The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1924 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, Feb. 21, 1924

HE'S A TALENT: Mr. J. W. Stine received word from his son John that as a result of a test conducted by the Radcliffe Lyceum Bureau at Washington, D. C., John had been accepted as a member of the talent which the bureau will employ in its Chautauqua circuit during the coming season. John will be connected with the Sprague Players, part of the Cadmean Chautuauqua Co. noted as one of best entertainments in our local course last summer. The Radcliffe Bureau expects to opens its 1924 season in Florida and John connection with Spragues will take him through all of the Eastern seaboard and ajoining states to Maine.

***OBITUARY***FRANK A. EDMUNDS: Frank A. Edmunds, well known farmer of Terre Haute Township, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Vivian Myers in Terre Haute on Feb.15th at the age of 65 years, 2 months and 7 days. He was born near Carman, Ill. and practically his entire life was spent in Henderson County. In 1882 he married Annie M. Dean and four children were born to this union: Mrs. Mable Negley of council Bluffs, Ia.; Mrs. Vivian Myers of Terre Haute, Ill.; Ralph D. Edmunds of Burnside, Ill. and Chester A. Edmunds of Chicago. His wife and the four children survive him as well as one brother, Simeon G. Edmunds of Spokane, Wash. and a nephew, Marvin Hayes, who made his home with the deceased for many years. Funeral services were conducted in the Terre Haute M.E. Church with interment in the Terre Haute Cemetery.

TWO GOOD SALES: Perhaps two of the best sales of the season were those of Guy Lamphere and that of Ralph Olson. Mr. Lamphere had a very nice day so far as weather, but the roads were something awful; but he had a very large crowd and everything bought good prices. The sale was very snappy from start to finish. Mr. Olson had one of the worst days of the winter as to weather and roads, but a good crowd of live bidders was there. One team of horses brought $402.50 and several horses from $100 to $150; cows from $66 to $132 a head; and stock hogs at good strong prices. Those sales go to prove that every one has not lost faith in farming and stock raising as a good sound business. Colonel Decker & Gregory conducted both sales. (After WWI, the farm economy was depressed.)

RAILROAD GONE? According to an article in the LaHarpe Quill, that city as well as Sciota and Good Hope are in danger of losing railroad communication with the outside world. Canton Ledger: "Unless there is a decided increase in business on the Toledo, Peoria & Western Railroad, which has been in the hands of the receiver for a number of year, it is rumored the road will be forced to cease operations. . ."

NEW FARM ADVISOR: Ernest D. Walker, successor to Mr. Bane, arrived on Feb. 5th and took up his new duties. Although Mr. Walker comes from Missouri where he has been engaged in County Agent work for the past two years and a half, he is a native of McDonough County and for ten years prior to 1921 was engaged in farming operation near Tennessee, Ill. Consequently, he is thoroughly conversant with the problems which are facing the Henderson County farmers.

***OBITUARY***MRS. W. L. WOODALL: Weltha Lovilla Lewis, daughter of Sanford G. and Alice Lewis, was born in Fulton county, Ill. on March7, 1875 and departed this life at her home near Derby, Iowa on Feb. 9, 1924 at the age of 48 years, 11 months and 1 day. She was married to W.L. Woodall on Aug. 21, 1895 and to this union eight children were born, one son died in infancy and the other seven are left with the father to mourn the loss of a loving mother. They are Leonard and Charles of Van Wert, Ia.; B. Mae, Francis, Genevieve and Thomas who are at home. One grandson, Leslie Woodall, also survives. Besides her immediate family, a father, seven brothers and one sister are left. Her mother preceded her in death four years ago.

She united with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church of LaGrange at the age of 17 years and has lived a consistent Christian life. Although her suffering has been long and intense, she bore it patiently. Funeral services were held from the home and interment was in the Derby Cemetery.

CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY: A number of friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. C.H.Davis thought it befitting to surprise them on their 46th wedding anniversary on Feb. 14th and accordingly went in and took possession of their home for the evening bringing many gifts and sufficient eats for a beautiful repast. Mrs. I. F. Harter brought a large wedding cake adorned with 46 red candles which was carried into the room and after being viewed and admired by the guests, the lights were blown out by the bride as a token of luck. After partaking of a bountiful repast, the evening was pleasantly spent with games and social chat.

MARTHA WASHINGTON TEA: A Martha Washington Tea will be held on Feb. 22 at 2:30 o'clock at the M. E. Church. A cherry Festival will be held in the evening at 7:30 there. Games and lots of fun; cherries fresh from the tree; cherry pies like Martha use to make; music by male quartet and other; and closing with a big sing of old time songs led by Mrs. Eleanor Widney. Leave your colds at home and come prepared to sing and have a good time Admission 15 cents in the evening and the afternoon is free.

NOTICE: Ordinance No. 121 All owners of milk cows within the Village of Stronghurst selling milk to the public must have their cows tested for tuberculosis or else stop selling milk to the public-By order of the Board of Health of Stronghurst, Il.. H. L. Marshall, Pres.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Grandma Huston living in the west part of town is lying very ill with slight prospects for recovery. Robert Wilson came home from Matteson, Ill. where he is employed by the W. U. Tel. Co. and spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Sarah Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Will Voorhees of the country southeast of Stronghurst are the happy parents of a young daughter born to them Thursday morning. Mrs. Ralph Reynolds left to join Mr. Reynolds who is a carpenter for the Prairie Pipe Line Co. W. C. Ivins left for Rochester, Minn. where his daughter, Mrs.Madge Milligan of Ivesdale, Ill., is expecting to undergo an operation at the Mayo Bros. Harold Simsonson of Olena neighborhood is in Kansas City buying cattle. The Sunday school at Maple Grove held a Valentine social and program. Chas. O'Gren is in very poor health, being confined to his bed the greater part of the last week or 10 days. Theodore Knutstrom is reported not quite so well at the Burlington Hospital where he was operated on for appendicitis recently. The closing sale of boots and shoes and other footwear conducted at the Gregory garage last Saturday afternoon by John Baker drew a good crowd and a large amount of merchandise was disposed of. He will hold another auction sale at the same place and hour next Saturday and he calls attention to the fact that a special opportunity will be afforded the ladies of the community as well as the men to purchased footwear at money saving prices. Mr. E. O. Pinney, an old and highly respected citizen of Roseville, passed away at the home of his son Norman in Roseville at the age of 86. The rural mail carriers should have the sympathy of every one these days of almost impassible country roads. It takes an entire day now to make the round trip and while the pay is seemingly adequate, it is none too much taking everything into consideration.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mr. Woods moved his family from the Ora Smith farm into the Will Gibb tenant house. The ladies cemetery society felt well paid at their chicken dinner held in the basement of the U.P. church; almost $50 was raised. The choral club will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mekemson. Ed Stotts recently traded his store here to a Mr. Woolsy of near Cameron and who will take possession the first of March. Mr. Stotts will still be a resident of Biggsville for a year. Lawrence Griffith and wife who have been in the hotel for several years will go on the Stotts farm. Mrs. Mable White has leased the Blue Grass Hotel for a year from the owner, Fred Smith of Burlington. Tobe French recently purchased the residence of Mrs. Harry Meyers in the east part of town. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Renstrom took them by surprise and showered them with postal cards, it being the 42nd wedding anniversary. The local independent basketball team went to Monmouth where they met the Monmouth 123rd Field Artillery team on the Armoury floor. Mr. Curry, Leo Morrissey and Sam Beebe, Jr. left for St.Louis in a camp wagon where they will join the Morrissey grading crew for work this summer. E. G. Burkett is opening a store in the Wiegand building for the sale of International Harvester products and will move his family here soon into the Will Fagan house.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The Freshman class delightfully entertained the teachers and other students at the Valentine Party Friday evening in the Academy auditorium. The room was nicely decorated with hearts and other emblems of St. Valentine's Day. The guests were entertained with music and many lively games. Refreshments of fruit salad, light and dark cake and cocoa were served. Rev. Harry Russell of Smithshire who is field secretary of Hedding College, spoke at the M. E. Church Sunday afternoon. Tuesday, he spoke to the high school students on the subject of "Preparation for Our Life' Work." Mrs. A. L. Beall is some better but still very seriously ill. It is feared another carbuncle (a boil) is forming on the right side. Dr. R. H. Rankin has given her a serum in the hopes that he may at least prevent the new one from becoming as serious as this one has been. Mrs. Etta Thompson slipped and fell on the ice spraining the thumb of her left hand quite severely. Roy W. Park has issued sale bills for his farm one mile southwest of town and expects to retire. New victims of the "mumps" are Dick, Everett, Ernest, Don and Dean Barry; Ardell Perrine; Goldie and Everett Heap; LaVerne Gilliland; Carolyne Beall and Marvin Drain. All are getting along nicely. The teachers and students of the high school coasted on Gibb hill north of town Tuesday evening. Tobe French sold his 80 acre farm northeast of town about 3 miles to Mr. McVey of Kirkwood for $5,000. Mr. French and family will move to their property in Biggsville which they recently purchased of Mrs. Harry Menn for $500 as soon as they can. H. O. White is the leader for the Men's Bible Class Sunday morning at the Academy. Every man and boy of the community is invited to be present.

RARITAN REPORTS: Mrs. Harry Duncan was at Monmouth to see her husband who was operated upon for appendicitis. Mrs. George Van Doren had the misfortune to fall and hurt her back. Mrs. Jake Neff was taken to the Monmouth Hospital. A miscellaneous shower was given at the Baptist Church in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Riddington whose birthdays came in the same month. Glen Ray has rented the Fannie McCormick farm for the coming year. Roscoe Burke is helping in the C.E. Perrine store.

SANITY QUESTIONED: There is a probability that the case of Robert Cameron, the Raritan man who was reported to have been arrested here on a serious charge and committed to the county jail, will be referred to a medical commission which will make an examination regarding his sanity.  Cameron was an overseas soldier in the late war (WWI) and was a victim of shell shock, which is claimed to result in his mind becoming unbalanced at times.