The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1924 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, Feb. 28, 1924

WINS THE SHOW: The American Hereford Journal of Feb. 15th contained a picture of the Junior heifer calf, Miss Anxiety Disturber, bred by Vaughan Bros. & Co. of Stronghurst and shown at the Polled Hereford show held at Des Moines, Ia., during the last week in January.

REVERSED THE DECISION: Another chapter in the litigation over the Stronghurst Community High School was closed when the Illinois Supreme Court handed down a decision reversing the judgment of Judge Hillier in the Circuit Court last fall when the order granting leave for filing information in the nature of quo warranto against the high school board was vacated the case dismissed.

The higher court held that there was "reasonable ground of presumption" that the charge continued in the petition for leave to file information in the case was well founded and that the proceedings should not have been dismissed. The reasonable grounds of presumption, the higher court held, was the allegation continued in the petition that there is no record in the office of the County Supt. Of Schools or any other county official showing that the preliminaries leading up to the election by which the community high school district was established were legally conducted. It held that while the validating act of 1921 was intended to cure defects in the manner of holding elections for the establishment of community high schools, it does not apply to the preliminary proceedings leading up to the election. (This sent the case back to the circuit court and it will now try the case on its merits unless dismissed by either the plaintiffs or defendants. There was opposition to building a new high school.)

TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL: Santa Fe officials recently made a temporary test on the control of the brakes on trains by electricity through the engine and the rails. The test was made between Chillicothe and Galesburg and proved to be successful. A 100 car train traveling at 32 miles an hour was stopped 57 seconds after the air had been applied by electricity. The total distance required for a train to stop in was approximately 800 feet. This is expected be a great boon in railroad circles as it enables a train to make a much quicker and safer stop. The Santa Fe plans on using it all together along their lines. Already between Galesburg and Ft. Madison, Ia., the poles have been erected:

***OBITUARY***MRS. S.P. DAHL: Mrs. S.P. Dahl, who lived with her husband on a farm one mile and a quarter west of Olena, passed way suddenly last Wednesday following an attack of appendicitis. Mrs. Dahl was a native of Sweden and was 66 years, 4 months, ?days at the time of her death. Services will be conducted at the home and at the Lutheran Church in Stronghurst with interment in the Stronghurst Cemetery.

HE DOESN'T KNOW: "Ira B. Smith, Burgess farmer, returned home last night in apparently normal condition after a second disappearance that occurred a week ago Sunday night. Mr. Smith stated last night that he had just returned from Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he came back to hsi senses. He came to Monmouth about six o'clock from Galesburg after returning from New Mexico over the Santa Fe Railroad. He was met by Harry Laas, who took him to his home in Burgess.

Smith does not recall a single action since he was at home a week ago Sunday. His first recollection came when he was in the depot at Santa Fe where he found himself in full possession of his facilities. He is said to have had nearly $600 with him when the trip started most of which he still has.

The first disappearance occurred when Smith was in Monmouth attending the Farmers Banquet. He mysteriously disappeared and when he came to his senses, he was in Louisville, Ky. He returned home at once. He is now perfectly normal and does not know what caused him to leave home." Monmouth Atlas

***OBITUARIES***R. A. McCARTNEY: R. A. McCartney, whom was reported last week of having sustained serious injury of the brain when he fell on the icy ground near his home at Olena and passed away on Feb. 22nd. He never regained consciousness after the accident and the spark of life grew feebler each succeeding day until the end came at 1:10 p.m. Robert Alexander McCartney, son William J. and Elizabeth (Bigger) McCartney was born in Belfast, Ireland, July 19, 1864 and died at his home in Olena, Illinois, Feb.33, 1924 aged 59 years, 7 months and 3 days. In June 1884 he came to America, settling in Henderson County where he spent the remainder of his life with the exception of three years which he spent at his old home in Ireland.

On Dec. 21, 1887 he united in marriage to Margaret Mc Keown of Biggsville Township and to this union children were born, all of whom survive him. In early youth he professed his faith in Christ and untied with the Presbyterian Church of Ireland transferring to the U. P. Church in Biggsville soon after coming to his country. He later transferred his membership to the Olena Church.

Those left to mourn their loss are his wife and three children: Mrs. Lee Botkins of Gladstone, Mrs. Martin Jacobs and John A. McCartney of Stronghurst Township. He is also survived by 12 grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. Robert C. McKeown of Stronghurst; four sisters and one brother in Ireland besides many relatives and friends. Funeral services were conducted at the Olena M. E. Church with interment in the Olena Cemetery.

CATHERINE WESTFALL HUDSON: Catherine Westfall Hudson, daughter of Alvy and Ann Westfall, was born in Belfast, Alleghany Co., New York, Nov. 17, 1836 and departed this life at her home in Stronghurst on Feb. 23rd, 1924, aged 87 years, 3 months and 7 days. She was twice married, first to John Dowell in May 1854 making their home in Henderson County, Ill. where she spent the greater part of her life. To this union was born 11 children: Willis of Carman; Benjamin and John of Lomax; Horace of Des Moines, Iowa; Charles of Cameron, Ill.; Edward of Portland, Oregon; Annette Dixon of Peck, Kansas; Julia Kemp of McCammon, Idaho; Belle Cargill of Burlington, Ia.; Ella Burrell of Stronghurst and Dollie Fryer of Gladstone. These with 62 grandchildren, 50 great-grandchildren and 2 great great grandchildren and one sister, Mrs. Miretta Trimmer of Stronghurst, remain to mourn her departure.

She was married to John Hudson on Oct. 26, 1911, making her home at Morning Sun, Iowa until Mr. Hudson's death in Aug. 1916 when she moved to Stronghurst making it her home until her death. Funeral services were held at the Carman M. E. Church with burial in the Carman Cemetery.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mrs. Ruby Butler is having a siege of LaGrippe at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ben Mudd.  The recent sleet storms are thought to be injurious to the wheat and fruit crop.  Mr. and Mrs. Garold Gipe of Raritan are the parents of a 7 ½ lb. son born last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. R. M. Billups, who is caring for mother and child.  A car load of federal prisoners passed through here last Thursday night on No.5th on their way to Fort Leavenworth prison.  The prisoners were handcuffed to a group of heavily armed guards.  Abingdon is facing a serious house shortage by the moving of the Northwestern Brass manufacturing company s plant to that city.  About seventy new houses will be needed to take care of the employees of the new plant.  Miss Harriet Salter holds the position of cashier for the Auto Finance Co. of Chicago.  J. A. Elliott of Jacksonville, Ill. who owns the former McMurray farm located southwest of Stronghurst was in town looking after his farming interests.  Mrs. Jas. Z. Leinbach returned from the Monmouth Hospital where she underwent a surgical operation; she is gaining slowly, but her complete recovery will take some time. 

The people of Blandinsville recently voted a $20,000 bond issue to provide funds for building an addition to their school house but have been unable in two trials to obtain bids for the work at figures which are not in excess of the amount provided.  Jo Huff was called to Blandinsville by the illness of his mother, Mrs. Boughman, who passed away at an early hour Sunday morning.  Funeral services were conducted from the Blandinsville Christian Church; she was 58 years of age.  Charlie Chapin, a well known and highly respected retired farmer living in LaHarpe, passed away very suddenly at his home last Monday.  It is thought that his death was the result of over exertion in cranking his auto, which had refused to start.  Mr. Chapin was in his 57th year and had been a resident of LaHarpe for about five years.  ;

Evangelist Grady T. Cantrill, a son of Rev. H. M. Cantrill, former pastor of the Christian Church in Dallas City, has just closed a series of revival meeting there which have been marked by stirring, thrilling enthusiasm and have resulted in 85 additions to the church.  Evangelist Cantrill expects to begin a series of meeting in the Christian Church of LaHarpe Ill. on March 2nd.  A party of friends and neighbors perpetrated a surprise on Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Vaughan at their commodious home in town in honor of their 27th wedding anniversary the evening of Feb. 25th.  Invitations were given by Mrs. Vaughan s sister, Miss Martha Adair for the guest to assemble at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stine and them to go in a body to the Vaughan home.  The evening was spent in Social chat followed by a delicious lunch. 

The Callow Hardware Store and Marston Furniture Store at Roseville were broken into some time between closing hours on Saturday night and opening hours on Monday morning.  Nothing of value was found to be missing at either place.  This is the third attempt at petty robbery occurring in Roseville recently.  Friends of R. N. Marshall Family will earn with sorrow that the condition of their son Howard became suddenly worse at the Wesleyan Hospital in Chicago.  Mrs. Marshall left for Harold s bedside accompanied by Dr. H. L. Marshall. W. C. Ivins returned from Rochester, Minn. bringing news that his daughter, Mrs. Madge Milligan, had so far recovered from the effects of her recent operation as to be able to be up and around and to take her meals at the table.  He is very enthusiastic over the wonderful surgical skill which is in evidence at the famous Mayo institution and the scope of activities carried on there is far beyond what he had conceived.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Rev. Bartram gave quite an interesting sermon on Abraham Lincoln, the emancipator and the emancipated race.  Mrs. Emily Long and Mrs. John Lant have been nursing bad colds.  The ladies who served lunch at the Homer Justice sale made good return considering the small sale and small crowd.  Mr. and Mrs. Justice will relocate on a farm in the drainage district.  Mr. Oz Reynolds is moving to Hopper having rented the Schroeder farm.  Mr. Clarence Fisher, who has been living on the S. W. Black farm, has moved into the home of his father, Mr. Fred Fisher of Hopper.   Miss Mittie White is suffering from an attack on tonsillitis instead of appendicitis.  She was taken to the Burlington Hospital and her tonsils were removed.  While still suffering, she is getting along probably as well as could be expected but has not returned to her home.  She is being tenderly cared for by her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman of Burlington.

Quite a little excitement was caused in this immediate neighborhood when news went over the wire that Oscar White s house was on fire and all who possibly could made speed in getting there.  Ladders were soon placed in position and a water brigade formed and work began in quick time.  The fire had made such progress that a pretty stiff fight was put up before the flames were extinguished.  Considerable damage was done which was covered by insurance.  They were lucky indeed to save the building; it was noon hour when the men folks were mostly in their homes and could quickly respond.  Mr. Lee Davis has accepted a fine position with the International Harvester Co. of Chicago; always pleasant to see one of our young folks climb.  Now they do say that Donahue, Denby, Sinclair and Fall are having their portraits done in oil.

LOMAX LINGERINGS: Both Mrs. R. H. Scott and John Williams are improving, but Mrs. Caroling Zeigler who is staying at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Schultz, is quite poorly. Arthur Bryan and family of Canada visited the C.S. Apt home in Terre Haute. The Lomax broom factory sold and is delivering a large shipment of brooms to the Santa Fe F.R. The Lomax Lumber Co. received a car of southern yellow lumber.  Morris Howard and Ben Russell are preparing to open a store in the Reams building. Mr. S. F. Tannus, general manager of the Lomax Industrial Association was in Oquawka; he found the roads not so very good.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Ivan Gibb went to Chicago with hogs and while there, visited a short time at the Ed McGee home in the suburbs. A dance was held in the town hall last Friday evening by a dozen couples in honor of G. A. Gady and wife. Mrs. Mable Pearson Overly of Kalamazoo, Mich., sang from the broadcasting station of her home. A large number of sick confined to their beds with colds are Mrs. Mable Sloan, Miss Mary Millen, Mrs. May Trumbell, Marcellus Mekemson. Earl Trimble left from Galesburg on a through train to California. The annual George Washington birthday celebration of the Country Club was held at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Sterrett.

RARITAN REPORTS: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Livermore and daughter Ruby were in Monmouth to see Lois who was operated on for appendicitis. Gerald McDonald, who has been attending school in Kansas City, is home; he is just getting over an attack of measles. Ardelle Perrine has the mumps. Evelyn Gearhart was in Stronghurst having some dental work done. A goodly number attended the Fannie McCormick sale.  B. H. Huston will hold a public sale at his home south of town on Friday. 

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Emery Eberhardt is putting a new foundation under his residence which adds greatly to its appearance. A large crowd attended the Roy W. Park sale; things sold well. Gayle Heap purchased a fine iron grey team.  The Parks plan to move to Kirkwood. Mrs. A. L. Beall, who has been so seriously ill for several weeks, has gone to the Burlington Hospital to rest and build up her health. The high school will be presenting the play,  The Hidden Hand, soon.  Miss Gertrude Leftwich of this place and Mr. Louis Dalton of near Stronghurst were united in marriage at the home of Justice of the Peace, J. E. Lawyer. Thursday evening they were treated to a charivari by a bunch of their young friends.