The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1924 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, Jan. 10, 1924

MISSED A GREAT SPEECH: Owing to the extremely cold weather which prevailed and the fact that there were other attractions to divide the interest of the people of the community, the attendance at the third number of the lyceum course series of entertainments given at the U. P. Church last Friday evening was not very large. Judged from the standpoint of those who place the worthwhile things of life above the merely divertive and entertaining, those who stayed away missed one the season's greatest treats. The lecture given by Raymond B. Tulbert on the subject "The Hour of Democracy" was one which every person in the community who is really interested in the perpetuity of the democratic system of government of which we boast, should have heard. The speaker not only showed how far we have departed from the ideals and principles upon which the structure of our American civilization has been built, but he also pointed the way back to safety and security for the republic:

CRAZY WEATHER: The weather in this locality during the past week has been of a decidedly streaked variety with the mercury ranging from 20 below to 60 above the zero mark. The cold wave which swept down on us from the polar regions last Friday and Saturday and sent the mercury to the bottom of the tube, proved to be of short duration and beginning with last Monday we have had a series of days in which sunshine and rain have alternated and during which the temperature has been of a spring-like nature:

WEDDING BELLS: HARDMEIER-CALVIN: Miss Marquerite Helen Calvin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman A. Calvin, residing south of town and Mr. Randolph Allen Hardmeier stole a march on their friends and were united in marriage at Peoria, Ill. on Jan. 3rd. The bride attended our schools until a few years ago and has many friends here. Likewise, her husband who has been working for her parents the past two years has many friends. Immediately after the ceremony, the young couple went to Chillicothe, Ill. from which they left via the Santa Fe for Dwight, Ill. where they expect to remain for a few months.

***OBITUARY***CHRIS MATHES: Chris Mathes, city treasurer of Burlington, Iowa for the past 19 years and who at the advanced age of 91 years was still giving his personal attention to the duties of that office, passed away at his home at 726 N. Fourth St., Burlington on Sunday morning. Mr. Mathes was a native of Germany and at the age of 15 years were appointed postmaster of Baden, Germany, then a town of 2000 inhabitants. He came to America in 1852 and in 1857 came to Burlington and engaged in the candle business. Since that time he has been prominently associated with business interests of his adopted city. He was a member of the board of supervisors for 15 years and at various times held other offices of trust and responsibility. Mr. Mathes was a visitor at the C.R. Kaiser home in this village a few weeks ago.

MURDERED FOR $11: "William Heevner, 28 years old of Keokuk was arrested and charged with the murder of Mike Shannon, taxi driver of Fort Madison, who died in a Fort Madison hospital a few days previously after being shot and robbed by a passenger near Montrose, Iowa Thursday morning. Keokuk police caught the man who confessed the crime and took him to the Fort Madison penitentiary for safe keeping as the authorities feared mob violence. Heevner is a world war veteran. He gives robbery at the motive for his crime although he obtained only $11 in cash($158 in today's values) and a watch from his victim"-La Harpe Quill.

HE'S SELLING LAND: 320 acres near Arenzville, Ill. will be sold at public sale at an early date. There are two sets of improvement on the place which is all good farm land. If you are interested, send bids on this farm to L. E. Lefler, Stronghurst, Ill. I also have for sale a 50 acres farm near Stronghurst, well improved and fertile land-L. E. Lefler

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Miss Ethel Brown of Cushing, Okla. has been visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hurd. Clarence Barnes, a former Raritan boy, son of B.F.Barnes of Canton, Ill. and a brother of Mrs. H. C. Spence, formerly of Stronghurst, died at his home in Worcester, Mass. at the age of 46 years. The deceased is a nephew of E. O. Barnes, editor of the Raritan Reporter. Charles Riefschneider, one of Biggsville's well known citizens, passed away at this home there Sunday evening at the age of 70 years. John Williams, who is in the employ of Kinsey Gittings near Lomax, caught his left hand in a gasoline engine and was taken to the La Harpe hospital where it was found necessary to amputate all four fingers of that hand. Mrs. J. C. Eads of Oquawka had her left arm broken and sustained other injuries last Saturday afternoon when she fell on the platform of a coach on a C. B. & Q. passenger train which she was entering at Fairfield, Ia. where she had been visiting relatives. John Baker, who has been engaged in the harness and boot and shoes business in Stronghurst for practically the entire length of time of the existence of the village, has been obliged to retire on account of failing health. He had what remained of his stock of goods and his tools and equipment moved from the building which he occupied north of the State Bank to his home. At the annual directors meeting of the Stronghurst Grain and Mdse. Co., Mr. Glenn Marshall, who has been in the employ of a grain company at Edwards, Ill., was elected as manager of the local company to succeed Walter Howell who has held the position for the past two years. During Mr. Howell's management the affairs of the company have been handled in a very satisfactory manner and the organization placed once more on a dividend paying basis, a seven per cent dividend having been declared at the recent directors meeting.

Monmouth citizens voted on the question of a bond issue for furnishing the city with a new water works system and the proposition carried by a vote of 1,185 to 672 against. The new plant which is proposed will be capable of taking care of the needs of a city many times larger than Monmouth and that the profits which will be derived from the system will pay for it cost.

Rev. John Ackeson of Princeville, Ill. will deliver the lecture at the Community meeting to be held at the U. P. Church. Mrs. H. B. Dixon entertained the Home Missionary Society of the M. E. Church and later the U. P. society met at the home of Mrs. Dan Campbell. Owing to the severe cold weather only a few were able to be present at these meetings. Mrs. George Wax is not well and is going to Galesburg each day for radium treatments in the hope that will be of benefit to her. Prof. Clark Dennis returned to his school work at Richland, Iowa after spending a few days here with Mrs. Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cavins and daughter, Miss Norah, are staying at the home of their son Emory until they can find a house at Stronghurst. H. B. Dixon has purchased the building recently occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton and will move his barber shop and pool tables into the restaurant rooms. His family will occupy the dwelling house.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: The Barnett sale was quite largely attended and with the exception of household goods, fair prices were obtained. The Barnetts are now located in Burlington. Farmers in the area are quite busy cutting and hauling wood and getting their general butchering done. Mrs. Ralph McIntyre of Media spent the holidays here in the village as the guest of her aunt, Miss Georgetta Burrell. The Carlson and Johnson families with a few invited guests ate their Christmas turkey together at the P. J. Johnson home. Mrs. Margaret Peyton is spending a few days at her home in the village after a prolonged stay in Lomax, Ill. (She hired herself out as a private nurse.) It was rumored that through the activities of the KKK some of the booze runners and others of a disreputable character were fleeing the county. Virgil Davis is driving home a fine young Jersey cow and calf purchased of Elmer Mark; also a young cow purchased of H. O. White.

RARITAN REPORTS: Marvin Lauver spent several days in the Ed Day home near Youngstown. No school in the upper room of the village school for several days due to the sickness of the teacher, Lomer Runner. Leo Wallace moved his family from the vicinity of Media to the Rash Westcolt house last week. Mace Adair vacated the Shurtz property.