The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1924 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic March 27, 1924

***OBITUARIES***MRS. ELEANOR GIBB: Mrs. Eleanor Gibb passed away at her home in Stronghurst following an apoplectic stroke which she suffered last Friday and which was the second stroke of the kind which she had suffered within the past year. The death of this aged and highly respected lady marks the passing one more of Henderson County's early settlers of the staunch and sturdy North Ireland stock who have left the impress of their sterling character upon the life of the community

Eleanor Russell Hull was born in County Antrim, Ireland on Aug. 31, 1839 and passed away at Stronghurst, Ill., March 27, 1924, aged 84 years, 6 months and 26 days. She was the daughter of James and Jane (Brown) Hull, her father being English born and her mother Irish. In June 1864 she came to America to make her home with her sister, Mrs. Sarah J. Shaw, who lived at Biggsville. On Nov. 18, 1864 she united in marriage to Francis Gibb, also a native of Antrim who had come to Biggsville several years before with his parents. Following their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Gibb lived for a year on a rented farm south of Biggsville and then spent two years on a farm near Monmouth. They returned to Biggsville Township where several years more were spent on a rented farm. About 1875 Mr. Gibb purchased a farm of 93 acres in Sec. 30 in Biggsville Township which he added to later until he became the owner of 176 acres of rich farming land. On this farm the family lived until 1908 when the father and mother purchased a residence in Stronghurst and moved there to spend the remainder of their days in the enjoyment of the comfort and freedom from worldly care which their habits of thrift and careful business management had made possible.

Mr. Gibb passed away at the home on May 23, 1913 and since his death, Mrs. Gibb has lived in the comfortable home of her daughter, Mrs. W.H.White, whose loving care and devotion she enjoyed until the hour of her death.

Five children, two sons and three daughters were born to the couple, all of whom survive her: James H. Gibb of Biggsville, David R. Gibb of Media Township, Mrs. Sadie Rankin of Monmouth, Mrs. Margaret Rawhouser of Biggsville Township and Mrs. Jennie G. White of Stronghurst. She is also survived by 11 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Mrs. Gibb was a devoted Christian of the United Presbyterian faith and a faithful member and attendant upon the services of the Stronghurst U. P. Church. Funeral services were conducted at the Stronghurst U. P. Church with interment of the remains in the Biggsville Cemetery.

CHARLES IVAN WHEELING: The 3rd of January 1924 a sweet baby boy, the first son of the family, was delightfully welcomed into the world by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Wheeling. He was given the name of Chas. Ivan and most tenderly nursed and cared for by those to whom he was so dear. He grew very strong by this devoted care until Jan. 24, 1924, when little Ivan was stricken with whooping cough and pneumonia. Doctors, a trained nurse and the best of care could not prevent this dread disease from taking away this dear baby and he quietly fell asleep at 10; 10 Friday a.m. A little half-sister, Elaine Scott, preceded him in death two years ago.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: On March 22nd Mr. Douglass Steffey celebrated his 66th birthday at a dinner given at the Steffey home. Ex-sheriff R. T. McDill has received the appointment as guard at the new Illinois State Penitentiary at Joliet and is in charge of what is known as the "Solitary" during the night hours. His former record for efficient service as a penitentiary guard was no doubt an aid to him in securing this position. Mrs. J. B. Milliken sustained a fractured wrist when she fell on a slippery walk at her home. An X-ray examination revealed one broken bone and a dislocation which will cause the lady considerable pain and inconvenience for some time. W. J. Long has 14 colonies of bees for sale and also 10 extra hives. Two cases of scarlet fever are reported to exist in Kirkwood. The homes are under quarantine and the schools in the village will be closed for a time in the hope that the disease will not become epidemic. Max Barnett, who has been at the Great Lakes, Ill., U. S. Naval Station for the past two years, was recently transferred to the Panama Canal Zone and his address is now U. S. Marine Submarine Base, Coco Solo, Canal Zone.

Warsaw high school bonds seem to be considered a profitable investment as a recent issue of $46,000 worth to provide for building a new high school there sold at a premium of $814. The bonds drew 5% interest and there were 20 bidders. A Chicago bank took the entire issue.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: The tenant house on the Carl Jacobson farm southeast of Stronghurst was burning; however the fire was confined to the chimney and was extinguished without serious damage to the dwelling. The property is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Milliken. John, the two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Simonson, Jr. who reside on the former Edgar Rankin farm near here, swallowed an opened safety pin. He was hurried to Stronghurst where an examination revealed that the pin had lodged in the throat just below the palate. The child was taken to the Burlington Hospital where the pin was removed, but the injury to the child's throat is said to be quite severe. This couple is the happy parents of a young daughter born on March 25th. Mr. and Mrs. Layton are moving to a farm near Dallas City and will embark in the chicken business. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Steffey have installed a radio set in their new home in the east part of town furnished and set up by Simpson Bros. (This was a real luxury.) Wm. Long has returned from a trip to Arkansas and was so favorably impressed with the country that he thinks of moving his family there and making it his home. Mrs. Claire White went to stay at the E. G. Lewis home for a time. Latest reports from the sanitarium where Mrs. Lewis is a patient is to the effect that her condition is showing improvement. Mr. Jerry Johnson and Mrs. Wm. Johnson attended the funeral of a brother, James Johnson, who passed away at his home in Roseville March 21st at the age of 67 years. He had been a life long resident of that city and vicinity, having been born in Ellison Township. Louis Dalton and wife have moved to the Perry Stamp farm and will work it for him this season. Roy Shook is moving to the tenant house on the Ben Mudd farm just north of town recently purchased by Roy's father, Dan Shook. Brose Crane sowed his oats Monday and double disked them in. This is the first bit of farming heard of this season in this locality. Every available hitching rack in town was taken last Saturday to accommodate the farmers' teams as coming to town in autos is almost out of the question on account of the road conditions. Seemed like old times to see the hitching racks all full again.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Jack Gridley, little son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gridley, has been suffering with a severe cold. About 50 members and friends of the organized Bible class of the M.E.Church taught by Mrs. N. Q. Welch, held a banquet supper and program in the church basement. Clyde Hutchinson of the high school and Miriam Pearson and George Kelly of the grade school have been victims of chicken pox. Mrs. Paul Walsh is on the sick list with Grip. A company of ten people gathered at the home of Mrs. Perlie Dixon last Thursday afternoon to help celebrate her birthday. Refreshments were served and the afternoon was spent socially with fancy work. Misses Dema Stevenson, Mildred Kilgore and Lillian Johnson took the teachers examination at Oquawka.

A very enjoyable time was enjoyed at the home of Mrs. Will Cochran when the members of the Eldeen Book Club were entertained at a St. Patrick's party. The rooms were decorated in St. Patrick's colors of green and white and the color scheme was carried out in the dainty sandwiches, angel food cake iced in white with white trimming, green and white brick ice cream and coffee. As each guest arrived, an Irish name was pinned on her by whom she was addressed during the afternoon. On each luncheon tray was found cards announcing an April Fool's Party to be held at the home of Mrs. Walter Cochran assisted by Mrs. Roy Cochran. Of the 62 students of the Biggsville High School, 42 have an average of 85 or over. (Long list included in article)

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: As the roads were almost impassable between Olena and Gladstone Sabbath day, Rev. Bastram was notified not to attempt the drive. Tuesday morning a gentle down pour of rain was welcomed as water is scarce. The combination sale held at the farm home of Mr. Dahl was quite well attended; notwithstanding it was one of the worst days of the season. A blinding snow falling all day with bad roads did not deter the crowd. It was a splendid sale and most everything brought good prices excepting horses and mules; them not bringing what the owners thought they were worth and were called off. There was no bid on the farm. The ladies of the Olena church served a lunch and were so well patronized that they had to send to town for more eats, which were soon disposed of and some went away without lunch. Charles Hicks and family have moved to the S.W.Black farm; Charles will do road work. Acil Dowell and wife have begun housekeeping on a farm near Carman; he is working for Mr. Warren Dowell. John Avery and family have moved from Olena to one of tenant houses on the Joseph White farm where he will work. Misses Audra Marsden and Laveta Headley have completed a course in the Gem City Business College at Quincy Ill. and are awaiting a call to service. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Palmer have moved to the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Lant where they will look after the stock and farming interests of Mr. Lant. Dancing parties have been held at the homes of V. Davis, Oscar White and Tucker of Olena. Miss Dorothy Dowell is recovering from a case of mumps.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Robert Gillis, section foreman, has gotten orders from railroad officials to take on eight extra men to lay a new side track at Dallas City for loading sand. All ladies of the vicinity are requested to bring pies to the U. L Marsden home on April 3rd for his sale. Proceeds are to help pay the minister's salary. A special officer from Monmouth was in the village calling on agent, Fred Crane, in regard to check artists who have been passing worthless drafts on merchants in nearby towns. It was reported that they had come to Carman and bought tickets from the agent; however, Mr. Crane stated no strangers were here that day. Dannenberg Bros. have been shelling corn for James Johnson.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The high school students under the direction of their musical instructor, Miss Grace Terry of Galesburg, will present the operetta, "The Japanese Girl," at the Academy on April 10th The Tri-State Mutual Lodge of Lomax will give their play, "Yimmie Yohnson Yob", a 3 act comedy drama at the Academy on March 29th.

The ladies of the Community Club will open their club rooms Tuesday, April 1st, to all ladies who desire to have a place to rest and wait when they come into town that day to vote. They have also planned to serve dinner at noon and lunch any time during the day and evening. For 35 cents a plate one may enjoy vegetable soup, roast beef with brown gravy, riced potatoes, cabbage salad, baked beans, creamed peas, rolls and butter, jelly, preserves, pie and coffee. (What a deal! In today's values, it would be $5.11-still a fabulous price.)