The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Greetings ta ever one in western Illinois and all readers of "The Quill".
A number of farmers are now harvesting corn and soybeans in full swing.
Yields now are be'n reported in the 65 bpa to 75 bpa fer soybeans and those are shorter season varieties.
Those often do not yield as well as fuller season varieties. It will be enterest'n ta see how that compares this season.
Corn yields are be'n reported in the 165+bpa dry corn over the scale. Moisture levels are in the higher teens ta the lower 20's.
The Serious Look
These higher yields are good, particularly in a year of low prices.
The higher yields mitigate some of the price losses.
The big problem is not ever one will get the good yields. Those fellers were hit hard by dry weather.
Low prices and low yields will be a bad combination, offset somewhat by crop insurance albeit never completely equal'n the income loss that is missed from yield and price differences.
If'n a feller has lower yields, low prices, and no crop insrance he is probably gonna be the one ya meets on the road wear'n a serious look on his face.
The weather is nice fer now as an off shoot of high pressure weather be'n forced here by hurricane Florence.
Maybe mid-week or by the time ya read this column, some rain will or will have worked its way into our area.
Those folk in the East Coast need our prayers conern'n loss of life and property as a result of hurricane Florence.
It has caused a lot of attention in the news.
One of the problems of a hurricane, among many, is tornadoes that develop around its parimeter.
We all know around our area, the problems and distruction they can cause.
Along with the weather in the news is the publicity about Nike and Kaepernick.
As follows here in a letter posted by the National Association of Police Organizations.
Here it is as given me by a retired law enforcement officer who views the situation as follows:
As a retired law enforcement officer, I agree with the author that he is a despicable individual and further, a poor example for our young people who look up to professional athletes.
At the same time he is denigrating the brave men and women of our military who have come home in flag draped coffins.
So here it is:
Dear Nike,
On behalf of the more than 241,000 law enforcement officers represented by our Association across the country, I write to you to condemn in the strongest possible terms your selection of Colin Kaepernick for Nike's "Just Do It" ad campaign.
Mr. Kaepernick is known, not as a successful athlete, but as a shallow dilletante seeking to gain notoriety by disrespecting the flag for which so many Americans have fought and died.
The inclusion of Mr. Kaepernick in Nike's "Just Do It" ad campaign also perpetuates the falsehood that police are racist and aiming to use force against African Americans and persons of color.
In reality, officers across the nation risk their lives not only protecting the athletes featured in Nike's various campaigns, but also serve aspiring athletes across the country who use the Nike brand, through the thousands of Police Athletic Leagues, Boys and Girls Clubs and Big Brother/Big Sister programs where our officers donate their time and energy.
They deserve to have the respect and full support of corporate citizens like Nike.
Adding to the insult is the image of Mr. Kaepernick from the campaign featuring the quote "Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything."
The fact that Mr. Kaepernick is no longer a starting NFL player does not equate to him being someone who has "sacrificed everything".
To truly understand what it means to "believe in something" and "sacrifice everything", you should look to Arlington National Cemetery, or to the National Law Enforcement Officers' Memorial in Washington, D.C., or to the trauma unit of a military hospital.
The brave men and women of every race and color buried there, memorialized there, healing there, believed in this nation and our flag and exemplify and true meaning of "sacrifice".
In featuring Mr. Kaepernick in the "Just Do It" campaign, Nike grossly insults the men and women who really do make sacrifices for the sake of our nation.
We are calling on all our member officers, their families and friends to join in boycotting all Nike products.
Michael McHale,
President National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO)
Well, there ya have it then just as it was given me fer this column on this papers opinion page. Fer better or worse, that's the way Mr. McHale sees it and now ya know.
Enjoy Western Illinois as we have a lot ta be thankful for. Now this about a senior shoplifter:
Senior Shoplifter
A cranky older woman, in her senior years, was arrested for shoplifting at a grocery store. She gave everyone a hard time, from the store manager to the security guard, to the arresting officer who took her away.
She complained and criticized everyone throughout the process.
When she appeared before the judge, the judge asked her what she had stolen from the store.
The lady defiantly replied, "Just a stupid can of peaches, you old fool."
The judge then asked why she had done it.
She replied, "I was hungry and forgot to bring any cash to the store."
The judge then asked how many peaches were in the can.
She replied in a nasty tone, "Nine! But why do you care about that?"
The judge answered patiently, "Well, ma'am, because I'm going to give you nine days in jail-one day for each peach."
As the judge was about to drop the gavel, the lady's long suffering husband raised his hand slowly and asked if he could speak.
The judge said, "Yes sir, what do you have to add?"
The husband said meekly, "Your Honor, she also stole two cans of peas."
Thats all fer this weeks column. See ya in the church of yer choice later this week.
Remember, wherever ya are, whatever ya be a do'n "BE A GOOD ONE!"
Keep on Smile'n
See ya in the church of yer choice later this week.
Remember, wherever ya are, whatever ya be a do'n "BE A GOOD ONE!"
Catch ya later