The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic: June 12, 1924
SCHOOL DISTRICT CASE: The case of Elmer Mark and others against the Board of Education of Community High School District No. 104 wherein it was alleged that all of the actions of said board including those taken in reference to the erection of a new school building to take the place of the one destroyed by fire in February 1923 were illegal because of irregularities connected with the organization of the district and the election of the board, came to trial on its merits before Judge Hillyer in the circuit court in Oquawka last Monday:
Hearing the evidence and the arguments of the attorneys were not concluded until Tuesday forenoon. After listening to the evidence and argument, Judge Hillyer decided that the requirements of the law governing the establishment and control of community high schools in the state had been observed in this case and rendered a verdict in favor of the defendants. Attorney for the plaintiffs gave notice of their intention to appeal and there is little doubt but what the Supreme Court will get the case and be asked to decide the question as to what constitutes a sufficient record of proceedings when it is sought to establish a community high school.
ACQUIRES A BUSINESS AND A BRIDE: N. R. Billups, son of Mr. and Mrs. Billups of this place, purchased the W. V. Curtis stock of restaurant goods the first of the week and will continue to conduct the business in the same building which Mr. Curtis occupied. On June 11th the new proprietor of the cafˇ was united in marriage at Monmouth to Miss Vera Marie Curtis, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Curtis in a ceremony performed by Rev. A. A. Graham at the parsonage of the Second U. P. Church of Monmouth with the parents of the bride as witnesses. The newly wedded pair has a large circle of friends and acquaintances in this vicinity who wish them a full measure of happiness and prosperity.
STORM DAMAGE: Hancock and McDonough Counties were swept by a terrific storm of wind, rain, hail and lightning on the afternoon of June 5th and untold damage inflicted upon growing crops in addition to the destructions of many buildings by wind and lightning and partial demolition of others. Livestock suffered greatly from the pelting of hailstones which were in many instances of enormous size and of jagged formation, cutting through the hide of animals caught in the open and slaughtering thousands of chickens, rabbits, birds, etc. Wheat and oats growing in fields in the path of the storm will be a total loss and the loss in the fruit growing section about Nauvoo and Montrose caused by the destruction of vineyards and orchards can hardly be estimated.
Three large barns in the vicinity of La Crosse in Hancock County were burned by lightning and several horses perished in the flames. The windows of many houses in districts where hail fell were shattered, every house having more or less broken glass. The heavy rain which accompanied and followed the storm drowned out much of the growing corn which escaped other damage and the outlook for the farmers in the storm swept area is reported as being most discouraging.
While this section escaped the full brunt of the storm, the clouds at times presented a threatening appearance and there was a heavy fall of rain accompanied by a wind strong enough to cause some damage to shade and fruit trees. The heavy bank of clouds which formed in the west caused it to become almost as dark as night during the afternoon and the sudden cutting of the electric current from the big Keokuk power plant caused a scurrying around on the part of merchants and other for other means of artificial lighting. The break in the electric service proved, however, to be of short duration and no serious inconvenience was occasioned to the patrons of the light and power company.
FIRE AT BUSHNELL: The Bushnell Farm products Company's plant at Bushnell, Ill. was destroyed by fire early Monday morning and the loss included 9,000 lbs. of dressed poultry, 80,000 lbs. of live poultry in crates, 600 crates of eggs and a large amount of butter and ice cream. The total loss is estimated at $250,000 and is said to have been virtually covered by insurance. The concern is said to do an annual business of 100,000,000 lbs. of butter, 75,000 lbs. of ice cream and 300,000,000 lbs of chickens.
Charles Strickland, an employee of the firm who had gone to the fire and assisted in saving some of the contents, died as the result of an attack of heart disease after returning to his home in the city. The fatal attack is believed to have been occasioned by excitement and over exertion while he was engaged in fighting the flames.
FIGHTING TUBERCULOSIS: At the June meeting of the Henderson County Board of Supervisors a resolution was passed appropriating the sum of $4,000 for the purpose of employing a veterinarian to inspect the cattle herds in the county with the purpose of eradicating the plague of tuberculosis. This action is in accord with similar movements in other counties in the effort to wipe out cattle tuberculosis in the state.
AUTO PHYSICIAN: Let me overhaul your cars and tractors. Work guaranteed. Prices right-Fred L. Mudd
EDITOR DIES: E. A. Hail, prominent citizen of Henderson County and editor and publisher of the Henderson County Journal from 1878 until 1923, a period of 45 years, was born at Macomb, Ill in 1850. He was the son of Wm. S. and Margaret (Chapman) Hail of Macomb and was educated in the city schools. He learned the printer's trade in the office of the Macomb Journal and a the age of 19 years went to Marshall, Mo. where as a member of the firm of Hampton and Hail, he became one of the publishers of the Saline County Republican. Returning to Macomb in 1873, he worked at his trade there until 1877 when he went to Plymouth, Ill. and established the Plymouth Advocate. He sold this paper in 1878 and went to Oquawka, Ill. where the larger active period of his life was spent. Here he established the Henderson County Journal and continued as its owner, editor and publisher until about two years ago when on account of failing health, he turned over the management of the paper to his step-son, R. A. Brooking and retired to a home in Macomb, Il, where he passed away June 24, 1924.
While devoting close attention to his newspaper work during the nearly half a century that he was a citizen of Henderson County, Mr. Hail was able to give some of his time to political affairs and was for many years chairman of the Republican Central committee of Henderson County, a position which he filled with credit both to himself and the cause of republicanism. In 1897 he received the appointment of postmaster of Oquawka, a position which he held for 16 years and relinquished after the inkling of the Wilson administration in 1913.
A very considerable measure of success attended Mr. Hail's labors in the newspaper field and his judgment in business affairs was recognized by his fellow citizens as being sound and worthy of being sought after. He took an active interest in the local affairs of his community and was for many years a director of the First National Bank of Oquawka.
Mr. Hail was twice married and is survived by his second wife, who was formerly Mrs. Brooking of Macomb.
Funeral services were conducted at the Presbyterian Church in Oquawka with burial in the Oquawka Cemetery. He was a member of the I.O.O.F. Lodge.
OBITUARY-MILTON MELVIN: Milton Melvin, an old Henderson County resident who lived for many years on a farm a few miles south of Raritan and from which he moved to Blandinsville two years ago, died at the Holmes Hospital in Macomb, Ill. on June 6th at the age of 71 years, 5 months and 12 days. Mr. Melvin was a man highly esteemed and respected by all who knew him. He is survived by the following children: Whitney E. Melvin of Minnesota, Mrs. Edith Bivens, Mrs. Annette Hensley and Mrs. Laura Bray of LaHarpe, Mrs. Estella Covert Ross, Glen and Paul Melvin of Raritan and Bernice Melvin at home. One son, Leon, died in the service overseas. One sister, Mrs. Annette Huff of Plymouth is living. Funeral services were held in the Blandinsville Christian church with entombment in the Blandinsville Mausoleum.
VILLAGE NEWS: At the regular meeting of the Stronghurst Village Board bids for the offices of water commissioner, pumper and marshal and night watchman were received. The position of water commissioner and pumper was awarded to WM. Graham on his bid of $70 per month ($1,005 in today's values) and the bid of J. W. Denum for the job of marshal and night watchman at $85 per month was also accepted. ($1,220 in today's values) The annual tax levy ordinance calling for the raising of $6,900 ($68,368 in today's values) for village purposes for the ensuing year was also passed and a notice of the receiving of bids for the job of painting the fire house ordered published.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: A. S. Mc Elhinney has been busy looking after his farming interests on the Rankin estate east of town. The Children's Day program at the Christian Church Sunday evening was very pretty-each one participating showing careful training and rendering their parts in a very creditable manner. Miss Ethel Hartquist returned from Mt. Pleasant where she had taught this past year. She has accepted an offer for the same position for another year. Mrs. Ruby Bell of Seattle visited her parents before attending graduation exercises at Northwestern University from which she graduated some 10 years ago. Miss Lucille Maxey has enrolled for the summer term at the Teachers' College at Macomb Robt. Wilson secured employment in Chicago with the Western Union Telephone Co. and is now stationed at Archbold, Ohio. Miss Florence Cortelyou is much improved and can go about her home with the aid of crutches fairly well. Lloyd Kennedy, living in the north part of town, has been doing quite an extensive business recently in the straw bailing line. He buys the straw of the farmers in the stack, bails it and ships to Ft. Madison to be used at the paper mill. Four car loads of road oil have been applied to the streets of the village; the streets are well greased for the summer.
WARNING FROM SANTA FE: Santa Fe Railroad officials have recently complained of the number of insulators on their telegraph and telephone lines entering Stronghurst which are being broken by shooting and otherwise on the part of certain boys and young men; and they have declared their intention of hereafter prosecuting to the full extent of the law any person or persons known to be guilty of such acts.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Fort Hicks entered the Coast Guard Academy, a naval school maintained by the U.S. Government at New London, Conn., on May 12th. He was accompanied on his trip East by his father, J.W.Hicks and both stopped off at Annapolis, Md. for a visit with Lieut. Rex Hicks, who is now stationed there. Mr. J.W. Hicks spent two weeks in the East before returning home. The Misses Sara McElhinney and Marjorie Thompson returned home after having completed their terms of teaching in the schools of Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Miss McElhinney expects to leave for New York City where she will take a two months course in Art in Columbia University. She will go by way of Washington,D.C. where she will stop off for a few days visit with friends. Dr. O. R. Gent and wife returned from an auto trip to Kansas City, Mo. where he attended the big Shriners' convention. J. F. Mc Millan and Glen Marshall also attend the convention. Prof. and Mrs. Dawson left by auto for Livingston County, Ill., their former home where they will spend the summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brooks, having completed their terms of teaching in the Plainfield, Ill. schools drove down to spend a few days visiting home folks. They expect to leave for Williams Bay, Wis. where Russell will manage a camp store and Mrs. Brooks the camp dining room run in connection with Summer Institute conduced by the Presbyterian Church there. During the latter part of August they expect to go to Benson, Ill. where Russell has secured the position as principal of the Community high School for next year.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Mrs. Carrie Rehling, north of the village, entertained the Thursday Club at her home. The afternoon was spent in a social way with dainty refreshments served. Mrs. Gebhard Fritz, living near here, was taken to Burlington Hospital to be operated on for an ailment which has bothered her of late years. She stood the operation fine and is getting along nicely. Mrs. Edna Babcook and daughter, Cheryl, left for camp meeting in Oskaloosa, Ia. Mr. Wm. Babcook left for the same city to accompany them back home by auto. Mr. Wm. Pendry, Sr. who has been suffering with cancer for some time is not much improved. Mrs. James Corigan and son Thomas Elridge from Saginaw, Michigan, are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cowdry. Mrs. Violet Leiser is very sick with tonsillitis at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pendry, Sr. Dr. Emerson of Lomax is caring for her. Several of the community are spending a great deal of their time in the strawberry patches which are of fine quality. Miss Minnie Rehling who has been under the doctor's care with a badly scalded foot is much improved. Bert Bundy and helpers are very busy carring baled straw and shipping it out on the C.B. & Q. Mr. Frederick Crane returned home from his teaching school at Carthage. Mrs. Clark Seins and family have moved back to the village into the property formerly known as the J.B. Huppert residence. A home talent play, "The Clod Hoppers," will be given by the workers of Grace M.E.Church of Burlington at the Carman M.E. Church the evening of June 18th. They will bring an orchestra. The local church will share the proceeds at 50% which will go to the Brotherhood class in the Sabbath School. Mrs. Nancy Twilley has been very poorly and her neighbor, Mrs. Anna Gillis, is cleaning house for her this week; it is nice to have such a good neighbor.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mrs. Ed Wiegand left for Chicago where she will spend a week working for a Chautuqua. Mr. and Mrs. Hickenbottom and children returned home from Lockridge, Ia., where they were called by the death of Mr. Hickenbottom's little sister. Sam Beebe has a broad smile on his face now days. A little son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Morrisey at St. Louis. Grandma Beebe is helping care for the mother (the former Louise Beebe) and babe. Mrs. Ed Stotts has leased the Staley Building and expects to start a grocery store in a short time. Word was received by Miss Jessie Claybaugh of the death of Mrs. Nellie Prater (Wisdom) at her home at Denver, Colo. Mrs. Prater was a sister of Mrs. Ivabelle Stewart and at one time made her home with Mrs. Dr. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Claybaugh of Stronghurst drove to his father's and were accompanied home by his sisters, Mrs Zelza Butgen and children of Crandon, Wis. and Miss Jessie Claybaugh. The 20th wedding anniversary of Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Lorimer was celebrated in the church parlors by the congregation; a purse of silver was given them by church members. Dale Whiteman and Miss Bertha Haylip drove to Burlington where she took the train for her home at St.Louis. Mrs. Louis Wittman returned home from Galesburg where she finisher her school; she will teach at the same place next year. Miss Virginia Allaman of Rozetta has been hired to have charge of the intermediate room next year.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: A young son is reported to have arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carlson of the Raritan neighborhood. A son was recently born to Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs of the Olena neighborhood. Misses Esther Johnson and Thelma Peterson left for Macomb where they again register as students in the State Normal School. Mr. Tucker, our village grocery man, is having a large and commodious building erected on his town property which will be utilized for a dance hall. Virgil Davis who had previously built a dance pavilion on his farm west of Olena is being largely patronized, drawing crowds from Dallas, Decorra, Carman, Oquawka, Kirkwood, Biggsville, Gladstone, Media, Stronghurst, Olena and all the neighboring country. (Wow! Olena was the social hub for the county.) Mrs. Evans has moved back to home on Hopper hill. A Miss Spear of Media neighborhood has been employed to teach the Olena School. A few from here attended the K.K.K. meeting held in Roseville; many other who had planned to go were prevented by bad roads and weather. The American Legion boys paid their respects to the fallen heroes who repose in the Olena Cemetery on June 1st. Many of the relatives and friends buried there were also present and decorated the graves with wreaths and bouquets of flowers. All soldiers graves had been previously honored with the emblem for which they county. The cemetery has been nicely mowed and naturally gives one a restful and contented feeling while lingering there.