The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1923 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, Dec. 13, 1923

REVIVAL MEETINGS: The revival meetings of the Christian Church began Wednesday evening under the direction of Evangelist R.H. Heicke of Springfield, Ill.  A good audience was present and much interest was manifested.  Evangelist Heicke is a forceful speaker and delivers sermons that are practical and scriptural.  He strives for the benefit of the whole community and is here to assist in every way, every good work.

MEALS AND LUNCHES: Having retuned to Stronghurst, I am again prepared to serve meals at the old stand, 3 doors north of the post office in Stronghurst.  Regular dinner every day and short order breakfasts, supper or luncheons.-Mrs. L. Mahnesmith.

FIRE AT SMITHSHIRE: The most disastrous fire in the history of the village of Smithshire occurred Dec. 10th when the principal business buildings of the place, together with their contents, fell pray to the devouring element.  The fire, which appeared to have had its origin in the general store of Worden and Brown, was discovered at about 2 o’clock a.m. and had gained such headway by the time that all attempts to control it proved futile.  A call for aid was sent to Roseville, but before the fire department from that village reached the scene, the fire had practically burned itself out.  The buildings burned were the Worden and Brown Store, the Smithshire State Bank Building, offices of Dr. P. E. Kimery, the old post office and a large warehouse near the store.

The Worden and Brown loss is estimated at $10,000 and that of the State Bank at $3,000 on building and $3,000 on stock and fixtures.  The fireproof vault of the bank withstood the attack of the flames and all of the valuable papers and currency of the institution were saved.  The bank was able to resume business within 24 hours after the fire by renting temporary quarters.  The loss on the warehouse adjoining the store is estimated at $4,000.  This warehouse and the doctor’s office were owned by G. R. Thompson.

No definite clue as to the origin of the fire has been discovered although the fact that a nearby tool house had been broken into and several steel bars taken has led to the suspicion that a burglary of the Warden and Brown Store had been attempted and the fire purposely or accidentally started by the burglars.  The disaster falls as a heavy blow upon the thriving little village, but no doubt efforts will be started at once looking toward the rebuilding of the burned district.

IT WAS REALLY GOOD: The comedy-drama, “All a Mistake” which was presented by local talent under the direction of Mrs. Geo. Widney at the Lyric Theatre last Friday and Saturday nights proved to be both an artistic and financial success.  The cast was composed of W. C. Ivins, L. O. Dawson, Geo. Widney, Chas. Fort, Mrs. L. O. Dawson, Mrs. Geo. Widney, Mrs. Vera Highfield and Mrs. Nellie Hollingsworth; all of whom interpreted their parts in a manner which would have done credit to veterans of the stage.  The play, which was in the nature of a comedy of errors, abounded in ludicrous situations which kept the risibility of the audience stirred up to a high pitch throughout the entire performance.  Features which added much to the enjoyment of the two evenings’ performances were the orchestra selections which were given and the singing by a quartet composed of Mrs. Geo. Widney, Mrs. L. O. Dawson, K. E. Yoakam and Prof. Nicholas.  The play was given under the auspices of Rebekah Lodge No. 373 and the gross receipts were around $155.

FRACTURED HER HIP: Mrs. P. C. Bainter fell at her home on Thanksgiving Day and fractured her hip.  Since then, she has been lying practically helpless requiring the attendance of two trained nurses.  The many friends of this aged and highly respected woman are sincerely grieved over this sad affliction which has befallen her. 

ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE CELEBRATES: The following account of a celebration held at Galesburg on the evening of Dec.6th in honor of the 10th anniversary of Rev. G. W. James as district superintendent of the Anti-Saloon League is taken from the Republican Register of Dec.5th: “Urging the dry voters of the 43rd Senatorial District to promote the election of a dry delegation to Illinois General Assembly from the district to give the Rev. G. W. James loyal support in his effort to bring this about F. Scott McBride, Illinois Superintendent of the League in his address at the 10th anniversary celebrations of Rev. Mr. James as district superintendent, disclosed the political situation in Illinois and the necessity of the down state dry voters, men and women, seeing that the majority of the drys in the Legislature is maintained.  He depicted the situation as critical and calling for the utmost efforts of the drys due to the large number of wet members that Cook County will nominate and elect.

This appeal was the culminating feature of the anniversary celebration for Mr. James at which twelve counties of his district were represented either by person or by letter.  Not a small part of the audience that gathered was from outside. Galesburg

***OBITUARY***MRS. J. Y. GEARHEART:  Mrs. J. Y. Gearheart of Raritan passed away at Monmouth Hospital Wednesday morning of this week as the result of an operation which she underwent of Dec. 7th.  The deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hixson, who were amongst the early settlers of the Raritan community.  She was married to J. Y. Gearheart in 1889 and was the mother of three children: Mrs. Edith Runner and Raymond Gearheart of Raritan and Mrs. Maggie Smith of Kirkwood.  These with her husband survive.  She had been a member of the Raritan Baptist Church since childhood.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS:  The new high school at Fort Madison was heralded ad one of greatest events in the history of that community by O. T. Corson, Cleveland, Ohio when he addressed an audience of more than 1,200 at the formal dedication exercises held in the auditorium of the new building.  I. H. Brokaw and his son-in-law, Bert Russler, went to Missouri on a cattle buying trip.  The members of the local I.O.O.F. Lodge held a fish fry at the I.O.O.F. building Thursday night.  Publication of the Alexis Argus, which has been suspended for a long period, is about to be resumed with a man by the name of Acuity in charge.  The Alexis people are no doubt hoping that the new editor will not endeavor to live up to his name.  J. C. Brook was in Kansas looking after his ranching interests.  Miss Francis Worley of Stronghurst was one of the 14 out of a class of 16 who successfully finished the probationary period as nurses at the Burlington Hospital.  She is now a regular member of the staff.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Robert Wilson, who has been employed by the Western Union Telephone Co. working at Madison, Ill, south of Chicago, came home to recover from a recent illness at the home of his mother, Mrs. Sarah Wilson.  The ladies of the Stronghurst U. P. Church held their annual oyster supper in the church dining room.  A program of musical selections and readings made the evening enjoyable.  The football game between Blandinsville and Bushnell resulted in a victory for the Blandinsville team by a score of 13 to 2.  The game was a rough affair from start to finish and feeling became so strong that the umpire was knocked down by a bystander and several members of both elevens were knocked out in the play.  The trial of Frank and Fred Hankins, two brothers living in Galesburg and accused of the murder of Herod Price last June, came to an end in the Knox County Circuit Court resulting in the conviction of Hawkins and the clearing of his brother Fred.  A sentence of 14 years imprisonment was imposed on Frank Hankins.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS:  The “Cemetery Tea” will be held at the home of Mrs. Mable White.  Chicken sandwiches, pineapple whip, cake and coffee will be served.  Work on the new gym which being built between the Ora Smith home and Branson Kelly’s home is progressing nicely.  The building is to be 90 feet long and forty feet wide, giving plenty of space for basketball and also seats for spectators.  Miss Marie Burrus is teaching the school at Fairfield, Ia. and recently spent time at the home of her uncle, Chas. Burrus and family.  Programs are being prepared by all the churches to be given near Xmas time.  The primary department of the U. P. Church will give on Xmas Eve a short program; also the M. E. Sabbath School will present an entertainment and a party at the church on Xmas night.  Plans are being made for a community chorus to give the Xmas cantata “Holy Night” the night of Dec. 23rd. 

Last Monday night the football team was royally entertained at the home of Francis Gibb by Mr. Gibb and Louise Dixon with an oyster supper.  Profs. Johnson and Grammar presented each member of the team a green B for their green and red sweaters.  Each responded with a speech.  Members present were the following: Graham Stewart, Harold and Lloyd White, Dale, Russell and Robert Whiteman, Frank Stevenson, Vernie Myers, Harold Stonebeck, Will Weir, Jr., Gaylord Liby, Lloyd Gibb and the manager, John Mc Henry. 

A. W. Miller of Burlington, a senior member of the Miller Construction Co. of Burlington, was recently given the contract for the ten miles of unfinished hard surface road lying between Biggsville and Kirkwood.  He has secured a lease of land east of the depot and the company will at once erect a cement building and auto shed.  One of the state highway commission’s requirements is that the company has at least 40 carloads of cement in storage before starting the construction work.  On the sick list are Tom Zimmerman, Edwin Stotts and D. C. McDill.  The Biggsville Shippers’ Association’s building, 18 x 22 feet to be used for housing and shipping purposes in general is now complete.  The office is located in the building which is electric lighted and ready to take stock night or day.  The pupils of the grade school under the direction of the teachers are preparing a pageant, “Santa Claus in Dreamland.”