run. The box of the wagon in which they were riding was composed of loose planks and when the team ran into a barb wire fence along the right of way, both father and son were thrown out and the wagon planks scattered along the ground. Mr. Waterman was thrown into the fence and entangled in the wires. His little son was instantly killed by having his neck broken, either by falling on his head or by being struck by one of the planks. As soon as help arrived, his body was taken to Josiah Waterman home where an inquest was held by County Coroner Emerson and a verdict of accidental death rendered. Undertaker Regan of Stronghurst was notified and went down and prepared the body for burial.

HOW TO CELEBRATE MAY DAY: The May Day Basket Social held at the M. E. Church was a social and financial success. An audience of about 75 gathered in the church auditorium at 8 o'clock and enjoyed a short program after which they repaired to the prettily decorated basement room where some 30 beautifully adorned baskets filled with choice viands were auctioned off to the highest bidders. The men came across handsomely and the bidding was spirited, all of the baskets bringing good prices. A very enjoyable social period was then spent while justice was being done to the tempting and palatable contents of the baskets.

WEDDING BELLS***Maurice Patrick Keane, formerly of this vicinity but at present employed in Chicago and Miss Mary Helen Moore of that city were united in marriage at The Church of the Holy Cross in Chicago on April 26th. The attendants were Miss Frances Cavanaugh of Chicago and Mr. Leo Costello of Monmouth. A wedding breakfast at the new Pershing Hotel in Chicago followed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Keane will make their home in Chicago.

HOW COULD HENDERSON COUNTY BUILD A COURT HOUSE? The answer is simple. List every town in the county as a possible location where our court house might be built. Take a straw vote and the place receiving the most votes is certainly the proper location. When the location is determined, it is only pure jealousy that will be opposed.-A Voter.

NEW JOB FOR CONGRESSMAN: President Coolidge indicated to friends of Congressman William J. Graham (Henderson County is his district) that it is no longer necessary for them to intercede in his behalf as he intends to name him as chief justice of the District of Columbia court of Appeals. Attorney General Stone is urged to close the matter up and make the appointment before the present session of the senate ends. Charges made against Graham by his enemies in Washington have fallen flat, press dispatches from there say. The final day for opposition to file an endorsement of another candidate for the high judicial office has expired.

CONCERNED BY TELEPHONE LINES: Mr. G. C. Rehling, manager of the Stronghurst Telephone Co. drove to Springfield to attend a hearing by the Illinois Commerce Commission in which a number of telephone companies were asking to be safe-guarded against induction trouble in case a certificate of convenience and necessity is granted the Illinois Light and Power Co. to build a high tension electric transmission line carrying 66,000 volts between the cities of Hamilton and Galesburg.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: A car load of Acid Phosphate will be coming. Phosphate is one element needed on most corn land. One party who used six tons last year is going to use seven tons this year. Acid Phosphate is used as mineral for hogs also. $29.75 per ton off the car-E. G. Lewis. Reed Salter of Galesburg who was injured when a section of the Knox College stands collapsed while filled with a crowd watching the Knox Relay Games was able to leave the hospital. Mr. Salter's limb was not broken but the leg was quite badly bruised. At a closing out sale of Aberdeen-Angus cattle conducted at the La Harpe fairgrounds by Marion Blythe, 54 head were disposed of at an average price of $81.00. A 6 o'clock birthday dinner was given at the J. H. Voorhees home southeast of Stronghurst by Miss Susie Voorhees. The guests of honors were Mr. J. H. Voorhees, Mrs. G. W. Voorhees, and son Edward Dale, whose birthdays all occurred on or about the same date-May 2nd.

Friends of Frank Kessler, former Stronghurst boy now in England, will be pleased to learn that he is rapidly climbing the ladder of success in his chosen field of service. Frank is now assistant superintendent in an Automat Telephone factory in Liverpool, drawing a salary of $5,000 per year ($71,800 in today's values) with a prospect of an increase soon to a $10,000 position. Sharon Gregory met with a painful accident last Wednesday evening. While cranking his Ford car, the same thing happened to Sharon which happened to so many-a fractured arm, which he is carefully carrying around in a sling. Glen Schenck was delivering oats to the elevator several days last week. Rumor has it that a dance pavilion has been erected in an open field in the neighborhood west of Olena and is being patronized quite liberally by the young people who enjoy that kind of amusement. C. E. Fort shipped three car loads of cattle to Chicago; he and Leslie Lovitt accompanied the shipment. Mrs. Clair White is sick with the mumps at the E. G. Lewis home where she has been staying the past few weeks. Frank Johnson shipped one car each of hogs and cattle and one mixed loads of hogs and cattle for the Shipping Association.

Perhaps, it is not generally known that in Southern Illinois the cotton raising industry is being quite extensively engaged in at present. The estimated acreage that will be used for the crop this year will be 15,000 to 18,000. The Counties of Pulaski and Alexander will have something like 10,000 to 12,000 acres between them.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: A large hay barn on the homestead of Mr. Thomas Galbraith was completely destroyed by fire early Monday morning. The barn contained about 50 tons of hay, an automobile and tractor which were also burned. The origin of the fire is unaccounted for but seemed to have started from the upper part of the building. Mrs. Jesse Lyons was so very unfortunate as to trip and fall and break her left limb just above the ankle joint. Dr. Marshall was called and rendered all medical assistance required and the patient is getting along quite nicely. Her daughter, Mrs. Schroeder of Media is caring for her. On Friday, May 2nd, the Olena School closed with a picnic in Crapo Park which was greatly enjoyed by both teacher and pupils. Four automobiles carried them over. On the same day Hopper school closed with a dinner for parents and teacher. The teacher, Mr. Tharp, enriched the menu by a five gallon can of ice cream. Mr. Arthur Dowell's family is about all recovering from a siege of the mumps.

Miss Thelma Peterson of Burlington has accepted the Heisler School for another term. She and Miss Esther Johnson are leaving for a course of study in the state normal at Macomb. Miss Esther has accepted the Hopper school. James Brewer and help are sinking a well at the Clas Carlson home at a depth of 100 feet. At 24 feet they had secured water. The click of the corn planter is abroad in the land.

LOMAX LINGERINGS: T. M. Howard is on the sick list for several days. Ernie Baker and family have moved from the Anderson property in the west part of town. N. H. Vaughn purchased a new Star sedan from E. Arnold. F. S. Tannus was in St. Louis looking up supplies for the Lomax Broom Factory. Rev. J. S. Wallace, pastor of the Nazarene Church at Canton, Ill. preached at the local church Sunday evening.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The Senior Class will present the class play, "And Home Came Ted" by Walter Ben Hare on Tuesday night in the auditorium of Wever Academy. County Supt. of Schools, A. L. Beall, held the finals for the 7th and 8th year pupils of Media Township at the grade school. Miss Anna LaVelle closed her school work at South Prairie and was so successful that she has been re-employed for another year. C. R. Richey returned from a business trip to Kansas City. Joe Moon is able to be home from the Macomb hospital where he under went an operation for appendicitis. Hazel Cann is out of school with the mumps. C. R. Pendarvis set out large patches of strawberries and raspberries on his farm southeast of town. The E. G. Lewis Co. has set out a fine lot of strawberry plants on their trial grounds north of the seed house. Laverne Gilliland was so unfortunate as to badly sprain his right wrist by falling upon it while high jumping.