The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Ron Grotheer of Washington D.C., while doing work at the American embassay in Sarajevo, Bosnia, took "The Quill" along to the moving Wartime Memorial for Children which is located in Sarajevo. It is a monument of childhood, disrupted by war and remembers the 1600 children who were killed during the siege in Bosnia. It is a moving tribute and located near the museum that shows proof of the genocide and torture that was going on 1992-1995....absolutely horrendous and heart-wrenching stories. One writer said, "There is a new generation of school-aged, post-conflict Bosnian kids who want to know what happened during the war. And maybe the first history lessons that resonate with them won't come from partisan school rooms or red-faced politicians on the television news. Maybe they'll come from a field trip to a small museum on Logavina street. Maybe the image they'll take home to their parents will be that of a little boy and girl, staring upwards at an unusual balloon. A symbol of hope, drawn from horror.
In December of 2017, the War Childhood Museum was awarded the Council of Europe Museum Prize. The judging panel praised the museum's "real potential to serve as a powerful self-sustained model of civic initiative" and said it offered an example that could be replicated in other major conflict and post-conflict zones in the world. Hopefully, Americans will not take their freedom for granted and exercise their priviledge to vote this Tuesday.
When you go on a trip, take "The Quill" along, and have your picture taken with it, and send it to us. Let's see where all "The Quill" can travel.