The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1924 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, April 3, 1924

HE FALLS TO HIS DEATH: Nicholas Gardner, who as been employed as a farm laborer by various farmers in this community for a number or years was instantly killed last Friday morning, March 28th, when he fell from a loft over the drive way between two corn cribs on the O. W. Beckett arm south of Stronghurst. Mr. Gardner was employed by Mr. Clarence Combites, a son-in-law of Mr. Beckett, and the two men had gone to the Beckett place to get a disc for use in their spring work. The disc was stored in the loft and Combites and Gardner went up into the loft to lower the implement through an opening in the floor by means of a rope and pulley.

They were engaged in moving the disc to the proper position for lowering, Gardner having hold of the tongue of the truck to which the disc was supposed to be bolted when the truck suddenly became detached and dropped through the opening. Mr. Combites, who was occupied in getting the disc in position, did not observe what happened next, but Gardner was either dragged to the opening in the floor or lost his balance and toppled over and fell head first through the opening to the driveway about eleven feet below, striking on his head and shoulders. Mr. Beckett, who was standing on the ground near the spot where Gardner fell, observed that the latter made no move after striking the ground and on going to his aid found his unconscious. Mr. Combites also quickly descended from the loft and both men employed themselves for a time in an attempt to revive the victim of the accident believing that he had been only stunned. It soon become evident to them, however, that Gardner's neck had been broken in the fall and that he was beyond mortal aid. This opinion was soon confirmed by Dr. Marshall who had been summoned.

County Coroner Emerson was notified of the accidental death and he came to Stronghurst and held an inquest at the Regan Undertaking rooms to which the body had been removed. After hearing the evidence, the jury returned a verdict in accordance with the facts as outlined above.

Gardner's former home was at Wyconda, Mo. He was about 50 years of age and a widower. He is survived by one daughter, Ethel Gardner, who made her home here with Mrs. Hudson for a time and attended the Stronghurst schools. Mrs. Gardner died several years ago. After being prepared for burial at the local undertaker's rooms, the remains of the victim of the deplorable accident were shipped to Wyconda Mo. where funeral services were held and interment made.

LEARN HOW TO VOTE: A school of instruction for the women primary voters of the community will be conducted under the auspices of the Henderson County Law Enforcement and Anti-Saloon Committee at the Lyric Theatre in Stronghurst on Monday afternoon beginning at 2:30 o'clock. All ladies of the community are invited.

URGE FARM OWNERSHIP: Yesterday morning, J. C. Brook, Fran Crenshaw, L. M. Loomis and E. G. Lewis met in Stronghurst to discuss the farming problems of the community for the coming year. These men were all agreed that any educational program which could be worked out to develop home ownership on the farm was a worthy movement. These men were so well pleased with their little conference that another similar meeting is be held in the future in which other men of the various parts of the county will be invited to participate. This movement is being fostered through the Farmers' Institute of Henderson County.

WEDDING BELLS: VAN DOREN-REZNER: Miss Alice Audrey Rezner, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Rezner of Stronghurst and Loren W. Van Doren, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Van Doren of Raritan, were married in Galesburg last Saturday afternoon. The bride has been a teacher in the Raritan schools during the past year. She has spent the most her life in Stronghurst and enjoys the respect and high esteem of a wide circle of friends. The groom is one of Raritan's popular young men and has been engaged in farming operations with his father during the past few years.

COMMUNITY CLUB NOTES: The new Community Rest Room just north of the State Bank, will be open for use on Primary Election day and you are invited to make it your stopping place during the day. On Tuesday afternoon the sewing for disable soldier hospitals will be here. All ladies are invited to come, bringing their own sewing equipment and material for any of the following articles: pieces of heavy cloth 6 in. square and 4 in. thickness for door silencers; bleached crash( any rugged fabric made from yarns that are irregular, firm and strong) or linen 14 x 22 in. for tray cloths; Cretone (strong, white fabric with a hempen weave and a linen weft; named after a village in Normandy, France) 14 x 12 in. for laundry bags; unbleached muslin 36 x 45 in. for clothing bags; any serviceable material 12 x 12 in. for wash cloths; rags, each color separate and torn 11 in. wide material for carpet rags.

NEED TAX REFORM: The action taken at the Stronghurst town meeting last Tuesday recommending that efforts be made to have a fair value placed upon the Henderson County part of the McArthur bridge at Burlington for taxation purposes was one which we believe will be endorsed by a large majority of the tax payers in the county.  It is a well known fact that the amount of tax which the county has received from this piece of property within its borders in the past has been ridiculously disproportionate to that which other property pays and it is also scarcely open to question that in the matter of returns on investment there is no class of property in the county which produces larger profits for the owners.

ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE OF COUNTY MEETS TO SWAY VOTERS: A meeting of the Anti-Saloon League of Henderson County was held at Biggsville, March 25th  to discuss questions of policy in the County and supposedly for the purpose of endorsing candidates for county offices.  The meeting was presided over by Rev. J. A. Mahaffey of Stronghurst and leading members of the Anti-Saloon League from all parts of county were in attendance.  The meeting was addressed by Rev. G. W. James, District Superintendent of Galesburg after which it was decided that the League should not endorse any candidates for County offices. (However, in a long article next to this one written about this same meeting and another on March 31st is a listing who they are recommending for each office.  They had to make sure dry would be elected and no one with bootlegging suspicions would hold office.)

DEBATING-HIGH SCHOOL STYLE: The debate held last Friday evening between Stronghurst and Roseville High Schools was a complete success for Stronghurst.  The question agreed on for debate by both schools was  Resolved that the 68th Congress should provide a cash bonus for every man at the rate of $30 per month for each month of service in the Federal forces between April 6, 1917 and Jan.1, 1920.

Russell White and Doris Dixson represented the affirmative side of the question at Roseville and Chalmers Gittings and Agnes Findley the negative side.  The teams were coached by Mr. Nicholas and Professor Dawson.  Both teams reflected the splendid training they had received. Roseville was represented at home by Marie Larson and Austin Phelps.  Here debaters were Dorothy Conant and Maurice Lee.  Stronghurst won at both places by a unanimous vote of the judges.

Although on a stormy night, the debate held here was well attended with more than 175 tickets being sold.  To show the relative backing both school received there were only 28 persons including judges who attended the Roseville end of the debate.  Both the school and the contestants appreciate this kind of backing and it is one of the reasons why Stronghurst High School is able to make such fine showings in her inter-school contests.


BIGGSVILLE BURGLARIZED:  The Kelly hardware store, the Ericson General Merchandise Store and the post office at Biggsville were all entered by burglars last Tuesday night; the stocks were ransacked and small amounts of money and merchandise taken.  An unsuccessful attempt was made to blow the safe in the Kelly store.  At the Ericson store the burglars succeeded in blowing the safe and obtaining about $20 in cash.  About $10 was also taken from the cash register.  The safe in the post office was not molested and only about one dollar in small change was obtained there.

Sheriff Davenport was called to investigate the robbery and found a bottle of nitroglycerine concealed back of the counter in the Ericson store.  No clues likely to be of value in apprehending the thieves were discovered however.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: George Millen went to the Lewis Seed Co. in Media. Mrs. Jim Gillfillan has been confined to her bed at her home northeast of town with a bad case of appendicitis. Elizabeth Foster has been suffering with mumps and an infected tooth at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Foster north of town. Mrs. Duncan is quite sick at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Andy Stevenson. Mrs. Rubin Stevenson is again confined to her bed with sickness. Miss Ella Lyons left for Burlington where she will enter the hospital for a two weeks rest. Mrs. Carl Johnson and Mrs. J. A. Foster, Jr. went to Galesburg at attend the graduating exercises of the Brown Business College where Miss Helen Foster and Clarence Johnson were graduates. Fred McKee has been quite ill at his home with the flu. Sam Glenn bought out the dray business from Lee Mekemson (hauling for hire). Will Whiteman was in Chicago visiting his son Lloyd who is in the hospital there; the treatment doesn't seem very satisfactory. The children at the grade school are having an epidemic of chicken pox. Lots of rain and snow are making the farm work late. Roads in all directions are almost impassable. (Mud)

CARMAN CONCERNS: Mrs. Hannah Kirby returned home from Charles Bowlyou's where she has been caring for Mrs. Bowlyou and babe. Mrs. Kirby has tonsillitis but is much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Marsden and son Max, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gillis and daughter Mildred and Mr. Henry Jones were opera goers at Lomax Thursday evening. The public dance that was held at the M. W. A. Hall last Thursday evening given by the Olena people was not very well patronized. Mr. V.I. Jones has been employed again as the cemetery sexton. The first electrical storm of the season was Friday evening, March 28th. A. C. Babcook is building a garage on the east side of the village; A. Cowdry is helping to boss the job. The Salvation Arm of Iowa was canvassing the village for any donations that could be given them to help them carry on their work. Last Saturday afternoon some of the ladies of the community met at the home of Mrs. Harry Coffman to tie comforters which will be sold to help pay the minister's salary. Dannenberg Bros. shipped out two carloads of cattle and hogs via the C. B. & Q. Mrs. Fred Leiser and daughter, DeLois, left for Montana where they will make their future home as Mr. Leiser has employment there.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: At the operetta Thursday night Clarice Smith, a little girl of about eleven years who is a special pupil of Miss Main of the Maude Alma Main School of Fine arts of Galesburg, will come over with Miss Terry and give some fancy drill work between acts. This little lady is said to be exceedingly fine along this line for one so young and will no doubt add much to this pretty operetta. The Lomax Tri-State Lodge which was to have given a play Saturday night were unable to do so on account of the heavy rains and bad roads; they have promised to be here soon as the weather and roads will permit.

NOTES FROM HIGH SCHOOL by Raymond Johnson-"The preliminaries for the declamatory, essay and oratory contests are expected to be held April 24th at the U. P. Church. Seventeen students came out for declamation at first; however, some have dropped out and now only ten are trying for first place:Coach Nicholas says we will have track practice every night even if the mud is a foot deep; however, none of the track team seem to care (mud or no mud; they are dedicated):The six weeks test in Solid Geometry will be this week. Fort Hicks, the only post graduate scholar, has gone to Chicago to take the entrance examination of the Navy for which he has been studying the past six weeks. In the Senior class two more are bobbed and two left (bobbed hair was the new racy style). Margaret is getting more popular every day because she is talking of bobbing her hair. Bill is learning to drive his Ford again; he wants to be an expert when night driving becomes popular again. Joe Howell has had his hair marcelled again; no wonder spring is coming:"

ACCIDENT ON WAY TO BURLINGTON: Miss Edith Simmons of Stronghurst is in the St. Francis Hospital in Burlington suffering from severe injuries which she received in an automobile accident last Saturday evening. She and her sister, Grace, accompanied by Harold Miller, were enroute to Burlington in the latter's car, all of them occupying the front seat when about a mile and a half this side of the river bridge, a front wheel of the car dropped into a deep rut and Edith was thrown out. Her foot was caught between the fender of the car and the ground and she was dragged a short distance before the car could be stopped. When she was extricated from her perilous position, it was found the muscles and tendons of her limb between the knee and ankle had been terribly torn and lacerated. Dewain Rezner, who was also on his way to Burlington and had just passed the Miller car, looked back saw that some kind of an accident had happened. He went back to render what assistance he could. The injured girl was carried to his car and accompanied by her sister taken to the St. Francis Hospital where her injuries were given prompt attention. The hospital physicians regard the case as a serious one on account of the danger of infection developing from the wounds which the patient received.

CHRISITAN BAZAAR: The ladies of the Stronghurst Christian Church will hold their annual Bazaar and Supper at the church Saturday afternoon and evening. The Bazaar will open at 2:30 p.m. and there will be on sale aprons, bonnets, dust caps, clothes pin bags, towels and various kinds of fancy work. Supper will be served at 5:30 p.m.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Evangelist Cantrel who has been holding a big meeting in the LaHarpe Christian Church for the past three weeks, will go to Lomax and begin a meeting this week. Pete Curtis and wife have moved to the Matzka house in the east part of town. Will Hoffeditz and family moved to the John Shick property in the north part of town. This week promises to be a very busy time among farmers as oat seeding time is at hand and as a result of the sunshine the past few days, the soil is drying remarkably fast. A number of autos which had been given an enforced rest for some time were run out and cranked up Sunday for the first time in several weeks, the day being ideal for spin and the roads and streets being in fair condition. (Mud, mud, everywhere until the sun came out.)

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mrs. L. A Wilson returned from Williamsfield where she had spent a week in the home of her son, Eugene, who had been ill for a few days. He was better and able to resume work again. Mrs. Ruby Butler entertained the "Loyal Diggers," her Sunday School class of 12 young ladies, at the home of her brother, Will Stine Friday evening. The group played games and enjoyed refreshments where the guests were seated four to a table using three tables. The remains of Eleanor Gibb were removed from the vault in the Mausoleum here where they had rested since March 29th and taken to the Biggsville Cemetery where brief services were conducted by Rev. Mahaffey of Stronghurst and Rev. Lorimer of Biggsville. Interment of the remains was then made beside those of her husband. Geo. Hoffeditz and wife came from Revere, Mo. for a visit with their son Will and family. They are living on a farm in the home of Mr. Hoffeditz's brother who is a bachelor and has offered them a home with him as long as they care to stay. Mr. Hoffeditz's health is some better than when he left here and he will raise chickens and do other light work on the farm as his health will permit. J. C. Brook shipped a carload of Hereford bulls purchased from local breeders to his ranch near Lake City, Kans.

W. H. Hainline, aged 83, editor of the Macomb Daily Journal for more than a half a century, died at Macomb Tuesday. He was prominent in the Republican Party. Paderewski, the famous Polish pianist, is scheduled to appear at the Galesburg Armory on April 24th. Ticket prices run from $1.50 to $4.00 ($21.54-57.44 in today's values) plus 10% war tax. Manager Roach of the Galesburg horse and mule barn says last week's market was below normal as only 615 were shipped out. It took ten express and nine freight cars to carry the shipment to their destination. Mrs. C. M. Bell's Sunday school class of girls drew the second prize of $15 in a Bible study contest conducted by David C. Cook Publishing Co. It speaks well for Mrs. Bell and her class as there was over 1,000 entries. W. H. Cross has rented the Perry Stamp property next door to the Christian Church and with his family will move there soon. This will be very convenient arrangement on account of the nearness to the church. (W. H. Cross Produce Co. has an ad close to this column selling poultry, eggs, cream and butter as well accepting furs and hides.) Mr Yeoman and wife will move from the Stamp property to the C. H. Davis house north of the railroad.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: The Hendersons expect to build a new house on one of his farms, work to commence soon. The Herman family now resides on the place. The new chairmen of the Ladies Aid Committee are Mrs. Maude Menchoff, Mrs. John Rezner, Mrs. Maude Kelly, Miss Lois Spears and Mrs. Margaret Rauhauser. Perley Dixon left for San Francisco, Calif. where he has accepted a position with D.W.Lee who has charge of the heating plant in one of the big hospitals. Miss Jane Woodside who has been ill for some time with flu still remains quite poorly. Mrs. Jim Gillfillan who has been very ill with appendicitis at her home northeast of town is able to sit up. Mrs. Christina Jamison is very low at the home of her son, Jess, northwest of town.

WEDDING BELLS***KILGORE-FORSYTHE: Miss Leone Kilgore who has always been a resident of this place until the past three years when she resided in Galesburg, and Gilbert Forsythe of Galesburg were wedded last Wednesday at the Presbyterian Church by Rev. Ray Freeman Jenney. The couple were attended by Miss Lois Fuller, a former Biggsville girl, and George Salter. The bride wore a tailored suit of tan. The happy couple left for a honeymoon in Washington, D.C. where they will visit a sister of the groom and after the 15th be home in Galesburg where Mr. Forsythe holds a position as agent at the Santa Fe Depot.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Mr. Mace Pendleton of the Carman neighborhood and Miss Margie Crow, who has spent the past year at the Lyman Ross home in Olena, were quietly married last week and will begin housekeeping on one of the Thomas Dixon's estates. Mr. and Mrs. James Dixon are giving a dancing party complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Pendleton. Mrs. Dixon is a sister of the groom. Dancing parties were given at in the Emily Long home and Acil Dowell home Saturday night and one on Wednesday night at the Tucker home in Olena.

Mr. H. S. Lant was called to Chicago where he entered the employ of the U.S. government having received his credentials as a railway mail clerk. His present run is from Chicago to Marceline Mo. on the Santa Fe. Miss Minnie White, who has suffered a nervous breakdown, is now receiving treatment of a Burlington doctor and hopes are entertained for a complete recovery. Mr. and Mrs Hartman have rented the Peter Dahl farm and will soon at home there to their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hicks are now riding in a new Buick car which they recently purchased. Farmers are testing seed corn, getting ready for their oats and potato crops and also gardening. The Avery family is again residents in the village having purchased the Oz Reynolds property.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Frederick Crane is attending college at Carthage. A. E. Cowdry is assisting Frank Wisbey in the erection of a new garage for A. C. Babcook. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buskbill and children of Keokuk, Ia., were calling on relatives Sunday making the trip by auto. It took them three and one half hours to make the drive as the roads are very bad in places. Mrs. Ruth Marsden, who has been suffering with an infected eye, has been treated by an eye specialist in Burlington. Albert Runge, Jr. is studying for mail clerk. Mr. George Wells and family are moving out on the farm owned by Fred Seigworth northeast of the village where he will be employed for the next year. August Rehling is the owner of a new radio which was installed in his home by his brother Grover who is agent for the same. Henry Jones purchased a Ford touring car. G. C. Rehling and five of his employees were in the village caring for telephone lines.