The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1924 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic Feb. 7, 1924

GRIM REAPER BUSY: Shortly after the sorrowful tiding had been flashed over the country last Sunday morning that ex-president Wilson had passed away, another shock came to the people of this community when they learned that G. W. Howell had passed away suddenly at his home in Carman shortly before noon. Mr. Howell had only recently retired from the management of the Stronghurst Grain & Mdse. Co. and it was hard for those who were so recently accustomed to seeing him on the streets of Stronghurst and at the grain company office to realize that his earthly activities were ended. His death resulted from a stroke of apoplexy which occurred while he was in the bath room of his home preparing to shave himself.

George Walter Howell was born at Carman, Ill. Nov. 2, 1863 to George J. and Elizabeth (Williams) Howell, natives of Monmouthsire, England who became acquainted with each other in Henderson County Ill., married and settled on a farm near Carman. George J. Howell died here in 1891 and his wife followed him in death ten years later.

G. W. Howell was the eldest of two children born to the couple, the younger child Elizabeth becoming the wife of James Edmonds of Carman Township. G. W. Howell received his education in the public schools of Carman Township and at Elliott's business College in Burlington. Up to the age of 33 he assisted in the operation and management of the homestead farm. In 1897 he married Miss Loie V. Marsden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Marsden of Carman. He engaged in farming for a few years and then entered the grain and elevator business at Carman. His first interest in this business was in a partnership, but in 1910 he become sole proprietor.

Mr. Howell's business qualifications coupled with his strict honesty and integrity led to his being frequently chosen to fill offices of trust and responsibility in his township and county. He held the office of County Supervisor from Carman Township for a number or years and was treasurer and ex-official collector of Henderson County from 1898 to 1910. Mr. Howell filled the position of manager of the Stronghurst Grain and Mdse. Co., resigning his position only a week or two prior to his death. While engaged in elevator work, he continued to maintain his home and residence at Carman, driving back and forth each day with his son Samuel who was employed assistant by the grain company. Two other sons, Joseph and Richard F., are students in the Stronghurst High School. He is survived by his wife and five children, namely, Samuel M., C. Walter, Joseph, Richard R. and Rhoda Elizabeth, all of the home. His sister, Elizabeth Edmonds, and a nephew, Thomas Howell whom he looked upon almost as a brother also survive him. In early life he became a member of the Baptist Church and continued in that faith during his life. He was also identified with Masonic, I.O.O.F., M.W.A., Rebecca and K.K.K. orders. Funeral services were conduced at the Carman M. E. Church with interment in the Carman Cemetery.

OBITUARY: LYLE MCKEOWN-The pall of sadness which rested on the community earlier was deepened on Monday night when word came from the Burlington Hospital that Lyle McKeown had passed away at 8:30 o'clock that evening. Lyle had been a sufferer from appendicitis for about a week and on Monday morning it was decided that his only chance for recovery lay in an operation. He was accordingly taken by auto to the Burlington Hospital where he arrived in a very weakened condition owing to the long time occupied in making the journey over the almost impossible roads. The operation, which was performed after his arrival, proved unavailing and he passed away.

Lyle was the eldest of the three sons of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McKeown, having been born April 26, 1906. He was a junior in the Stronghurst High School and a member of the athletic team of that institution. He was a young man of fine character, popular with his school mates and the younger generation of the village. He was held in esteem by the whole community. He was a member of the local U. P. Church and took an active interest in the young people's work of that organization. He was also a member of the Boy Scouts and held a certificate of merit for work performed as a Scout. His cutting off in the early spring time of what promised to be a useful life comes as a sad blow to the sorrowing parents and other relatives who have the sympathy of the entire community. The remains arrived by train on Tuesday afternoon and were born to the parental home in the south part of town by his high school classmates who served in relays. The remains were taken from the home on Thursday afternoon to the U. P. Church where funeral services were conducted. Following services the remains were entombed in the Stronghurst Mausoleum.

A STORMY BLAST! The worst storm period of the season was experienced in this section last Monday and Tuesday, an ice and sleet storm being followed by a heavy snowfall accompanied by a rather stiff wind. While many parts of the west were harder hit by the storm than this section, the damage done locally was quite extensive. The Stronghurst Telephone Co. was quite a heavy looser, many of the poles on its lines being broken or carried down by the accumulation of ice on the wires and the wires broken in many places. Manager Rehling has had a force of workmen busy since Monday repairing the damages and the service at this time is practically back to normal

A complete suspension of electric service by the Western Illinois Utilities Co. from Monday noon until Wednesday noon occurred because of line damage. The streets of the village were in total darkness during both Monday and Tuesday nights and primitive methods of lighting were resorted to in stores and residences. A great deal of inconvenience was experienced by those who depend upon "juice" from Keokuk for power and cooking purposes. While the storm was not accompanied by usually severe temperature, clearing weather has brought a lowering of the mercury and real winter weather prevails.

WEDDING BELLS-DUNCAN & DODDS: In addition to the cigars being in evidence, reliable authority tells us that Mr. Lawrence Duncan and Miss Hazel Dodds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dodds, both of Stronghurst were quietly married in Galesburg on Feb. 6th. It is understood that Mr. and Mrs. Duncan are now enjoying a brief honey moon trip. The bride and groom are both popular amongst a large circle of friends in this community and elsewhere.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mrs. McDermott is visiting in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ed Stine. Miss Holstein, the well known nurse, is now in the E.G.Lewis home taking care of Mrs. Lewis. A. S. McElhinney, the licensed real estate dealer, reports the sale of the W. B. VanDoren property to Dr. John L. Mudd (he was the veterinarian). Word has been received of the death of Gramdma Dodds at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Neglery in Kewanee. There is an auto or motor truck in our country for approximately one in every seven people. The latest check shows there were 17, 281,285 passenger cars and motor trucks in the U.S. at the beginning of 1924, a gain of nearly a fourth a year. Mrs. George Wax of Media has been taking chiropractic adjustments in Stronghurst for some time. Ed Stine sold his interest in the cash and carry meat market to Wax and Painter. Elder W.H. Cross has accepted a call from the Christian Church for another year; this will be his third year with the church. T. C. Knutstrom was taken suddenly ill and was hurried to the Burlington Hospital where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. Latest reports are that he is well on the road towards recovery. Deputy Collector, C. E. Pendarvis of the Peoria Div. office will be at area banks to give instructions and assist tax payers in filling their 1023 income tax returns.

Quite a bit of excitement was created in the village Tuesday evening by the ringing of the fire bell, the occasion for which was the burning out of a flue of the Jones store building. While it was quite a spectacular display of fireworks, no damage was done to the building. A car load of stamped post cards was received by the Burlington Post Office made up of a shipment of 60,000,000 cards packed in 600 cartons of 10,000 each and the value is $60,000. The Burlington Post Office is a sub-agency for the government and this shipment will not only supply the trade in that city but will be used to fill orders coming from post offices over that part of Iowa. Mr. R. N. Marshall and his son Howard went to Chicago accompanied by Dr. H. L. Marshall where specialists will be consulted with in regard to Mr. R. N. Marshall's eyes, which have been giving him trouble for some time and also in regard to Howard's condition, the latter having been obliged to give up his studies at Monmouth College recently on account of some nervous disorder. Both Rev. R. C. Myers and Rev. J. A. Mahaffey left for Chicago to attend the Anti-Saloon League Convention. New farm advisor, E. D.Walker, has arrived and will be followed by his wife and three sons as soon as a residence is secured.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Joseph Feasley, an aged and respected citizen of Dallas City, died at his home there on Feb. 3rd. Rev. Harry T. Russell of Smithshire has received the tentative appointment of field secretary of Hedding College. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Evans and the latter's grandmother, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Davis and Dr. F. M. Henderson were guests Sunday dinner at the C. E. Peasley home near Decorra. President O. J. Sanderson and manager Glenn Marshall of the Stronghurst Grain and Mdse. Co. are in Peoria attending the annual Illinois Grain Dealers convention. Mrs. Margaret Lyons, a well known Biggsville lady who had been a resident of Henderson County for 46 years, passed away at her home last Tuesday evening at the age of 75 years. She is survived by one son, Jos. A. Lyons and two daughters, Miss Ella Lyons and Mrs. A. W. Martin. At the meeting of the village board, Mr. William Graham was hired as village pumper and water commissioner.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mrs. Leroy Rezner will hold a sale at her farm, having rented it out. The sewing held last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Mable White by one of the divisions of the U.P.Church was well attended, one log chain being finished and another one started. Dr. Rena Rezner and Alvina Mekemson have taken rooms in Monmouth and are practicing Osteopathy. D.W. Lee, who has just returned from California, reopened the Palace Theatre last Saturday night with "Homestead." Miss Lucile Zimmerman returned home from Champaign where she was attending school. Mr. John Kennedy is reported to be in quite a bad condition; he expected to consult Chicago doctors. Mrs. Carrie Graham expects to go to Chicago again for another radium treatment. At the meeting of the Booster Club, W. A. Stevenson was elected president; Alf Renwick, vice-president; A.P. McHenry, secretary and treasurer. The cemetery association will give a chicken dinner next Tuesday at the U. P. Church.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: E. G. Lewis, H. O. White and Clyde Stansbary, three enterprising business men who have the welfare and betterment of the community at heart, called a meeting of the men and boys at Wever Academy Sunday morning. Despite the bad roads a good number turned out in response to the invitation (some who were unable to drive through the mud came on foot). A Men's Community Bible Class was organized. The class will meet each Sunday morning at the Academy with the regular International Sunday School lesson used and will be taught by Prof. Murtland next Sunday. Thomas Howell received a telephone message Sunday morning telling him of the sudden death at his home from apoplexy of his uncle, Walter Howell of Carman. Mr. and Mrs. Howell and Edwin Erickson drove to Carman that afternoon and as they found the roads so bad, they did not try to drive home but went on to Lomax where they left their car and came home on train No. 120 of the Santa Fe.

E. G. Lewis has bought the Randolph Higgason building formerly occupied by James A. Callow Hardware Co, consideration $1,000 ($14,360 in today's values). The building is to be remodeled and fitted up for a high school gymnasium instead of using the South Prairie M. E. Church which was bought some time ago by C.R. Pendarvis with that idea in view. The church as been sold by Mr. Pendarvis to the American Legion of Roseville and it was found it would cost more to move it into town and fit it up to meet the requirements of a standard gym than to buy a building in town. The building bought by Mr. Lewis will make an ideal place when ready for use. Walter Howell, Jr. of Carman has accepted the position as manager of the local lumber yards. Former manager, David Gilliland's plans are unknown. William Pogue has been a very sick boy for several days from having the mumps. For a day or so he carried a temperature of 105 degrees. Dr. H. R. Rankin was called and he is now improving. New victims of this epidemic are William Murtland, Dorothy Dixon and Daisy Beall-all are getting along nicely. Prof. Neil Ausmus has installed a new tub set radio in his room at the home of Mrs. J. P. Riggs.